Both sides were murderous, and the holy power gathered here, making the living beings within a thousand miles tremble. They couldn't bear the power of heaven, and their souls seemed to be crushed to pieces.

The many war beasts raised in Tiantian Pass were frightened to the point of feces and urine, making Zhentianguan stink to the sky.

This is indeed a prosperous age.

Who can see so many saints gathering at one time?

Even if there is a real war between the two worlds, it won't work. Moreover, among these saints, none of them are mortals.

At this moment, Lin Fan stood casually among the crowd in the Heavenly Human Realm.

He didn't want to stand out from the crowd at all, he didn't want to stand out too conspicuously, and he was even trying to reduce his sense of existence.

It's still an old saying, he doesn't want to offend the seventh session too much, for fear of hindering possible cooperation in the future.

But, things backfired.

Lin Fan used to kill too hard, and when he just arrived here, he killed two people forcefully, which has already made people in the seventh world itch with hatred.

What's more, there is that rumor.

"Lin Fan! Isn't it the scuffle you proposed? Why are you hiding in the crowd at this moment?"

"Hahaha you know that you will die, so you hide in the crowd?"

"Lin Fan! Get out, I will torture you to death!"

"get out!"

"Don't hide if you have enough seeds, go forward and fight."

The powers of the Seventh Realm roared angrily, inviting Lin Fan to fight quickly.

Lin Fan's eyes were indifferent.

He looked cruelly at these clamorers.

Want to die so much?

The strong men in the world of heaven and man also looked at Lin Fan.

There are also complaints in my heart.

A group battle proposed by yourself.

As a result, when the two sides were about to start a bloody fight, you were hiding in the center of the crowd. You almost didn't want to dig a hole to bury yourself so that others could not see you.

So, what do you mean, Lin Fan?

Sighing inwardly, Lin Fan strode out and swept across the people of the seventh realm: "I don't come out, I don't fight, it's not because I'm afraid, I just don't want to kill people."



"Shameless! I was obviously afraid of being hacked to death with knives, but in the end I dared to speak big words, Lin Fan, do you want to be ashamed?"

Several holy emperors and holy kings standing in the front of the Seventh Realm angrily scolded and ridiculed Lin Fan.

Lin Fan frowned: "Killing you is no more difficult than killing a chicken."

"Madman, then come and try to kill this deity!"

A holy emperor stepped forward.

As soon as he appeared, the faces of the two holy emperors beside him changed, and they seemed to be very afraid of this person.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Of course he saw this abnormality and asked, "Who are you?"

"Tsk tsk." The Holy Emperor who stood up grinned: "Emperor Heaven."

"Emperor?" Lin Fan frowned.

"It's this seat." Huang Tian sneered.

"Who is the beheaded Emperor Ni to you?" Lin Fan asked.

Huang Tian said coldly: "Cousin."

Lin Fan nodded.

There is no solution to this hatred.

The arena cut off the space, so Lin Fan didn't know.

When the emperor appeared, countless spectators were shocked.

Many people exclaimed that the sky is the Holy Emperor.

The emperor once said wildly that with him around, his enemies would no longer have a sky, because he removed the sky above their heads.

"Let's fight."

Lin Fan walked out.

He doesn't want to fight, but some hatred has no solution, and some people don't want him to rest, so let's fight.

"You are not allowed to participate in the battle here, let's see how the deity kills him!"

Huang Tian also grinned grimly.

He first scolded the people of the seventh realm, not allowing them to participate in the battle, and then strode forward.

Every step he took, the arena would rumble, and there was a Taoist voice matching his footsteps.

The most frightening thing was that following his steps, a hazy celestial phenomenon appeared behind him, the sun, moon and stars were spinning, and an endless starry sky enveloped him.

This is also the reason why he is known as the Holy Emperor of the Sky.

is his domain.

Holy, there is a sanctuary.

But that's just an invisible field, and it can only be imprisoned in a low realm.

But this realm of the emperor's sky turned out to be a chaotic and boundless void, which was too terrifying.

"Sky field!"

Everyone screamed.

This is the fame skill of the Holy Emperor of the Sky.

It is also the basis for him to be able to defeat the Holy Emperor Lindi.

I don't know how many powerful enemies have been imprisoned and killed.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are similarities between this field of Emperor Heaven and his hidden world, and they seem to have the same effect.

But strictly speaking, it's more than 01:30 points short of his Tibetan world.

He hides the world, what he hides is the truth, the world, and all ways.

But what he felt from the field of Emperor Heaven was nothingness.

"Come and die!"

Huang Tian laughed wildly.

Lin Fan glanced at him, and walked straight into his sky field.


Everyone gasped.

What is this Lin Fan doing?

Begging to die?

This is the sky sanctuary.

Anyone who knows this name will avoid it and dare not touch it at all.

But what is Lin Fan doing?

Dare to take the initiative to walk into it.

"If you don't die, you will be disabled."

"Arrogant people have their own harvest."

Everyone who saw Lin Fan stepping into the heavenly sanctuary sneered, and no one took him seriously.

"Tsk tsk."

The emperor's laughter resounded from everywhere, resounding through every corner of this boundless universe.

This made Lin Fan, who was standing on a star, frown.

He really had a feeling that this emperor, the sky, could rule everything about him.

When I looked up, I saw that the pitch-black sky was occupied by a boundless face. After careful identification, this face turned out to be the appearance of Huang Tian.

"Lin Fan! It would have been a waste of my time to kill you, but now I don't need it, you will be buried in the boundless void by this deity!"

The horrible face laughed.

"A mere area field can be destroyed with a flick of a finger. Is it worth showing off like this?"

Lin Fan sneered.

He has been in this boundless void for a long time, and he already knows the reality of this boundless void.

That huge face suddenly turned cold!

This is his most proud skill!

But, Lin Fan is so sarcastic?

The rest of the people also sneered after hearing Lin Fan's words!

Can be destroyed with a flick of a finger?

Is this talking in your sleep?

"I'll see how you break it with a snap of your fingers!" Huang Tian roared.

Lin Fan flew up: "This deity will show you!"

Afterwards, everyone saw it, and Lin Fan pointed it out!

The boundless void collapsed inch by inch.

The infinite stars exploded one by one.

Piece after piece of star fragments are everywhere.

"how is this possible?"

Everyone exclaimed!

But at this moment, there was a bang, and the entire void disappeared with this explosion.

Lin Fan stepped out of the space that was blown into a black hole, the sound of his footsteps was too crisp.

In his hand, he dragged the dead dog-like Emperor Tian.


Huang Tian was thrown to the ground.

Lin Fan looked at it coldly: "It can be destroyed with a snap of the fingers, why are you so proud?"


Unspeakably miserable.

At this time, Huang Tian was not in human form at all, and was dilapidated beyond recognition.

He tried hard to raise his head and look directly at Lin Fan, but Lin Fan gently lifted his foot and stepped on it, crushing his head to pieces.

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