Twin martial arts

Chapter 1803 Husband and wife battle

How strong is Lin Fan?

The young general has reached the realm of the emperor.

That is the pinnacle of the Cause.

But this Lin Fan was able to kill his thoughts.

The thought of the major general is enough to kill all the saints.

How can this be so?

It turned out that Lin Fan was not arrogant.

Nor is it to use the name of the invincible major general to boost his prestige.

as he said.

He disdains that.

Because, he does have that ability.

Lin Fan cast a glance at the crowd and said, "Actually, if this hunting party continues, you will lose."

The seventh batch of creatures who had just carried the power of the great victory and were ecstatic, suddenly died down.

Because what Lin Fan said was a fact.

The phantom body of the major general was killed by him, then, among those who participated in the battle in the Seventh Realm, who can resist Lin Fan's every move?

And just when they were talking about the Major General.

The major general on the other side of the passage is in a dilemma.

At this time, the major general was speechless, his face was so handsome that he was so handsome that he was full of helplessness and entanglement.

Who do you listen to?

It was because he was holding two wills in his hands.

One, from the queen.

One, from the Demon Lord.

The queen ordered him to go to another realm with a million soldiers and make sure to capture Lin Fan.

The Mozun told him to let it go, and he was not allowed to continue to move.

This is Nima's.

Who do you listen to?

You must know that in the entire seventh session, the Demon Lord and Demon Queen rarely issued orders.

Therefore, many top powerhouses are proud of being able to receive the decree, and even enshrine the imperial decree or Yi decree for display.

To show that he is so trusted by the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen.

But at this time, he looked at the two wills in front of him, like two runes that could remind him to die, so hot.

Respectfully put the will on the table, the major general sighed, he was waiting.

At the same time, a terrifying war broke out in the billions of feet of starry sky above the Seventh Realm.

This kind of war seems like it is going to end the world.

The so-called catching the stars and taking the moon is simply not enough to describe.

The two people who are fighting can absorb infinite starlight with every breath, dimming hundreds of millions of stars.

"That's Empress Ben's son, you don't care, Empress Ben takes care of it, and empress Ben, get the hell out of here!"

The woman growled.

The man struggled to resist, while persuading him: "A man with ambitions everywhere, if he grows up under our wings, how can he bear his mission, how can he grow into a sky dragon that can fight the sky?"

"I don't care about it, I just know that I haven't seen my son for nearly 200 years. Whoever prevents me from seeing my son today is my life-and-death enemy. Even if it's the old bastard of the god, I will kill him to the Heavenly Palace." After roaring.

The war continues.

I don't know how many galaxies were destroyed, and many galaxies were directly turned into dust.

The Major General, however, was still waiting.

All the preparations had been made long ago, and the millions of troops preparing to go out were ready to go, with a murderous aura.

The deputy general didn't know how many times he came to ask for instructions and how long he had been on the expedition.

But the young general has only one sentence, wait.

at last.

"Give it up this time."

There was only this sentence, and no one was even seen.

But the young general knelt on the ground all the time, extremely pious.

Get up.

The major general has ups and downs in his eyes.

Lin Fan.

Who is it?

Why would the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen, who have not issued a decree for a hundred years, issue two decrees successively?


The major general's pupils shrank to the size of a needle's eye, and his whole body trembled.

He thought of a possibility!

I remember that he chatted with the princess that day, which was an unsuccessful confession.

He once asked the princess who was his favorite man in this world.

At that time, the princess said with a smile like a flower, "Of course my favorite is my father." '

When he heard this sentence, the major general couldn't laugh or cry.

These words are not important.

What made the major general tremble was the last sentence, "My favorite is my younger brother who I have never met. I miss him very much, and my father and queen mother also miss him very much." '

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

The more you think about it, the closer it is to reality!

The position of Demon Lord is hereditary.

Just like the Celestial Race, they control the Celestial Realm forever.

The Demon Palace also controls the Seventh Realm forever.

Why, for so many years, Mozun clearly only had the princess as his heir, yet he chose not to make the princess the heir, the position of heir has always been vacant.

The beings of the seventh realm have always thought it purely.

That's because the Mozun was waiting for an evildoer who was in love with the princess to appear, and at the same time promised the crown prince.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The major general narrowed his eyes.

It turned out to be the case.


If so, then he is really good.

He really loves the princess, not plotting for the so-called position of Demon Lord.

"Xuyang, control your own mouth."

At this moment, the majestic female voice directly exploded in his soul.

"Obey." The major general kowtowed reverently.


"Let those royal family members who dance too happily, and the evildoers of the royal family go to him to fight and sharpen his sword."

The majestic female voice sounded again.

This made the major general tremble!

This, is already planning to pave the way for him?

He is a smart man.

The so-called jumping too much fun.

It is nothing more than referring to those evildoers who have been eager to try and marry the princess so as to ascend to the position of Demon Lord for so many years, right?

"As you order, Queen, I will make arrangements immediately." He kowtowed.

"I like you very much, don't let me down."

The last voice sounded, and the major general didn't get up for a while.

on the sky.

"You are still interfering with his life trajectory." The Demon Venerable stared at the Demon Queen dissatisfied.

The queen glared at him fiercely: "For 1000 years, I don't like lying on my bed, or I will kill you."

The mighty and domineering Demon Lord, who could easily kick a planet to pieces, suddenly withered, with a shy face and a cheap look.

the other side of the passage.

The atmosphere is too tense.

Mainly from the drought.

It was because he heard that the invincible lord in his heart had been defeated, so he was excited and wanted to kill Lin Fan.

The Golden Dragon Emperor has been staring coldly.

If this Hanba dared to move, he didn't mind killing the emperor directly here, and let the emperor's blood splatter millions of feet.

Lin Fan looked at Hanba indifferently.

Said: "Brother Xuyang is an outstanding man, unparalleled in the world, but I don't dare to compliment the method of choosing his subordinates. If he knows, you are angry at his failure, and you will definitely kill him in anger."

"Hahaha Major General will kill me for you? Are you joking?" Han Yan laughed.

Lin Fan frowned.

But a cold voice came from the passage: "No, he is not joking!"

Han Yan's face of laughing stopped for a moment.

A handsome figure came out of the passage, staring at Hanba coldly: "You, let me down."

"Young Master." Han Yan turned pale with shock.

Major General Bingsen said: "I fought with Brother Lin with all my strength, I was defeated willingly, and fought heartily, no matter how much you talk about me?"

"Brother Xu Yang." Lin Fan smiled.

He really had a feeling that it was too late to meet this major general Xu Yangshi, and he hated being in a hostile world, otherwise it would be great to make friends with such people.

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