Twin martial arts

Chapter 1804 The First Battle of Lin Emperor

The Major General was also smiling, very sincerely.

Originally, he valued Lin Fan extremely.

Even, more than once, I wanted to be my confidant.

However, at the beginning, he also thought that the two belonged to different camps, so it was useless to think about it in his heart.

One day, they will meet each other on the battlefield, and when the time comes, they will be merciless.

But now, after he knew the big fan who could cause a sensation in the two worlds, the last trace of barrier disappeared.

The major general also said, "Brother Lin Fan."

Lin Fan joked, "Is it because your phantom body lost to me, and all the deities came to find a place?"

The major general raised his eyebrows: "Now you are not my opponent. If you can really become a great saint, or reach the realm of the holy emperor, you should be able to fight my real deity."

Lin Fan frowned.

Then had to admit.

The major general is indeed qualified to say such a thing, he dare not refute it, and he is powerless to refute it.

If he refuted on this matter, it would be underestimated.

He said solemnly: "Indeed, but I have confidence, as long as I become a great saint, it will not be difficult to beat you."

"Really?" The major general raised his two sword eyebrows, showing a shocking presence: "I'll wait."

Afterwards, he narrowly said: "When you really become a great saint, maybe I will already be called emperor."

"It's okay, I will catch up with you, Emperor, it's just a process." Lin Fan was in high spirits.

Of course he has this confidence.

The path of cultivators becomes more and more difficult the further one goes, and the narrower the path becomes.

For example, at this time, strictly speaking, he is only a sub-sage.

But Xiao Nuo is now at the peak of the king, and he is about to step into the state of mind, which is only half a realm lower than him.

The higher the realm, the more difficult it will be to advance even half a step.

However, everyone was shocked by him.

This is how high spirits, dare to say that sentence.


It's just a process.

In Lin Fan's words, everyone felt that Lin Fan's ambition was not in the emperor's realm, but in a higher place.

God is only the steps and mountains that he must and will conquer.

However, in the whole world, how many people dare to say such a thing?

If someone else said such arrogant words, they would definitely be ridiculed.

But these words were spoken by Lin Fan.

Who dares?

Even if everyone disagreed, they had to admit that Lin Fan had the qualifications to say such things.

Ripples appeared in Lin Leyao's beautiful eyes. This is Lin Leyao's man, always so confident and peerless.

"That's enough." Tong Tian scolded coldly.

He and his elder brother are the ones who speak here in the world of heaven and man.

But this young general actually ignored his brothers?

The major general's eyes turned cold, and he asked Tong Tian: "Are you talking to this deity?"

"How dare you, are you asking my brother my brother?" Tianhong scolded angrily.

The major general looked back and glanced at Tianhong contemptuously: "A mere emperor, there are a dozen or so under my command, what are you?"

Tianhong's murderous aura burst out suddenly, and the ripples of the Emperor's Dao spread inch by inch, causing the void to collapse inch by inch.

One after another, terrifying runes of the Emperor's Dao are scattered all over the place.

"Show your prestige? What are you? You are nothing more than an emperor. Give me five years to kill you like a dog." The major general was very contemptuous.

Everyone's hearts are trembling.

Is this the ultimate monster?

Dare to speak to an emperor, five years, I will kill you like a dog.

Lin Fan smiled wryly.

Proclaimed emperor for five years.

He really can't reach it.

In his estimation, he would need at least ten years before becoming emperor.

"You are asking for death." Tianhong was extremely indifferent, and he strode forward.

But seeing a rune falling from Hanba's body, it turned into a sacred mountain after burning in the void, suddenly suppressed and killed Tianhong, and Hanba said coldly: "Take a step forward, die."

Tianhong's eyes were cold.

This humiliation today.

He is determined.

Just because, being pointed between the brows by a saint like this.

He still couldn't kill the saint.

"Shut up if you don't have that ability." The major general looked at Tianhong sarcastically, and then looked at Tongtian sarcastically: "You are not qualified to speak, a waste like you, if it weren't for your identity, you wouldn't even be able to talk to this deity have no qualifications."

Lin Fan almost laughed.

This young general is really arrogant, really arrogant.

But, he couldn't feel too comfortable in his heart.

At this moment, an idea even appeared in his mind.

Whether it is possible to unite with the Seventh Realm to overthrow the Celestial Race.

After all, an enemy's enemy is a friend.

Tong Tian gritted his teeth.

But he didn't say anything.

One more word is an opportunity to slap someone in the face.

The major general glanced at Tongtian and Tianhong contemptuously, and said: "I know you won't accept the defeat in this hunting meeting, so I will give you a chance, do you dare to accept?"

Tianhong narrowed his eyes.

Tongtian was a little impatient: "What opportunity? Just tell me."

"The next battle between the emperors of the two realms." The major general snorted softly.

Tong Tian's face changed slightly.

This is indeed a good opportunity to regain the field.

But if the most monstrous evildoer at the peak of Lindi, such as the young general, goes to battle.

In the world of heaven and man, they have no chance of winning.

"Don't worry, this deity will not participate in the battle, so it should be said that it is a battle under the Emperor Lin."

There was indescribable ridicule in the major general's words.

Tong Tian blushed.

But then, it was ecstasy.

Emperor Lin's next battle.

With Lin Fan alone, he can sweep a large area.

There are also two holy emperors under the emperor of the Qing clan, who can certainly laugh at the crowd.

They won.

In fact, the major general was sighing at this time.

Of course he also knew that their chances of winning were almost zero in the next battle of Emperor Lin.

Xu Yang didn't care about the others, but Lin Fan was unstoppable.

However, his main purpose was to send those royal nobles to die, so how could he care about winning or losing.

"Time and place." Tianhong stared at Xuyang coldly.

The major general smiled: "Five days later, it will be at the so-called Zhentian Pass."

"Okay." Tongtian accepted.

All the creatures of the seventh realm retreated.

Zhentianguan; the residence of the Phoenix clan.

"The major general is a real hero. It's a pity that we can't make friends with such a person."

Lin Fan sighed.

"You can't say such things outside, and you will be caught by someone with a heart." Queen Huang warned cautiously.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I can save it."

Le Yao looked at Lin Fan worriedly, and said, "This is the next battle of Emperor Lin, do you want to fight?"

Lin Fan smiled wryly: "I can't escape this Tiantian Pass."

Lord Feng frowned: "During this period of time, you have been in seclusion. You are only one step away from the holy land. Why don't you see if you can seize the opportunity to break the mirror?"

"Well, try not to fight, to be honest, I really don't want to have any irreconcilable deep hatred with the Seventh." Lin Fan smiled wryly.

Lord Feng frowned instantly: "Your idea is very dangerous."

Apparently, hearing the strings and knowing the meaning, the Phoenix Lord already knew about Lin Fan's plan to unite.

"If you don't try, how will you know?" Lin Fan smiled, and then said, "Please father-in-law."

Phoenix Lord sighed, and said: "You can rest assured that no one can disturb you."

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