"God, the imperial realm?"

The pupils of each of them shrank suddenly, and their faces were shocked. They never thought that the treasure born today turned out to be the heaven and the emperor.

Heaven, Emperor Realm, they naturally know that this is an extremely terrifying ancient divine weapon, a supreme divine weapon at the beginning of Jiuchongtian's creation, it was lost during the ancient war, and they never thought that it would be born today.

Of course, the present Jiuchongtian is not the original Jiuchongtian. The current Jiuchongtian God is based on the ruins of Jiuchongtian, rebuilding Jiuchongtian and becoming the Lord of the World.

Otherwise, the Nine Layers of Heaven would not be in deep despair.

Who opened up the Nine Heavens is extremely terrifying, not comparable to the current Nine Heavens.

Knowing that it is the sky, the emperor's realm, each and everyone's eyes are full of excitement.

"This is the sky, the emperor's realm, the legendary heaven, the emperor's realm, the nine heavens, the magic weapon of the lord who opened the sky in the ancient times."

"Today, no matter what price you pay, you will get it."

"Once I get it, even if I am just a spiritual body, I can suppress these natives."

The false god in the head seemed to be cultivating with his eyes closed, but at this moment, his excited body trembled slightly, but at this moment, he did not act rashly. After all, the existence of the Lord of Hell is not weak.

If you underestimate it, then not only may you get nothing, but your spirit body may fall here.

The spiritual body, but it took a lot of money to condense.

Even in the sky, Huang Jing devoured the power of those laws and quickly made himself perfect, but it took a lot of time, and the sun set very quickly.

Li Yixi glanced at the distance, then ordered the coachman to go back to Jinling Immortal City.

After all, in Li Yixi's opinion, those kinds of treasures are not something that he can own.

In the fight for birth, if one is not good, one may be in danger.

Seeing Li Yixi leave, the fake gods showed a touch of excitement on their faces.

At this moment, a big monkey sprang out from the corner, it was the King of Apes with Blue Eyes.

"Brother Dao, what shall we do now?"

"That is an incomparably powerful heaven, Huang Jing, absolutely cannot be taken away by these false gods, how do you arrange it!"

A pair of eyes, all fell on the Lord of Hell. Today, only the Lord of Hell can take action to win the heaven and emperor mirror.

"Is it so difficult to win the treasure? I will deal with these trash."

At the moment when everyone was solemn, suddenly, a voice sounded beside them, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing everyone staring at him, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King said speechlessly, "I am the Monkey King, you bastards, do you look down on me?"

Hearing the disdainful voice of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, everyone was speechless.

Because the Biyan Tongtian Ape King gave them a very funny feeling, a big monkey with a wine gourd hanging from his waist looked very weird.

Jun Wushen and others exist, but knowing the ability of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, he can only hold back his laughter.

Jun Wushen said with a smile: "Ape King, how are you going to deal with these false gods?"

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King finally saw someone pay attention to him, his eyes instantly showed a look of excitement, his body bounced, and landed in front of Jun Wushen.

"Hey Hey!"

"Little Wushen, are you looking down on me, the ape king? Cleaning up these things is just a matter of raising your hands. Do you dare to make a bet with me, the ape king?"

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King looked at Jun Wushen excitedly.


"How to bet?"

Jun Wushen also became interested at this moment, and looked at the blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Hey Hey!"

"It's very simple. If this king has cleaned up these false gods today, then, from now on, you will be called the king."

"Now this king has learned the supernatural powers of the Monkey King, and I want to be the Monkey King!"

"If this king can't do it, then from now on, this king will only follow your lead and let you send me around."

Everyone heard the words of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, and each of them showed a look of doubt on their faces. Although the Biyan Tongtian Ape King is powerful, the false god at the head is not weak.

"Okay, I'll take this bet!"

"However, don't play tricks after the ape king loses."

There was a touch of excitement on Jun Wushen's face. From Jun Wushen's point of view, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King is not capable of dealing with the false god at the head. Once he fails, he will have a reason to let the Biyan Tongtian Ape King obey his orders. , Clear away those false gods who stand in the way of revolutionizing the world.

"a man of his words!"

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King was extremely excited. After his voice fell, he looked at everyone excitedly and said.

"Wait and see how the Great Sage cleans up these ants."

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King jumped up and appeared in front of the group of false gods in an instant.

"Hey Hey!"

"Where did a group of waste come from?"

"It's wishful thinking to even want to snatch the treasure with this king."

As soon as the words finished, the eyes of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King scanned the wine gourd around his waist without any trace, and stretched out his hand to stroke it gently from time to time.

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King was very excited, "Master taught me the Eighty Nine Mysterious Arts and 72 changes. There is nothing false about these things, so this wine gourd must be the purple gold gourd in Journey to the West."

"With Zijin gourd, dealing with these ants is easy, isn't it?"

"From now on, I am the Great Holy Father!"

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King had already calculated everything before Jun Wushen made the bet.

He put all his chances of winning on the wine gourd.

By Li Yixi's side, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King has witnessed too many miracles and discovered too many things in the stories come true, so the Biyan Tongtian Ape King is sure that Li Yixi's wine gourd is the legendary Zijin gourd.

Those false gods were extremely angry. Today, they were extremely sad, but now they are provoked by a monkey, which one can bear, which one cannot bear.

A terrifying aura erupted from their bodies.

"Where did the monkey come from, dare to be presumptuous here? Believe it or not, I'm waiting to tear you to pieces?"

After Biyan Tongtian Ape King heard the other party's threat, he didn't have any fear, instead he sneered at Dao, "A group of grandchildren dare to threaten your Great Sage Grandpa, are you looking for death?"

Seeing the incomparable anger of these people one by one, he was overjoyed. The purpose of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King was to anger these people, and he muttered in his heart: "Master doesn't have many chances to leave the gourd alone. This time, I managed to catch the gourd. We have to take it." These bastards come to test the power."

Those false gods wanted to kill the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, but when they saw the Lord of Hell behind the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, a trace of fear appeared on their faces.

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King quietly opened the gourd, and shouted: "A group of false gods want to seize the power of the incense, it is simply wishful thinking, if you have the ability to report your name, today, the great sage is alone, and I will kill you all. Just hum if you can."

The incomparably powerful pseudo-god who had been sitting cross-legged was already very irritable in his heart, and had been trying to find a way to deal with the Lord of Hell. Seeing that the Blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King kept provoking him, his expression became extremely embarrassing.

At this moment, a group of false gods snorted coldly one by one.

However, at the moment when they snorted coldly, each body involuntarily rose into the air, and flew towards the wine gourd in the hands of the Biyan Tongtian Ape King, as if that wine gourd had the power to swallow the sky and could not break free. In the blink of an eye, all the false gods in the void disappeared completely.

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