"Ha ha!"

"It's true, it's true, this gourd is indeed a mythical gourd!"

"No wonder the master has been hanging these days. It turns out to be a treasure, a big treasure!"

"With the gourd, wouldn't I be able to run amok in the world?"

As soon as the thought fell, Biyan Tongtian Ape King's face instantly revealed a look of reluctance. Although he could indeed run amok with the help of this gourd, Biyan Tongtian Ape King knew very well that this was Li Yixi's treasure. If you find that it is gone, you have to shed a layer of skin if you don't die.

At this moment, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King could only caress the gourd on his waist reluctantly.


At the moment when the Biyan Tongtian Ape King showed reluctance, the extremely powerful existences such as the Lord of Hell trembled wildly and their hearts beat wildly.

He stared at the wine gourd in the hands of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King with wide eyes.They never thought that this little wine gourd would be so terrifying that it would devour all the false gods in an instant.

Everyone was very clear about the strength of these pseudo gods, but no one expected that the wine gourd in the hands of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King would wipe out all these pseudo gods in an instant.

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King was very reluctant and ignored everyone.

Shaking the wine jug, he took a sip of wine into his mouth.

The blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King showed a look of obsession on his face.

"Good baby, good baby, after devouring these people and refining them, this wine is even stronger."

At the moment when the Biyantongtian Ape King looked excited, Jun Wushen and the others felt their mouths dry.

He stared at the wine gourd in front of him with wide eyes.

No one thought that today, in their view, there should be a shocking battle, but the blue-eyed sky-reaching ape king's wine gourd was instantly cracked.

Until this moment, everyone woke up from the shock and couldn't help but gasped.

The excited Biyan Tongtian Ape King turned his head back instantly, his eyes fell on Jun Wushen, and said with a smile: "Little Wushen, I would like to admit defeat. Today, these ants have been cleaned up by the Great Sage, so don't call me a king again!" Ape King, call me Great Sage!"

Jun Wushen didn't care what the Biyan Tongtian Ape King said at all, but stared at the gourd on his waist with a fiery face, his voice trembling slightly, and said word by word: "Is this wine gourd belong to the master?"

"Why do I feel a little familiar?"

Jun Wushen did feel a little familiar.


"Don't change the subject, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. Before the bet, you didn't say that you can't use the master's things. Remember, you must call me the Great Sage in the future, and I will be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King looked excited, and instantly left through the air, but the Biyan Tongtian Ape King knew that Li Yixi had rushed home, if he found that the wine gourd was not there after returning, then he would be doomed.

The blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King, who had used his supernatural powers, returned to the manor first, and put the wine gourd on his waist in place with a look of reluctance.

Just at this moment, the sound of carriages and horses sounded outside the courtyard, Li Yixi pushed open the courtyard door and walked into the courtyard.

Feeling a little thirsty, he picked up the gourd and took a mouthful.

Li Yixi froze for a moment when the strong wine entered his throat, with a puzzled expression on his face, "What's going on, why did the wine suddenly become strong?"

"However, the wine should be stronger!"

Li Yixi muttered suspiciously, and stopped paying attention. The blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King in the corner was extremely nervous. Seeing that Li Yixi was ignoring him and not continuing to pay attention, the boulder hanging in his heart fell.

Outside the Jinling Immortal City, as the false gods were brought by King Biyantongtianyun to clean up all the gourds, everyone was completely relieved. It didn't take long before the heaven and the emperor finally swallowed up all the power of the law and completely transformed.

burst out.

The treasure came out of the sky, and the Lord of Hell immediately used his supernatural powers to imprison the sky and the imperial mirror. However, at this moment, the Lord of Hell had beads of sweat on his forehead, and his expression was tense.

Even if the Lord of Hell is as powerful as the sky, it is very difficult for Huang Jing to imprison Tian at this moment. Tian, ​​Huang Jing trembled violently and almost flew out.

"No, this thing is not something we can use at all. With our strength, we can't control it at all."

Before he had time to be happy, the Lord of Hell looked a little embarrassed at this moment.

Qingyangzi who was on the side immediately said: "Daoist friends, today's expert chose to gather here, it is very likely that he is interested in the sky, Huangjing, if there is no expert, who wants to compete for the sky, Huangjing, I am afraid It's not that simple."

"Besides, none of us can control the sky and the emperor's mirror right now. It's better to give this day and the emperor's mirror to an expert."

"Furthermore, Heaven, the Emperor Mirror is an artifact of our human race. None of us can guarantee the safety of Heaven and Emperor Mirror. Only by completely handing over Heaven and Emperor Mirror to Young Master, is it truly foolproof."

After Qingyangzi's voice fell, everyone's eyes could not help but brighten.

The Lord of Hell also suddenly realized, and said excitedly: "Fellow Daoists are right, today, the Imperial Mirror is not a magical weapon that we can handle at all. Putting it in our hands will not only have no effect, but may be lost. The best way is to give it to the son."

Now let's join forces to suppress it first, and immediately send the emperor's mirror to the son's manor to be safe.

Not long after Li Yixi returned to the manor, the voice of the Lord of Hell sounded outside the manor.

Li Yixi, who was drinking tea, showed a look of doubt on his face, Lao Bai opened the courtyard door, and the Lord of Hell walked in with a smile on his face.

"It turns out to be fellow daoist, please sit down!"

Li Yixi had seen the power of the Lord of Hell before, and at this moment he had a warm invitation on his face.

The Lord of Hell is very nervous. At this moment, the Lord of Hell is a bit difficult to suppress the heaven and the emperor. He dare not delay, and immediately said: "Young master, in fact, it is not a big deal for me to come here, but I am lucky enough to get that treasure today. The treasure is of no use to me, so I will bring it to the young master."

"After you have this treasure, you don't need to worry about danger when you go out in the future!"

After the voice fell, the Lord of Hell nervously took out the Heavenly Emperor Mirror and placed it in front of Li Yixi.

God, the spirit of Huangjing has been struggling all the time, trying to break free, but the moment it was placed in front of Li Yixi, God, the spirit of Huangjing restrained all its breath.

"Isn't this the treasure?"

Seeing the sky and Huangjing in front of him, Li Yixi instantly recognized it.

The Lord of Hell hastily explained: "Young master guessed right, it is the treasure that was born, this treasure is very amazing, it has an extremely powerful weapon spirit, in the future, you will take it with you, and you can also guarantee safety when you travel. .”

"I still have some things to deal with, goodbye."

The Lord of Hell was afraid that Li Yixi would refuse, so he immediately exited the yard. Li Yixi, who opened his mouth to speak, had a strange expression on his face at this moment.

When this treasure was born, the vision of heaven and earth was very astonishing, Li Yixi never thought that the Lord of Hell would actually give it to him.

Just now, Li Yixi also sensed some of the emotions of the Lord of Hell. It seems that the Lord of Hell is very afraid of this thing, but he has no malice towards him, which makes Li Yixi very puzzled.

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