Twin martial arts

Chapter 1848 Gambling Debt

"Come on."

The major general opened his mouth, and soon, a woman came forward with lotus steps.

"Major General." The woman blessed her.

The major general smiled and said, "Wanyu, you don't need to be so polite."

This woman is very handsome, she does not belong to that kind of stunning person, but she has her own flavor.

Wan Yu smiled: "The rules cannot be messed up."

The major general shook his head and laughed, and said, "It's up to you."

Wan Yu said: "Dare to ask the Major General, but do you have something to tell me?"

The major general nodded: "Send someone to the Longlong camp and bring Lin Fan back, and say that he will give Lin Fan the status of a war servant."

Wan Yu's expression was slightly different: "But it's been rumored recently that the foreign talent who killed all the heroes of our Seventh Realm?"

"Isn't it him?" The major general was a little annoyed.

Wan Yu's expression became serious: "Major General, I think this matter is extremely inappropriate. He has great enemies with many heroes and overlords in our Seventh Realm. If you take him as a war servant, will you offend me?" "

"Do you think I want to?" The Major General's expression became even more annoyed.

But then he added a sentence, domineeringly said: "As for offending? Hmph, looking around the Seventh Realm, there is no one that my general's mansion dare not offend."

Wan Yu looked at the Major General with brilliance in her eyes.

She just likes such domineering men.

"Okay, how about I send Qishang there?" Wan Yu asked.

The major general frowned, then sighed: "Forget it, you go, take the commander-in-chief's handsome amulet to go."

Wan Yu's heart tightened.

Sensitively aware that this matter may not be led by the major general.

Otherwise, the major general would not have sent her there at all.

You know, throughout the seventh session, everyone knew that she, Wanyu, belonged to the major general, and she announced many important decisions of the major general.

At this time, by sending her out, it can be seen that the young general attaches great importance to this matter.

"Wanyu, you are an extremely intelligent woman, but don't inquire about this matter, don't ask, it will kill you, don't ask, I won't tell." The major general raised his hand and slid across it gently Wan Yu's delicate face.

Wan Yu's expression tightened, and she said, "Understood."

The major general smiled: "Then go quickly, remember to be more respectful to him than to me. Of course, he must be behind people and in front of people. He will always be my servant, understand? ?”

"Understood." Wan Yu's face became more serious.

Soon, Wan Yu personally led hundreds of guards in the general's mansion, boarded the teleportation domain and left.

The world of heaven and man.

The Phoenix Lord led all the Phoenix Clan to leave Zhentian Pass and head towards the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

This is a taboo, and it is impossible to allow it.

Because, when the Phoenix Clan went to Zhentianguan, the Tianren Clan said that they would guard it for a hundred years before they could return.

But at this time, even Tong Tian, ​​who wholeheartedly wanted the extinction of the Phoenix Clan, did not dare to say a word.

Lin Fan was dead.

This is the truth.

His son-in-law Chenglong Kuai died just now. If you are accusing him at this time, then don't think too much about it. It is definitely a bloody killing.

And at this time, the Celestials are definitely not ready to launch a civil war!

The Phoenix Clan has controlled half of the Realm of Ten Thousand Monsters for tens of thousands of years. They are deeply rooted in the hearts of many monster races and are widely loved. If they touch the Realm of Ten Thousand Monsters, they will be enemies of most of the monster races.

The Celestial Human Race at this time absolutely cannot bear that kind of loss.

But everyone knows it too.

From then on, the Phoenix Clan and the Celestial Clan broke apart.

Sooner or later there will be a battle, but the loser must be the Phoenix Clan.

Zhentianguan is thousands of miles away.

The phoenix master's eyes were dark, he looked at the golden dragon emperor beside him, and said: "Dijun, please go to collect the debt, can you?"

"Of course." The Golden Dragon Emperor grinned.

And said: "It's not just this emperor, this emperor will let at least ten people in the emperor's realm go to collect gambling debts."

"It's so good." Lord Phoenix's words were extremely cold.

Of course he knew that with this method, it is impossible to be sure to die, but from now on, he should not think about the day of reaching the sky.

Emperor Jinlong and Emperor Qingfeng left, calling for friends, they were all emperors who went to ask for gambling debts.

Strictly speaking, these emperors summoned by the Golden Dragon Emperor are all eggs put into the basket of the Heaven-Human Realm by Snow Beauty.

Tongtian is very anxious now.

He had already paid off all the relatively small bets, but when he saw those large and terrifying bets, he was almost scared to death.

A sum of one billion top-grade primordial stones.

A sum of medicinal materials with a total value of [-] million.

The castings with a total value of [-] million are rare.

A sum of elixirs worth [-] million.

According to Xiao Wu's odds at the time, he would lose 32 billion.

And Xiao Nuo, that's even more terrifying.

Because by that time, he had already put all his eggs in one basket, and the odds reached a terrifying one to thirty.

Therefore, on Xiao Nuo alone, he lost more than 40 billion yuan.

"Damn you all! Damn! How dare you take such a big bet?" Tong Tian roared at a group of subordinates like an angry tyrannosaurus.

This group of subordinates lowered their heads and looked at the ground on their toes, daring not to say a word.

However, they were cursing in their hearts.


At that time, every bet was for your purpose. At that time, you were overjoyed, thinking that you could make a lot of money, and you wished that the wealth of the whole world would be bet on it.

But what about now?

You lost, but you scolded us here.

That is the suffering of not daring to do anything, otherwise how many lives would you have?

"It's over."

After roaring and venting his anger, Tong Tianlai sat on the ground and sank down in just a moment.

You know, it's not just Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo who he lost, but also Wu Jian, etc., all added up, it's really an astronomical figure.

I can't afford it.

Even if you sell him, you can't afford it.

The most terrifying bet reached 40 billion!

He will pay more than 100 billion.

Now, he just wants to find out the 40 billion bastards and hack them to death.

"Is there anyone else? The emperor is here to get the money."

An emperor-level figure, Yuan Tingyue Zhi, has a strong bearing, and the emperor's pressure is strong in his body, but he can be admired by people from a long distance away.

"Emperor Qishan."

Tong Tian's face changed slightly.

The emperor, named Qi Shan, glanced at Tong Tian Hou, and said casually: "Your Highness is well."

Tongtian did not speak.

But Qi Shan took out the receipt and said: "Your Highness, this Emperor has come to demand the gambling debt."

It's that direct.

"How much?" After saying these words, Tong Tian's heart trembled.

An emperor bets, will it be low?

Qi Shan laughed: "Not much, not much, just 12 billion."

Tong Tian's heart suddenly tightened.

But then, another loose.

He still has 12 billion.

Soon, he ordered people to send out two talisman rings. Among the talisman rings, the capital with interest was 18 billion!

"Your Highness is happy." Qi Shan smiled.

Before Tongtian could speak, he heard a slightly surprised voice: "Hey, Qishan is here too?"

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