Twin martial arts

Chapter 1766 Lin Nuo's Upper Realm

Just like Wu Qingcheng and the others never doubted whether Lin Nuo would be able to climb the road to heaven.

Lin Nuo never thought about whether he could climb up.

How difficult is it to retrace his father's path.

So, he ascended to heaven.

Ascension here is naturally a compliment, not death.

However, like Lin Fan and other upper realms back then, he couldn't control where he ended up.

"Where is father?"

Looking around, the strange world and the strange environment will give people a sense of fear.

"Where are those uncles?"

Lin Nuo spoke again.

Then he stepped forward, and at the same time, a group of kings and thousands of warriors were also moving forward.

Phoebe felt very depressed.

Those thieves in the robber state probably really ate the dragon's heart and the phoenix's guts, and even robbed the treasures of the Phoebe's family time and time again.

Not only looting property, the most important thing is killing people.

But as long as the treasure transporting team of the Bi family passed through the robbery state, or was within ten thousand miles of the robbery state, they would all die.

How can the Phoebe family endure this?

Therefore, the emperor of the Bi family went directly to the thief emperor.

Then, when the emperor of the Bi family was sleeping at night, a lock of his temple hair was cut off, and his space ring was taken away.

This is the ability of the Thief Emperor, and of course it can also be regarded as a warning from the Thief Emperor.

Of course, I finally found out at Phoebe's house, the reason why Pie's house has been so sad recently.

It's all because of a leader who has just risen in Pirates State recently - Li Guang.

I don't know how the Pyre family offended Li Guang, which led to Li Guang's bloody revenge.

Then, under the mediation of some big figures, the Bi family reached an agreement with the Pirate Emperor.

People above the king do not participate in this grievance.

This is mainly because Li Guang has not reached the Holy Land.

The Pye family can freely mobilize the sages to kill Li Guang, and Li Guang can also send the sages to resist.

Therefore, the official confrontation between the two parties began.

However, what shocked the world was that Li Guang gathered so many top kings from nowhere, and each of them really had the strength to crush the same realm.

It is because of the existence of these people that at this time, the strong man on the king list is reduced to a foil like a joke.

For example, there is a swordsman who has always covered his face with divine gold. No one knows his roots, but he has no enemy in his hands.

For another example, a cultivator who is also masked by the same god, but who gives people a sense of planning and stability as a mountain, once killed the tenth king on the king list with a single sword.

Of these two people, one is naturally Wujian, and the other is naturally Chen Xuandong.

"A bunch of thieves! Damn them all! Damn them!"

Phoebe roared in his heart.

Especially when I want to part with Xiao Taohong who has just been brought into the house, and lead the troops to help Bi Ni, I feel even more angry.

But at this moment, when he looked up, he saw a tattered boy who seemed to be wandering in the sky, coming straight towards their team.

This Nima!

Is it really unlucky to drink water and stuff your teeth?

This kid wants to die?

So, he smirked: "Boy in front, do you want to die? How dare you block the way of the old man?"

Lin Nuo frowned and raised his head, glanced at Biju, with hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally, he could see the cultivation level of this group of people at a glance, and it was not difficult to kill them.

But seeing the other party's posture, how can you not know that it must be from the strong clan?Thinking that he had just landed in this world, even though he was angry at Biju's disrespect, he didn't say anything, and took another step back to give way to Dao.

"Hahaha boy, you blocked the uncle's way, do you think it's okay to get out of the way?" Pyeju laughed wildly.

Lin Nuo frowned, and his words became cold: "Then what do you want to do?"

"Sorry!" Biju snorted coldly.

Lin Nuo took a deep breath, he could hardly bear it anymore.

"Standing in the way of my Pie family, you still dare to speak coldly? I think you don't want to live anymore."

Phoebe smiled sternly.

It is only a thousand miles away from Pirate State, and this trip will definitely be an endless conquest. It must be very comfortable to have some fun at this time.

Lin Nuo frowned: "Are you from the Pye family?"

"Boy, now I know that the uncles are from Pie's family? I told you, it's too late, it's too early, you can just apologize, now you have to kneel down and apologize!"

"Hmph, if you dare to block the way of my Phoebe's house, you will be killed directly."

Seeing that Biju was going to show off his power, the strongmen of the Bi family he led also laughed and made all kinds of insulting demands, wanting to humiliate Lin Nuo, treating him as a punching bag and a toy.

"Hehe, it really doesn't take much effort to find nowhere to find."

Lin Nuo's eyes turned cold.

At that time, one of the families in the lower realm was the Bi family.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Bi Ju's face turned cold.

But a man with a strong Tianxin beside him noticed something was wrong, and narrowed his eyes: "Young man, do you have any grudges against my family?"

"No resentment, it's enmity. Since it's Pie's family, don't leave. We'll bury all of you here." Lin Nuo said coldly.

After he said this, the audience was completely silent, and then endless mocking voices appeared.

Even the strong Tianxin who noticed something was wrong looked at Lin Nuo strangely: "Young man, are you dreaming? Are you going to kill us all?"

"Where is so much nonsense? Wait for this king to pick off his head." A king said coldly.

Biju smiled strangely: "Don't kill him all at once, remember to save half of your life, I will have fun with him."

The king has gone, carelessly, he has seen through Lin Nuo's cultivation, but he is above the king, and he is a long way from reaching the peak of Tianxin.


He clenched his fist to attack, and with a bang, a big hole was blown out of the sky.


Everyone first saw the red light flashing, and heard the sound of a sharp weapon entering the body.

The king died just like that. No one knew how Lin Nuo made the move. They only knew that the king who had just been careless was instantly killed.


The king, who was the first to discover something wrong, was shocked and said, "Young man, do we have any misunderstandings?"

"Misunderstanding? It doesn't exist." Lin Nuo is like a killing god. He is alone as if he is heading towards a thousand troops. There are flowers of the other shore falling from the sky. He walks under the flowers of the other shore like an emissary from the underworld.

"Young man, I know you are very strong, but if so many of us continue to fight, you won't be able to please you, why don't we just let it go?" the elder king said solemnly.

Lin Nuo ignored it, and at this time, those seemingly illusory Bianhua flowers suddenly took root when they approached the cultivator of the Bi family, and used the cultivator as nourishment to grow themselves.

Screaming incessantly, these cultivators who had been rooted by the Bianhua turned into mummies one after another in an instant.

Lin Nuo smiled: "What about now? Are there still many of you?"

The king who had just spoken looked back, his face turned pale in an instant, because he discovered at this time that, except for the five kings, the rest of the cultivators had become corpses that had been dead for thousands of years, blown by the wind, and turned into dust and scattered.

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