Fight against the holy body of the gods.

It is impossible for anyone to believe this kind of thing, and it will definitely be regarded as nonsense, but he actually happened.

Not to mention other things, Lin Fan felt very unreal, if not for his holy blood and holy bones everywhere in this boundless star universe, he would feel that it was just a nightmare.

All the gods he had come into contact with actually attacked him when he was crossing the holy catastrophe, making him survive countless times. If his body hadn't been sanctified and his holy blood was endless, he would have died long ago.

The sea of ​​thunder that filled the sky was still slashing and killing, and the divine thunder entangled those golden blood beads and jade-like sacred bones, as if they wanted to take advantage of Lin Fan's broken body to kill him directly.

The sky mirror has been reflecting Lin Fan's catastrophe, but for a long time, the scene reflected by the sky mirror is just a sea of ​​thunder covering the entire starry sky, and it is not known what happened in the sea of ​​thunder.

It was as if an ultimate creature had taken action to deceive the sky.

But at this time, the sky-peeping mirror finally glimpsed the truth in the sea of ​​thunder, and everyone could see that the golden holy blood was floating in the boundless void like a pool of blood, swallowing big stars one after another, and the white bones The lumps were floating in the pool of blood, looking extremely miserable and bloody.

"Is this dead?"

Li Sheng's words were trembling, the thunder that covered most of the universe sea just now made his Dao heart almost collapse, how could there really be such a catastrophe in this world.

"Hehehahaha! It's his good fortune to die under the Holy Tribulation, at least he won't be tortured." Tongtian laughed. He looked at Lin Fan's golden holy blood and bones laughing, very wild and happy.

"It's too painful to die." Tian Xin'er said fiercely, and said gloomyly: "Since ancient times, few people have been able to survive the catastrophe of doomsday. Even my father, God, still survived from death. After a hundred years of healing, who does he think he is? How dare he stand shoulder to shoulder with my father?"

"Enough!" Huang Fengliu's heart was trembling, and there was deep grief in his eyes.

If God really allowed Lin Fan to become a saint, how could such a catastrophe happen?

This is clearly a catastrophe that God sent down to kill Lin Fan.


Another terrifying sound of thunder made everyone scream—"Taiyin God Thunder!"

Li Jiang exclaimed.

"No! Could it be, isn't he dead yet?" Li Sheng shouted.

Because, if Lin Fan dies, the Heavenly Tribulation should dissipate.

Tian Xin'er's eyes froze, and at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

Those gorgeous phoenixes and phoenixes floating in the bloody sea of ​​​​the boundless void flew up one after another. The phoenixes condensed into a chain of order, connecting one piece of white bone after another, and refining the blood in the golden bloody sea. Refined.

The blood essence rose and was formed into a human form by the phoenix. Those white bones flew into it, and Lin Fan reappeared in the universe, but his face was too pale.


It's just that when he reappeared, the Taiyin God Thunder split him open again.

"I am immortal."

There was a low growl from the pool of blood, Lin Fan appeared again, with the heavens in his hands, he charged against the sky, and directly killed the three ruthless giant eyes.

"If you don't give me a way to live, then you will die!!"

Lin Fan's expression was ferocious.

He can't see any chance of life and survival. Now that the gods are attacking, and there are all kinds of lightning strikes that only exist in legends, this thief God wants to wipe everything about him.

"What is he doing?"

"Is he going to kill the sky?"

"He wants to die? How dare he fight against the sky?"

"Those three giant eyes are the embodiment of the way of heaven. Are they going against the sky?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Why not kill? Even if it is the sky, since he doesn't give life a way out, why should the soul respect the sky?" Huang Fengliu laughed loudly. Seeing that Lin Fan was still alive and going to fight against the sky, his heart was full of pride, and he wished Together with Lin Fan to kill this goddamn god.

Lin Fan shattered it seven or eight times, but he also killed a giant eye, and Zhu Tian was smashed to pieces by the terrifying thunder calamity when he killed the giant eye.

But Lin Fan was neither happy nor sad, he played out one after another mysterious formulas, acting according to some of the remaining memories in his heart.

This is the incomplete perception left over from the battle with the God of Medicine.

The heavy halberd was the beginning of his change of fate, and he was also his partner, accompanying him to kill all heroes, from the world to the sky; it was impossible for him to be damaged.

Fragments of the heavy halberd flew into the pool of blood, infecting his holy blood, and some of the holy bones melted into the heavy halberd.


There was a sound of shouting from the broken halberd. Lin Fan had a clear realization that this was the soldier's soul he had driven into the halberd.

This soldier soul was obtained on the Qingyun Ladder, and was finally integrated into the heavy halberd by him, but for so many years, this soldier soul did not give him any abnormalities, and even made him somewhat forget it.

But at this time, he actually shouted to kill, this is to become a holy weapon, so the soldier soul gave birth to wisdom?


With a terrifying roar, a phantom appeared, which was exactly the same as him. This phantom was repairing the body of the heavy halberd.

Lin Fan's eyes flickered with divine light. At this moment, he clearly felt that Zhu Tian, ​​who was being repaired, was like an extension of his body, and his thoughts were united.

It seems that holding this halberd, he can easily slash the world.

"Come, fight with me!"

With great pride in his heart, he let out a long howl, and the heavy halberd flew towards him, as if he was going to strike at the giant eye first.

"Hahaha" Lin Fan roared wildly, attacking and killing Xiang Juyan.

the other side of the sky

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder continued, but anyone could see that the thunder calamity had come to an end, and Li Zhu would truly be sanctified.


With a terrifying roar, Li Zhu charged into the sky with his fist, blasting away all the remaining thunderstorms. At this moment, his face was full of ferociousness and his eyes were stern.

He looked at Lin Fan fighting in the sky.

There is endless shock in my heart.

Lin Fan, can he really survive this catastrophe?

At this time, if he dared to attack and kill the giant eye that was the source of all thunder calamities, wouldn't he be afraid of being blamed by the gods, causing even more terrifying disasters, or stripping him of the principles that Lin Fan had comprehended?

Glancing at Lin Fan gloomyly, he was sitting cross-legged in the void like this. After a long howl, the energy flowed in all directions. After just crossing the tribulation, he needed to replenish the essence of swallowing heaven and earth, otherwise he would be too weak.

Both he and Lin Fan knew that there would definitely be a battle. Both of them became saints, and a holy war would definitely break out. In this void, saints are destined to shed blood today.

Lin Fan was in a frantic battle, using the many perceptions he had gained during the frenzied battle with the gods and dao bodies, and intuitively playing out all kinds of terrifying holy rules. a deeper understanding.

He even felt that the Phoenix Sutra of Immortality taught him by Le Yao should have lost a key point, and his perception at this time is the complete chapter.

"My god, die to me!"

With the last roar, Lin Fan blasted the last giant eye with his Heavenly Punisher.

He was very weak at this moment, and he could feel that after killing the last giant eye, his physical body was stronger, and he could easily blow up the sky and tear apart the dragon, but he couldn't use any strength.

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