Twin martial arts

Chapter 1858 Cruel Hunting

The hunt is about to begin.

This is a grand event in the Seventh Realm.

The reason why it is called a grand event is because this is the poor class; the ladder for the casual cultivator class to advance.

Those who stand out in the hunting venue will be reused, or go to the army to serve as mid-level officers, or be requisitioned by various aristocratic families and become enshrinements. From then on, there will be no worries about cultivation resources.

Therefore, every time the hunt is held, throughout the seventh session, all evildoers with great volunteers in mind will come.

All eyes were on, and they all eagerly hoped that the hunting conference would be held quickly.

Every hunting meeting, there will be countless evildoers rising to the top, and many evildoers who are usually not well-known will leap to the dragon's gate.

In anticipation, the hunting conference was held.

On this day, the general's mansion obviously attached great importance to it, and a young general personally sent thousands of teams forward to participate.

And Lin Fan and Anu were suddenly among them.

"Brother Xuyang, can you tell me clearly what the hunting fair is about?" Lin Fan asked.


Was it a great monster who was besieged and killed?

what is this else?

Anu said: "The ones who besieged and killed were us war servants."

"What?" Lin Fan was surprised.

Is this treating war servants as livestock?

Anu said: "I have participated in three hunts."

The major general looked at Anu in surprise: "Then you are very good, and you managed to survive three times."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Fan again: "He's right, the hunt is divided into three rounds, and in the first round, the hunters are war servants.

The number of heads of war servants is regarded as points, and every time a war servant is killed, it is counted as one point. The first competition is the number of points. "

Lin Fan frowned: "Doesn't that mean that war servants can only be beaten passively?"

"How could that be?" The major general shook his head: "Slaves can naturally kill contestants, and the points will also be counted. If the points reach a certain level, they can even escape the status of war servants and become a pariah."

"Untouchable?" Lin Fan frowned.

war servant.


These nouns, just by hearing them, one knows that their status is extremely low.

Anu said: "The untouchables are one level higher than the war servants, and above the untouchables are the common people."

Lin Fan suddenly realized that this was like the world he came to, the era of scholar-bureaucrats.

Anu said: "Don't think about it, at the hunting party, being able to survive is the only goal, don't think about changing your identity, the hunting is very cruel, and no one dares to come to participate."

The major general smiled: "Maybe, there are also war servants who have ridden the dust and passed three classes in one day, becoming a privileged family."

"Really?" Lin Fan was curious.

Anu said: "There is indeed such a person, but it is almost a legend, and no one has seen him."

Lin Fan was silent.

In this way, the identity of the war servant is not as immutable as he imagined.

The Mozun Palace hunted, but not in the Mozun Palace, but in a hunting ground about a thousand miles away from the Mozun Palace.

While still flying above the sky, Lin Fan could feel the terrifying wild atmosphere in this hunting ground, with waves of terrifying monster aura rising to the sky, obviously there were countless big monsters dormant in it.

Just a rough perception, there are at least eight monsters of the level of the emperor's saint dormant.

Lin Fan's expression became serious. When he entered this hunting ground, he had to face not only the siege of many monsters in the seventh world, but also worried about the terrifying big monster among them.

Lin Fan and the others came, and when they were in the sky above the hunting ground, the major general put a shackle on Lin Fan.

The location of the General's Mansion is naturally very close to the royal family, following the eyes of the Major General, one can see a stunning woman sitting tall and magnificent.

"Brother Xu Yang, is this the Demon Lord's daughter, Princess Jue?" Lin Fan asked.

It's been a while since he came to the Seventh Realm, and he still knows a little bit about the Major General.

Therefore, Princess Jue was probably the only one who could be watched with such admiring eyes by the major general.

The major general looked back: "It's her."

"It's really beautiful, and it's a good match with brother Xuyang, a good marriage." Lin Fan sincerely praised.

The major general's eyes suddenly burst into a frightening light, and he stared straight at Lin Fan: "Brother Lin, do you feel the same way?"

Lin Fan frowned: "I really think so."

"Good! Good! Good! Your words are enough! You have to remember what you said today."

Lin Fan frowned and was puzzled by the Major General's words that were so excited that they were almost insane.

Why are you so excited?

What Lin Fan didn't know was that since he came to the hunting ground, he was locked by three eyes.

His eyes were full of love, guilt and expectation.

However, Lin Fan couldn't perceive it.

One strong family after another came, one evil after another came, and there was a sea of ​​people.

Lin Fan stood behind the major general, looking down from the high platform, there were all black heads, moving his eyes to the left, he could see the emperor sitting high, and behind him were all the saints who tortured Lin Fan that day.

His eyes turned cold at the moment.

"How dare you, a war servant, how dare you look at me with such eyes, and want to die?"

A holy emperor behind the emperor scolded angrily and pointed at Lin Fan.

Murderous intentions arose in Lin Fan's heart.

But he didn't look at the Holy Emperor, but just transmitted the voice, saying: "Brother Xuyang, if you can really drag them down this bloody killing field, then I owe you a favor."

The major general smiled: "I'll try."

Afterwards, the major general got up and walked towards Princess Jue, the two of them bowed their heads and whispered.

People are here.

Princess Jue got up, and thousands of people bowed and kowtowed, saying that the princess is a thousand years old.

Princess Jue said calmly, "Pingshen."

When everyone stood up, Princess Jue glanced at her and said, "The hunting party is the most important step for me to select outstanding people from the seventh world. You monsters must do your best. If you can stand out, I will reward you very much."

All thanks.

Princess Jue waited for everyone to calm down, and said again: "I have always believed that the selection of outstanding people should be eclectic. Whether it is a soldier, a pariah, or a nobleman, all should be equal in this hunting ground."

This sentence made the nobles frown, and Princess Jue continued: "In previous years' hunting fairs, most of the people who could stand out were nobles from aristocratic families. This is very bad, so I want to change the rules."

Everyone was shocked!

This hunting party is a rule set by the Demon Lord himself.

But Princess Jue actually wanted to break it?

But no one dared to comment!

This is Princess Jue.

The only daughter of the demon king may be the queen of the next generation.

Naturally, it is qualified to change some things.

The emperor was silent for a moment, stood up, first bowed, and then said: "Then dare to ask the princess, how do you want to change?"

Princess Jue said: "It's unfair to fight in melee, so let's fight."

point fight!

This shocked everyone even more.

This Princess Jue is indeed seeking the fairest selection opportunity.

Melee is indeed very unfair.

For example, the royal family, they can send out many evildoers and war servants, these people twisted into a rope, pushing everything horizontally.

In this way, it will be extremely difficult for people of other classes to stand out.

But if it is a point of battle, those who are truly capable will definitely not be buried, which is a good way.

However, will these aristocrats agree?

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