Twin martial arts

Chapter 1782 The Old Dryad of the Seventh Realm

"Lin Fan!"

Tong Tian only felt that his heart was bleeding, as if it had been torn into several petals.

The most powerful puppet in his hands, he spent countless costs, and even used a lot of background to forge a human killer, just like that, Lin Fan chopped melons and vegetables into pieces?


Roar all over the sky.

This Qingshen is not just a puppet.

This is still the sharp weapon he used to control the Qing Clan.

just die?

"Brother Tongtian, don't get angry, it will be very bad for your mood." Lin Fan smiled sarcasticly.

Tong Tian looked back suddenly, and Lunar stared at Lin Fan.

Stealing chicken will not lose rice!

I lost my wife and lost my army!

He has always believed that this Lin Fan is definitely not Qingshen's opponent.

He will be killed until blood is spattered on the spot, and his body will die.

But the result was so cruel.

His line of controlling the Qing clan was broken.

I don't know how much it will cost if I want to reconnect.

Moreover, the death of Qingshen has already greatly damaged the power of his immediate subordinates.

The loss was too great.

And now, Lin Fan is still sarcastic?

"Qingshen is really an outstanding person. For the sake of combat power, he turned himself into a human and a ghost." Lin Fan sighed: "It's so strange, I actually saw a puppet-like imprint on the sea of ​​his soul."

With a half-smile but not a smile: "Brother Tongtian, why do you think this is?"

Tong Tian's heart tightened!


It was discovered!

"How would I know?" Tong Tian sneered.

Suddenly, of course, he will not admit it.

If a powerful clan such as the Qing clan knew that someone said that the direct descendants of the Qing clan were refined into puppets, no matter who this person was, for the sake of the dignity of the Qing clan, they would pursue it to the end.

Although he is not afraid, it is too bad for him, at least in terms of reputation, he will lose a lot.

This is not good for him who is ambitious and wants to inherit the position of god.

"I don't know?" Lin Fan sneered, "It's a pity."

Lin Fan was playing with the fragments of the Azure Soul Sea. On it, the brand mark was dim, but it could still be seen clearly.

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes: "Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Fan smiled: "I just hope that there is no conspiracy against the Phoenix Clan in this space."

Tong Tian's eyes were gloomy.


"Of course, if the conspiracy is only aimed at me, then I will accompany you, as long as you don't implicate the innocent." Lin Fan smiled.

"Hehe, Brother Lin was just joking. Now we are in the midst of fighting between the two worlds, how could there be a conspiracy against our strong clan?" Tong Tian smiled: "If this kind of thing really happens, please tell Brother Lin , the younger brother will pursue it himself."

Lin Fan smiled contemptuously.

Tongtian's words are simply worthless.

Lin Fan left without dragging his feet, staying thousands of miles away from this place. Only then did Lin Fan release the many members of the Phoenix clan that he had placed in nothingness.

"Where is the son-in-law, Tongtian?"

"My son-in-law, did he make things difficult for you?"

As soon as the members of the Phoenix Clan appeared, they focused their attention on vigilance and carefully looked around.

Looking for traces of Tongtian and others.

You know, their son-in-law killed the saint of the Qing clan in public, this matter is really big or small.

If Tongtian pursued it blindly, Lin Fan would be very troublesome, and he could be charged with many unnecessary crimes.

Such as collaborating with enemies, traitors and so on.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, he played with fragments of the soul sea in his hand, and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing, besides, in this space, you will be very safe, at least there will be no more conspiracy from this world, etc." You wait."

Fang Huang, Fang Yao and others frowned.

Consort What does this mean?

"Don't ask, don't worry about it." Lin Fan smiled.

Although everyone was puzzled, they didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Fan naturally had this confidence.

Tongtian will definitely be furious, but he will also keep his promise.

I will no longer embarrass the ordinary people of the Phoenix clan.

Of course, his situation will definitely become more and more difficult.

But so what?

At this time, thousands of miles away.

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another, the huge mountains were directly blasted into pieces by Tongtian under the rage.

"Lin Fan!"

"Lin Fan!"

"I want you dead! I want you dead!"

Roaring all over the sky, that kind of murderous intent is too terrifying.

Of course, his attacking power is also shocking, he can crush a mountain with his breath.

"Your Highness, the person under the Holy Emperor, in his hands, has no power to fight back." A patrolman opened his mouth and sighed: "I have to say, he is really a rare evildoer in all ages."

Tong Tian's eyes were cold: "No matter how evil you are, if you offend me, there is only one way to die."

He raised his head, and after a while, a sinister gleam appeared in his eyes. He looked coldly at the patrolling hunters and said, "Go find me the Holy Emperor of the Seventh Realm, and say that I want to cooperate with them."

Several patrols flicked.

Said: "Your Highness, this is a serious crime, if someone finds out"

"If someone finds out, you should execute yourself." Tong Tian smiled sinisterly.

These patrolling eyes all smiled wryly.

In this matter, they have no choice.

At this time, Lin Fan and the others were still walking forward.

"Jie Jie Phoenix Clan?"

Coming out of the mountain like a thousand-year-old demon, this laughter is too weird and eerie.

Lin Fan frowned, and then mocked, "It turned out to be an old dryad."

He saw clearly what kind of existence it was that made this laugh.

It was a monster with a head but a tree body.

The two branches are his arms, and the two roots are his legs.

"Lin Fan, who is invincible under the Holy Emperor?" The old tree elf's eyes showed a bright light.

Lin Fan smiled: "It's me."

"Tsk tsk, good luck, it's really the devil's blessing that I let me meet you." The old tree spirit smiled darkly.

"And then?" Lin Fan was a little amused.

Just an old tree spirit who is the first mirror of the holy way, but he is so presumptuous and wants to kill him?

"The Holy Emperor is invincible under the bullshit, but I don't believe it, watch me kill you now!"

The old dryad roared. Immediately, countless rhizomes came from his torso. These rhizomes twisted and wriggled, like long hideous tongues. They were extremely devouring. They wanted to pierce through Lin Fan and devour him. full of essence.

The old dryad grinned grimly at this moment.

He is truly a saint.

But the body is too strong, almost comparable to a saint.

I don't believe the words of the great sages in Lin Fan's world.

Therefore, he wanted to kill Lin Fan.

"The ignorant are really fearless." Lin Fan laughed.

If it is in this world, whoever knows his name, Lin Fan, would dare to attack him?

He didn't even dare to show the slightest murderous intent in front of him.

Otherwise, you will definitely be killed.

But this old dryad dared to attack him.

Isn't this what is the fearlessness of the unknown?

With a sway of his body, he walked among the thousands of snake-like roots, and in just an instant, he had already come to the old tree spirit.

Stretching out his hand, first, under the scream of the old tree spirit, he twisted his arms.

Another foot broke the two thighs of the old dryad, and chopped down with one palm, making him and the old dryad kneel on the ground.


A mere saint, in front of him, didn't even have a chance to move.

Looking at the old tree spirit a little funny, said: "I don't know how many holy emperors in your world have died in my hands. Could it be that you haven't heard of it?"

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