Twin martial arts

Chapter 1783 Distress Signal

"What? You killed the Holy Emperor of this world?"

The old dryad yelled terribly.

How can this be?

If he had known that Lin Fan was so powerful that he could kill even the Holy Emperor, how dare he court death and fight Lin Fan?

He would definitely run away the moment he met Lin Fan and run away desperately.




"That torch spirit dared to deceive me!" The old tree spirit was so furious that he even forgot that Lin Fan was still in front of him.

"Torch spirit?" Lin Fan became interested.

The seventh creatures he has been seeing all the time are in human form, at most they have the characteristics of certain races.

This was really the first time he had met a creature like the old dryad.

As for the torch spirit in the old tree spirit's mouth, he was naturally curious.

The old tree spirit said: "It's that vixen."

He was gnashing his teeth.

Lin Fan was even more confused.

It's clearly talking about the torch spirit, but why is Hu Meizi involved?

This is clearly irrelevant.

Not only Lin Fan, but also Fang Yao and others felt that one head and two big.

At the same time, I also feel that this old tree spirit is really cute and silly.

After questioning, Lin Fan learned something about the classification of creatures in the seventh world.

Clans like this old dryad are no better than servants at the level of beings in the Seventh Realm.

In addition to the old dryad, there is also the so-called flame family, which is even worse than the old dryad's group, and their status is even lower.

As for the seventh batch of creatures, the level is based on the difference between race and human race.

The more similar it is to the human race, the higher the status of the race.

The royal family and the royal family of the seventh batch of creatures are actually the same as the human race, and there is no difference.

"Interesting." A hint of understanding appeared in Lin Fan's eyes.

He seemed to have grasped something, but he seemed to have grasped nothing.

"Don't, don't kill me, I can take you to find the creatures in this world, and I can get you great credit in exchange for it."

After the old tree spirit sensed Lin Fan's murderous intentions, he immediately begged for mercy, turned around and sold his world without any hesitation.

Lin Fan blinked and blinked.

This temptation is a bit big.

He received the old dryad into the inner world, and now his world can allow creatures to survive for a short time.

Keep going.

What made Lin Fan a little uneasy was that until now, he hadn't felt Le Yao's aura.

It really shocked him.

How big is this space?

They have come all the way, at least [-] to [-] miles, but they still haven't come to the end, it really looks like a real big world.

At this moment, thousands of miles to his left, there was a bewitching red light rising into the sky, which made him frown.

"My son-in-law, this is a distress signal for the creatures in this world." Fang Yao frowned.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "I know."

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan looked at Fang Yao: "Do you know what ethnic group this is calling for help?"

"It should be from the mysterious ghost family." Fang Huang replied, "It's only because a huge ghost head appeared in mid-air after this strange red light was lifted into the sky, so the subordinates made such a judgment."

"Mysterious ghost?" Lin Fan frowned: "The Dragon Clan is affiliated."

Fang Yao nodded: "This Xuangui clan is an important part of the ordinary soldiers under the Dragon clan."

"My son-in-law, are you going to save them?" Fang Huang asked.

"What do you think?" Lin Fan looked at the members of the Phoenix Clan.


"Go ahead. Although the dragon and phoenix clans are fighting, it's only limited to the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters. Outside, they need to be united."

"Indeed, the demon clan in the world is one family."

All the members of the Phoenix Clan agreed to go to rescue the Xuangui Clan.

Lin Fan smiled: "Then let's go."

In fact, even if these Phoenix clansmen said they would not help, he would still go.

You know, Lin Long is now the little dragon king of the dragon clan, and he is bound to inherit the dragon throne.

And this mysterious ghost clan is equivalent to his subordinates.

thousands of miles away.

The mysterious ghost clan is fighting with the seventh generation of creatures.

It's just that there are many people in the seventh session, there are two or three saints and emperors, and there is one saint emperor.

Therefore, they retreated steadily.

And the strongest Xuangui here is just a holy king, if it weren't for the strange fighting style of the Xuangui clan, they would have been defeated long ago.

Xuankong is the strongest of the Xuangui clan here.

He was furious.

He could only watch helplessly as his clansmen were wiped out by the seventh batch of creatures, and there was nothing he could do.

"Naughty animal! You will not die well, and you will be killed by the creatures in this world." Xuankong roared angrily, his eyes were bleeding.

"Tsk tsk, I'm looking forward to it. Your distress signal summoned a few strong men, and that's all thanks to the heavens." The Seventh Realm Holy Emperor tsk tsk with a strange smile.

"call out!"

The sword glows.

Slashing from behind the Holy Emperor, split the sky into two.

The holy emperor gave a strange cry, and his body turned into two halves independently. The sword light killed him through the gap between his separated body, but it really failed to kill him effectively.

It's just that the scorching breath above the sword light made the Holy Emperor scream.

"Who dares to attack your ancestors!"

The Holy Emperor was furious.

It was almost cut in half by someone.


A strong man appeared, with pity in his eyes.

He didn't kill the servant with a single blow, he knew that there was no hope.

"A mere sage, dare to sneak attack on your grandfather?"

Lizu was furious, furious.

The knife just now really almost made him robbed. If he hadn't used his own family's life-saving skills, he would have been cut in half.


The Jinpeng screamed, and swooped down from a height of ten thousand feet, bringing a rumbling sonic boom, and there were thousands of golden swords covering the sky and slanting down towards the creatures of the seventh realm.

"King Xiaopeng!"

This is King Jinpeng who was once captured by Lin Fan and used as a mount.

It's just that because of Lin Fan, he was established as the successor, so at this time, when everyone calls him, they all use Xiaopeng King.

He has come, and at this moment, he is still not sanctified.

Because he was not sanctified, his attacks and kills would naturally not be able to injure people in the holy realm, but with this move, many people under the holy realm of the seventh realm still died under his golden plume and golden sword.


Another big demon came to kill him, his demonic aura surged, and he roared that the mountains and rivers shattered, and he roared to death a living saint from the seventh realm.

Li Zu's eyes became serious: "Holy Emperor."

"There are us!"

There was another roar, and all the big monsters appeared.

I have to say that the Yaozu is too united.

Even on the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, the heads of the monsters were almost smashed into dog heads.

But in the outside world, they are really united, and they really support each other in difficulties.

Li Zu's eyes became more dignified, and then he said with a sinister smile, "Are you the only ones who can summon help?"

He also sent out a distress signal, and within ten thousand miles, the creatures of the seventh world also flocked to this place.

This made Lin Fan, who was rushing to this place, raise his eyebrows.

Could it be that the first big collision between the two worlds in this space is about to begin?

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