The appearance of Xuemei is just a simple rule, the other side has deprived him of his strongest support, the Immortal Phoenix Sutra is useless, obviously there is everything in this sutra in the body, but it cannot be mobilized, and it cannot be used to repair the injured body.

"Three thousand realms of vanity."

Snow Beauty was as domineering and fierce as ever, her slender hands fluttered, the whole world rumbled, a splendid and flashy world struck, the sky was three thousand heavy, it seemed that there were really three thousand worlds killing Lin Fan at the same time, all over the sky The terrifying roar of all spirits.

"So far away."

Lin Fan roared angrily, turning the distance in front of him into billions of feet, its immeasurable vastness and boundlessness.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three thousand worlds blasted away and were swallowed into the chaotic nothingness.

Xuemei only played these two rules and stood quietly in the void, like a perfect sculpture.

Lin Fan had a feeling that the holy bodies of these gods would not attack him together.

With a twinkle in his eyes, this is the only chance.


Lin Fan roared and blasted towards Thunder God, his fist imprint rumbled, he was pushing Xingyu and walking, this is the double fist of Yu and Zhou, at this time, his body was sanctified, the holy power covered Xinghai with every gesture, and a A big star was crushed into pieces, but compared with the thunder calamity that filled the sky, it was nothing and would not attract attention.


Thunder God on the opposite side also threw a punch. He was extremely domineering, with a slender and strong body, black hair fluttering around, and deep eyes, as if billions of stars appeared in his pupils, which was terrifying and boundless.


The two fists collided, and they all backed up again and again, crushing the galaxy.

"No, could it be that the gods are also sanctified in flesh?" Lin Fan was startled, "Come again!"

Lin Fan let out a roar, and the golden holy power covered the sky and covered the earth, exploding a meteor, and the power of his fist was so powerful that it shattered the universe.

But Thunder God on the opposite side was not afraid, he raised his hands and slapped down, with a bang, everything collapsed, even Lin Fan's fist marks.

The two of them fought head to head, fought thousands of moves, and smashed each other many times. After the last collision, Thor's phantom faded away and disappeared, leaving only half of Lin Fan's body in place.

The dazzling golden light flickered, and Lin Fan's face turned pale again. Without the Phoenix Sutra of Immortality, the recovery at this time was consuming his own blood, and he was about to be unable to bear it.

Thunder God is too terrifying, his shots are as powerful as Tianwei, and he has deduced the way of thunder to the extreme.

"No." There was light in Lin Fan's eyes, and he found that there was a trace of the true meaning of thunder in his broken and reassembled body, which was different from his perception of Lei Dao. feel.


Zulong came to attack, Lin Fan's eyes flashed, he called Lin Long to fight.

The fight between the two divine dragons disturbed the world, making the sun, the moon, and the stars dim. In the end, Lin Long was beaten into nothingness and turned into a divine dragon spirit, and the ancestor dragon was also torn into two by Lin Long. Zulong also disappeared.

"Dragon clan combat skills?" Lin Fan's soul appeared a terrifying scene of a dragon fighting the gods and fighting against the heavens. He guessed that this should be the dragon clan's skills, an untold secret, and the foundation of the dragon clan.

"Is this still a catastrophe?" Lin Fan's eyes were radiant, the fear at the beginning was gone, and the only thing left was excitement.

He understood that if the Holy Dao body of the gods fought against him, if he died, it would be a real death, and the world would not exist from now on, but if he could bear it, he would have a big harvest.

"Come to fight!"

At this time, Lin Fan was full of fighting spirit, and his flaming golden fighting power made him shine like a scorching sun, shining all over the world, making people on the ground wonder whether there were two rounds of eternal suns above the sky.


There was only one word when the God of Medicine made a move, but in Lin Fan's eyes, three thousand roads rolled in, as if the three thousand rules were combined by the God of Medicine into attacking and killing. Become one of them and never lose your mind.

The battle was frenzied, the God of Medicine was too powerful, and his every move had shocking power. In his era, he would definitely rule the world, and he was invincible in the sky and the world.


In a life-and-death confrontation, both of them went berserk, one was a god, enshrined by heaven and earth, and appeared in the thunder calamity at this time, the other was a hero of the world, an invincible opponent of his generation, crushing all enemies, both were momentary arrogance, the two Meeting each other is naturally the tip of a needle.

In the final blow, Lin Fan was pierced through the head by the Heavenly Tongding Cauldron, which nearly broke his soul, but Tian Zhu in his hand also killed the body of the God of Medicine, causing him to dissipate into a spot of light.

"Snow Beauty"

Lin Fan's expression was complicated, and he didn't even realize what the God of Medicine had left for him.

He knew that this was the imprint of Xuemei when she was sanctified, but the other party really didn't know him, and Lin Fan saw a trace of vitality and beauty in those eyes that were like autumn water, like clear springs.

At this moment, the snowy beauty was wearing a long cyan dress, and her long hair was carefully combed beautifully, giving people a sense of innocence and romance.

This is Xuemei's best youth, right?

At this time, she was full of longing, without so many burdens and pains, and she was as gorgeous as a delicate flower in the most beautiful years.

What happened to her later, why there was no smile on her face, and her eyes like clear springs lost their color and became as deep as an abyss.


Xuemei is so beautiful that anyone would marvel at her face, but when she strikes, she looks like a goddess of war. Her killing intent shatters the world, making those Lei Jie who are still attacking and killing Lin Fan slow down.


Lin Fan also roared angrily, fighting Xue Meisheng to the death.

This battle is too tragic, it is impossible to be fair. If Lin Fan's guess is correct, this book of immortality must have been created by this unparalleled woman. It really seems to have an immortal body, and there is no defense at all when fighting Lin Fan .

Ren Lin Fan's Punisher cut off her limbs, cut off her meridians, and even cut off her head, he didn't care, they could all be restored in an instant, and, with a shaking of his hand, the Nirvana fire burned the sky, making Lin Fan's body The sea of ​​souls almost dried up several times.


Lin Fan went berserk, Xue Meiren's combat method made him uncomfortable, it was hard to imagine that such a beautiful woman fought so crazy, bloody to the extreme, limbs and arms flew around, holy blood flowed , flooded the sea of ​​stars.


Lin Fan had a fight with Xuemei, his Tianzhu pierced through Xuemei's eyebrows, but he was also split in half by a Heavenly Phoenix Slash.


The thunderstorm charged, Lin Fan was completely shattered, blood and bones were everywhere.

Fortunately, Xuemei also disappeared, otherwise Lin Fan would be in danger, he would be killed directly, and he would not survive.

This terrifying battle was submerged in the boundless sea of ​​thunder, and no one could see the slightest bit, otherwise it would definitely shock the past, present and future, and it would be recorded in detail in the annals of cultivation.

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