Twin martial arts

Chapter 1847 Even if the whole world betrays you

For the sake of the world, I invite Brother Lin to die.

How fair is this reason?How majestic?

But it's also shameless.

Could it be that Lin Fan is not a member of all living beings in this world?

"Tongtian, do you want to lose face?" Lin Leyao's murderous intent flourished, and the fire of nirvana burst out from his pupils, igniting the void three feet in front of him.

"Princess." Tong Tian's face was very calm, and he just called out lightly.

Lin Leyao said: "The reason why my husband caused such a catastrophe is because of the hunting battle.

The following bloody battles will all be under the auspices of my brother, for the face of your brother, and for the victory of the Heaven and Human Realm.

Your husband has made great contributions, and his achievements are immeasurable, but at this time, you want to use high-sounding reasons to send him to the hands of the enemy?

Tongtian, aren't you afraid that the world's people will be chilled? "

Lin Leyao's voice was shrill, like a cuckoo weeping blood, full of accusations.

"Princess, the world is being washed with blood. As the son of the gods, I have no shirkable responsibility." Tong Tian said indifferently, "Which is more important, one person or the people of the world?"

"Tsk tsk, wise as you, Your Highness of the Celestial Realm."

The emperor smiled.

"Who dares to touch him?"

Lord Feng let out a loud roar, and stretched out his hand, bringing up a hazy brilliance, as if a world was born between his palms, he grabbed Lin Fan, and wanted to protect him in the world in his palm.

A golden electric light flashed.

Lin Fan retreated thousands of feet, and seemed to be able to avoid the Phoenix Lord.

Isn't this just shocking?

"father in law."

Lin Fan sighed softly and shook his head.

Phoenix Lord may be able to shelter him.

But what about after sheltering him?

The Phoenix Clan will definitely become the target of public criticism, and will completely go to the opposite side of this world.

"Lin Fan."

Phoenix Lord's expression changed.

Lin Leyao said: "Husband, even if the world turns against you, there are still us, so why not be afraid?"

Lin Fan smiled: "Isn't it just going to the Seventh Realm? Where is the Qingshan not to bury the bones?"

"Brother Lin, Gao Yi." Tong Tian praised.

Lin Fan looked at Tong Tian: "I've always had a good life, maybe this time, Brother Tong Tian will be disappointed."

Tong Tian said indifferently: "Really? I really hope that brother Lin Fan can come back alive, otherwise this world will be so lonely."

"Lin Fan, don't do it!" Empress Huang's complexion changed drastically.

They all knew about Lin Fan's decision.

The Phoenix Lord laughed wildly: "I, the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, will never belong to any clan in the world. I will be independent from the Seventh Realm! Lin Fan will follow me back to the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters. Whoever touches him, come to the Phoenix Clan and fight!"

The Golden Dragon Emperor also grinned grinningly, his emperor soul appeared, and was wiped out by his parents and children.

This move made the Tianhong brothers change their colors.

Smash his own emperor soul, just to get rid of the hunting marks set by the Celestial Race.

How decisive.

You know, after doing this, from now on, the Golden Dragon Emperor will have no chance of becoming an emperor.

"From today onwards, my Golden Dragon will be stationed in the Phoenix Clan. I will kill anyone who touches Lin Fan."

"Hey, so is I, Qingfeng."

Emperor Qingfeng has been in Tiantianguan all the time, but he has never appeared.

One by one, all express their attitudes.

Li Guang, Wu Jian, etc. needn't speak too much.

Even if the world turns its back on Lin Fan, so what?

Brothers shoulder to shoulder, then there is no fear of anything.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Lin Fan was very moved, but he also opened his mouth.

These are his brothers, relatives and friends who share life and death, how can they be independent?

Han Yan has been standing by; seeing this scene, he was really shocked.

He was thinking, if one day he encountered the same situation, would there be such a group of people who would rather stand with him and contend against the world?


have it.

Then, he transmitted the voice.

The phoenix master, whose eyes revealed madness, suddenly became strange, and the violent aura subsided instantly.

He looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.

Then he took a deep breath: "Fan'er, be careful."

"Yes." Lin Fan smiled.

"Father!" Lin Leyao looked at her father in disbelief!

How could he be like this?

Lord Phoenix sighed, it seems that this daughter of hers will not talk to her for many years.

He stretched out his hand, imprisoned Lin Leyao and Wu Jian, and put them into another void.

Everyone watched this scene.

Even Phoenix Lord compromised.

It's so ridiculous that someone as strong as Lin Fan ended up like this.

"Up the shackles!"

The emperor gave a cold shout, and a saint came and put a yoke of rules on Lin Fan, which cost tens of thousands of catties.

Even Lin Fan's physical body felt overwhelmed.

Lin Fan didn't say a word, and quietly accepted all this.

"Father-in-law, I'm not here, so don't let them mess up. I will come back, just like many years ago." Lin Fan finally looked back and glanced at Phoenix Lord.

Phoenix Lord nodded.

"Man, you took it away, so what about the chaos in the world?"

Tongtian looked at Huang calmly.

The emperor laughed: "This emperor believes that what you have is the means to eliminate it."

Obviously, the hundreds of thousands of troops and dozens of saints were abandoned by him, but they will also be completely reduced to the nails and scourges buried in the world of heaven and man by the seventh world.



A group of people roared.

What might be done?

After Lin Fan was put in the shackles, Feng Zhu and a group of top figures all left.

In just an instant, the mansion of the Phoenix Clan in Zhentianguan was uprooted by the Phoenix Lord, and he used his great power to condense it to the size of a palm, and held it in his hand. Afterwards, the terrifying legions of the Phoenix Clan appeared directly, mighty and mighty, Heading towards the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Obviously, what Phoenix Lord said was true.

All the top emperors are gone, even if the emperor is playing a rogue, what can you do.

Lin Fan was very calm.

Since he came out, life and death have been ignored.

Lin Fan is not a heartless person.

Even for the Celestial Realm, they don't have the slightest favor.

Even if you don't have any feelings for all the spirits in the world of heaven and man.

But these people are not allowed to die because of him.

It is also impossible for his relatives, friends and close friends to stand on the opposite side of the whole world because of his relationship.

Walking through the passage, the breath of different worlds blows in your face.

That is another way, completely different from the world of heaven and man, and the world way of the seventh realm seems to be more violent.

Entering the eyes, the thousand-mile barracks are like white snow.


His back was suddenly kicked by a saint, causing him to stagger, and he rushed forward a lot, half kneeling on the ground.

Looking back, he glanced at the saint, remembered his appearance in his mind, and then got up.

This shackle is really terrifying, not only heavy, but also restraining his way and law.

"What are you looking at? Little bastard, your death is coming soon, what are you doing?" The holy man grinned.

Lin Fan was still calm and speechless, just standing there quietly.

But what the saint didn't know was that the moment he just uttered the word 'bastard', that big thing hidden in the void had a cold light in its eyes, and almost killed him directly.

But in the end, he held back, drew a mysterious rune in the air with his hand, and typed it out. Hundreds of millions of miles away, the major general smiled wryly, his mission came.

That's a real deal.

It is enough not to let the world know Lin Fan's identity, not to protect him, to let him go through all kinds of hardships, but not to allow him to have any worries about life and death.

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