Twin martial arts

Chapter 1767 Uncle and Nephew Meet

"Are you a demon?"

A king of the Pye family trembled all over.

He has never experienced such a weird battle.

It was so terrifying and cruel, killing thousands of people instantly.

You know, there is no ordinary person who can be used as a reinforcement, and they are all strong.

But in the hands of this young man, there is no power to fight back.

"Devil?" Lin Nuo laughed: "Compared to your Bi's family, how dare I call a devil?"

Like Lin Fan and others, he has a great hatred for the races that plunder the lower realms, and he will never hold back in the slightest if he is really a match.

"Young man, could it be that my family has really offended you?" The elder king asked again.

At the same time, he has a dignified expression, and the huge crown is looming.

He felt that the young man in front of him was like a real dragon dormant in his body, and his vitality was as exuberant as an inexhaustible sacred furnace; although he was indeed in the realm of a saint, but his state of mind had no chance of winning in front of this young man.

"Don't ask." Lin Nuo sighed, and then his words turned cold: "Since we meet, let's kill one."

"Little bastard, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Do you really think my family is easy to bully?"

Phoebe scolded angrily, and he rushed to attack and kill him first, but it was useless, Lin Nuo was too strong, so he chopped off his head in the blink of an eye and twisted it in his hands.

Looking contemptuously: "You are as weak as a baby in my hands."

"Let the young master go!" A king's expression changed drastically.

This is the parent and son of the Patriarch, nothing can happen, so he scolded him severely.


The elder king slapped him across the face, and at the same time sternly shouted: "You have something to say here?"

The king was beaten to the bone.

"Young man, this matter is indeed our fault, but everything can be redeemed, but if you kill Mr. Biju, it will be too late."

When the king spoke, he also implied a warning.

"Isn't it Pie's house?" Lin Nuo smiled.

"Then how can we release Master Ju?"

The old king stubbornly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Of course, there is no sympathy for Biju at all.

All this is simply his own fault.

Being reasonable and not forgiving, trying to use others as a fun and punching bag, but in the end it hit the right version.

But he is a member of Pie's family, so it is impossible to ignore him.

Lin Nuo smiled.

The old king said: "Young man, we are the reinforcements who went to the robber state to support our clan. If it is because of you that the battle ahead is lost, you really can't bear the crime."

He threatened again.

The main reason is that I have no idea in my heart, and I can't beat this boy at all.

"Stealing the State?" Lin Nuo frowned.

"Little bastard, let me go quickly, or my elder brother will never let you go. After killing Li Guang, he will definitely chase you all over the world. At that time, you will have nowhere to go to heaven or earth!" Bi Ju yelled.

Lin Nuo was shocked!

Li Guang?

A light flashed in my mind.

In an instant, it was confirmed that Li Guang was his Uncle Li Guang.

Although there are many people with the same name and surname in the world.

But with the same name as Li Guang, and at the same time, there should be only one person who has such a great hatred for the Bi family that he even fights openly.


A slap across the face directly shattered half of Bi Ju's head.


Lin Nuo roared angrily.

But there is excitement in my heart.

If Li Guang is really his Uncle Li Guang, does that mean his father is also there?

"Young man, do you really want to be an enemy of the Pie family?" The old king backed away, not daring to poke his sharp edge.

"Old man, he is just a mere king, but you are the peak of Tianxin. What are you afraid of? Are you avoiding the battle? If you dare to do this again, I will kill you directly when you return to the clan!" Immortality, this old man is also his reliance.

I have been waiting for this old thing to explode, so as to save him.

But this old thing doesn't fight at all, it just talks.

How could he bear this breath.

The old man glared fiercely at Biju, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he fled directly to the sky.

He is not an opponent at all, so run away quickly, and it is only serious to ask reinforcements to come to help.

"Old dog!"

Pyrene growled.

I really don't know, he only has half of his head, how can he roar so loudly, so thrillingly.

"Can you run away?" Lin Nuo sneered. First, he killed all the kings here with three punches, and then he twisted the half of Biju's head and disappeared in an instant.

The old man was trembling with fear.

Of course he knew that the kings behind him were all dead.

Almost scared him to death.

How could there be such a strong king?

It was no different from Lin Fan who had been making a fuss during this time.

It is said that when Lin Fan was in the realm of kings, he pushed everything horizontally.



The speed was pushed to the extreme by him.


The long halberd suddenly fell from the sky, cutting off his way forward. It was just a halberd, but wisps of divine power filled the air. He seemed to see a vast ocean blocking his way.

And the boy he was afraid of was standing on the trident with one foot at this moment, like the sea god, and also like the lord of reincarnation, like a dream or a fantasy.


With no choice, he rushed to kill him, but it was useless. The trident blew softly, and a cold light spit out from the tip of the halberd, killing him directly in the void.

"This is your reliance?" Lin Nuo looked at Biju mockingly.

Phoebe trembled in despair.

He was thinking, what kind of people did his family provoke?

As long as such characters grow up, it will not be difficult to destroy one or two groups like the Bi family.

"Don't worry, I don't want to kill you yet."

Lin Nuo smiled.

He has Lin Fan's determination and ruthlessness, but also Lin Fan's forbearance and planning.

Although he was almost certain in his heart that this Li Guang was that Li Guang, he still had to confirm.

There was a gleam in Phoebe's eyes.

Landing on a hill, asking Biju, there is no need to torture at all. At this time, Biju is more obedient than a puppy, answering whatever is asked.

Lin Nuo smiled.

He was so lucky that he actually knew the exact location of an uncle on the first day he first went to the world.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the vastness of this upper realm.

Of course, he also knew the whereabouts of his father through side-stepping.

Twisting the head of this Biju, he galloped towards Daozhou, a place of thousands of miles, compared with his current state, it was like a stone's throw away.

He arrived, on the battlefield where the two armies were fighting.

I also saw Li Guang standing proudly above the sky, and I also saw the man who was dispatching troops to cover his face with gold.

This person can be hidden from the world, but he cannot be hidden from him. This is his Uncle Xuan Dong.

And the one who seems to be able to kill all over the world with one sword is also his Uncle Wujian.

Then, the corners of his eyes twitched, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

How dare someone point to his uncle for a fight?

Is this begging for death?

Looking at Pheju: "Who is this?"

Pyre trembled and said, "This is my fifth brother, Pyrene Qing."

"Oh, you will be able to collect his body soon." Lin Nuo smiled sternly.

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