Lin Fan was indeed very strong.

Killing the Holy Emperor is like killing a dog, and it is like trampling grass.

But the strong have their own strong hands, Huang Ni and Huo Tian belong to the top class in the Seventh Realm, they are not considered to be the top level, they are still slightly behind.

Therefore, when it was confirmed that Lin Fan's participation in the battle was confirmed, these top and first-class people were all sharpening their swords. Before the official drawing of lots, there were already people who couldn't wait, swarming with murderous intent, gathered into a long murderous dragon, and oppressed Lin Fan's head.


With a cold snort, the murderous dragon died.

Lin Fan was extremely cold: "Are you tired of living? Since you want to fight, let's come together and send you on the road early, so that I can have a good chat with my lover."



"who do you think You Are?"

"Tsk tsk, Lin Fan, do you really think you are invincible? Look forward to it, it's best not to draw lots with this deity, otherwise this deity will kill your living soul."

Lin Fan glanced coldly.

He looked at Tongtian: "Your Highness, since they are all killing people, why not have a fierce battle?"

Tong Tian frowned: "What is a fierce battle?"

"Melee!" Lin Fan said proudly: "No matter how many participants there are in this world and the seventh session, let's all attack and kill together. In the end, whoever kills the most people and survives to the end will naturally be the winner. .”

Tong Tian's pupils shrank.

This Lin Fan is really arrogant.

Could it be that he didn't know that many monsters in the seventh session would already regard Lin Fan as a thorn in their flesh?

If it is a melee.

He can guarantee it.

In the seventh session, one counts as one, and they will definitely attack and kill Lin Fan.

Is this begging for death?

There was a sneer in my heart.

It's true that if the heavens want people to perish, they must first make them crazy.

How could he respond to such a request?

Immediately looking at the major general, he said, "Brother Xu Yang, what do you think of the proposal to Brother Lin?"

The major general's heart tightened.

He sent these people to be killed by Lin Fan.

Instead of letting these people kill Lin Fan.

If Lin Fan really died at the hands of these people, he would definitely die without redemption.

How to do?

"Major General, since someone sincerely wants to die, why not make it happen?"

"That's right. At that time, after beheading Lin Fan to death, divide his body equally and share the credit."

"That's exactly what I mean. In this battle, Lin Fan will be killed first, and everyone in the world of Mietian and Human will be killed!"

"Major General, allow me."

All the powers of the Seventh Realm begged Major General Xu Yang to promise the method of group battle.

Especially those with weaker cultivation bases are even more eager.

Originally, they had no chance to behead Lin Fan to death.

What's more, I have to hope that I won't draw lots with Lin Fan, otherwise I may die unexpectedly.

But at this time, the opportunity came.

In the garbled army, the sword is ruthless.

If you can't fight in the open, you can't sneak attack?

The Major General gave Lin Fan a hard look.

It was just making trouble for him.

In this case, if he refuses, he will leave a mouthful.

Afterwards, there will be a lot of trouble.

There are some things that cannot be obvious, otherwise there will be endless disasters.

"The deity naturally agrees." The major general was sad, but he added: "It's just that Lord Mozun once said that Lin Fan is a hero in this world, and he hates that he is not a creature of this world. If someone can kill him alone, he will definitely be punished." Adults love it."

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

This sentence is too informative.

The same is true for Lin Fan.

He didn't believe that with his cultivation as a mere saint, he would attract the attention of the ruler of another world.

Even, speak for him personally.

Is it just because he beheaded many saintly figures in the seventh realm?

how can that be.

The Demon Lord perched high above the clouds, even if hundreds of saints died, he wouldn't feel any emotion.

Unless it is a long list of emperors who died.

So why?

Somehow, at this moment, he actually felt that there were innumerable causes and effects between him and this Demon Lord whom he had never met before.

battle, start.

The six ancient arenas were temporarily connected together by a secret method, making the arena vast and boundless.

On it, all kinds of horrific phantoms appeared; the sinister wind was fierce, as if there were millions of innocent souls roaring on it.

"Lin Fan, come and die!"

With a roar, a holy emperor figure flew into the ring.

He couldn't wait for the Major General to wait for the presiding person to announce the start, so he rushed directly into it, impatient to kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold. He stood under the arena, and when he looked up, he could see the dark arena, just above his head, like a dark cloud.


He didn't move, just stood where he was, but he threw out the heavy halberd in his hand.


The heavy halberd buzzed, very quietly at first, like a bee spreading its wings.

But in the end, the buzzing sound became louder and louder, like hundreds of millions of bees spreading their wings and resonating. The buzzing sound made everyone here turn pale.

The heaven and the earth resonate, the avenue trembles together, the whole world seems to be condensed under this halberd, and it will be killed with the halberd.


With a scream, the heavy halberd turned back upside down, and a head was nailed to the tip of the halberd!

This holy emperor is not dead.

That was only because Lin Fan didn't allow him to die.

"You are so impatient that you think you will win the deity?" Lin Fan chuckled.

The Holy Emperor is not dead, but his pupils are wide open!

Why, there is such a strong saint!

The deity didn't move, but the killing intent was poured into the heavy halberd, and he was directly defeated.

Lost in a mess.

If he had known that beheading Huo Tian and others was not a manifestation of Lin Fan's limit of combat power, how could he have come up with such a head?

So sorry!

But it was too late, the tip of the halberd spat out a flash of lightning, completely burning his soul sea.

"Lin Fan! You are presumptuous!" The major general pretended to be furious: "The battle has not yet begun, and you dare to fight against our side, are you not afraid that the deity will punish you?"

Lin Fan sneered: "Could it be that the major general is deaf and didn't hear clearly that this picky bastard is begging for death?"

Tong Tian frowned.

This Lin Fan, today is getting a lot of limelight.

How come things often backfire?

The more famous Lin Fan became and the more he shocked the world, the more he disliked it.

Looking at Lin Long, he took a deep breath and said via voice transmission: "In this battle, if there is a chance, let Lin Fan die.

If there is no chance, he must not let him take away all the light.

Brother Ao Qin, my younger brother hopes that you will be the leader. When the world discusses this battle, they only talk about you, the Little Dragon King, not Lin Fan. "

Lin Long glanced at Ao Qin: "It's only natural, with this deity around, he, Lin Fan, can't laugh at the crowd."

Tong Tian nodded slightly: "I still believe in this point."

At this moment, Major General Binghan glanced at Lin Fan: "Since you are so strong, then let's start the battle."

The voice just fell.

All the exhibitors from the Seventh World flew into the arena, standing majestic and proud, with extremely indifferent eyes, just looking at Lin Fan and others like this.

Especially the way he looked at Lin Fan was really like looking at a dead person.

"Go, this deity is here waiting for you to come back with great victory!"

Tongtian also issued an order.

People from the world of celestial beings also flew into the arena to confront the seventh creatures.

War is imminent.

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