

At this moment, seeing the attack of the Lord of Hell, the strong necromancer had a taunting look on his lips.

In the next moment, he did not know what supernatural power was used, and behind him, a round of big moon appeared.

That bright moon seems to be able to suppress everything.

"I am the God of the Moon, how can you defeat me?"

"Demon Moon, come down."

The voice fell, and the bright moon suddenly turned into red blood strangely, and the blood moon was in the sky, which was extremely strange.

Seeing the blood-colored moon in the void, Li Yixi's eyes lit up, feeling far more impactful than the special effects in the movie, and his eyes brightened even more.

Like the people eating melons, they watched with excitement.

The next moment, amidst the blood, a profound and incomparable force blessed the body of the undead, fighting with the Lord of Hell.

With the continuous fighting, the undead frowned at this moment, because the undead were very strange, and the supernatural power of the Buddha and demon could have been stronger, but the Buddha and demon reduced their attacks for the sake of the vision, which made the strong undead uncontrollably frown.

"Lord Ming, make the supernatural powers bigger, so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing. As long as you cooperate well, I can give you some preferential treatment when you enter reincarnation."

The voice of the Lord of Hell rang in King Daming's ears.


"Isn't it better for you to humiliate me?"

"Mo Buddha, today I will let you experience my supernatural powers."

King Daming, who had turned into a dead spirit, was instantly furious. How can he say that when he was alive, he was also an ancestor god. In the galaxy of dead spirits, he swallowed countless existences, and his strength was extremely terrifying. He felt that the words of the Lord of Hell were humiliating him.

An even more terrifying strength erupted in an instant, attacking the Lord of Hell frantically.

When the two were fighting to the death, they saw a ghostly figure appearing strangely in the void. Seeing the Lord of Hell fighting to the death with King Daming, they felt that the opportunity had come.

Immediately cast supernatural powers and sneak attack the back of the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Hell's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly dodged away. However, the moment the Lord of Hell dodged, his face changed drastically, because of the supernatural power at this moment, he was heading towards the mountain where Li Yixi was.


The Lord of Hell was extremely anxious, but at this moment, he was instantly entangled by King Daming, and he had no time to clone himself.

"not good!"

Qingyangzi and the others burst out their supernatural powers to resist at this moment. After all, the means of displaying that terrifying existence are not weak.

With the joint efforts of everyone, they finally resisted the magic power.

But the terrible strong wind still fell on Li Yixi's face, lifted Li Yixi's long hair, and broke one of Li Yixi's hair at this moment.

Li Yixi didn't realize it, after all, to Li Yixi, this attack was just like a breeze blowing on his face.

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes widened and their hearts trembled wildly. After all, in their opinion, Li Yixi's hair was broken, which was a great crime.

At this moment, the face of the Lord of Hell also changed drastically.

Just wanted to kill the attacker.

Qingyangzi and the others were also extremely angry.

However, the moment they caught that figure, their eyelids twitched wildly, because at this moment, everyone was horrified to find that a terrifying force came from somewhere, that powerful undead, even the fleeing There was no chance, only his body collapsed rapidly and turned into nothingness.

"Dead, dead?"

"That power, that power seems to be the power of merit!"

"The source of the power seems to come from there. Could it be that there is a peerless expert hidden here?"

The expression of King Daming, who was fighting with the Lord of Hell, changed drastically, and he immediately looked over there. At this moment, King Daming's eyes fell on the face of Li Yixi, who was guarded by everyone.


"This person, this person is"

Seeing Li Yixi's face, the dead body of King Daming trembled suddenly, his eyes were filled with panic.

"That is the power of backlash, the power of merit."

"He, he is a master who has become a Demon Buddha."

"How could this be?"

"Why did it appear here?"

Daming King, who was originally angry, saw Li Yixi's face, and after remembering the face of the Buddha in the realm of death, he was frightened.

On that day, just a ray of will was terrifying to the extreme. With a single thought, he deprived the connection between the God of the Dead Realm and the Dead Realm, and became a Demon Buddha.

Just thinking about it made King Daming tremble wildly.

"No, back!"

"The power of this expert's merits and virtues is too terrifying. If the power of the attack is not careful, he will die, and no one can save him."

"Damn it, on that day, I thought that will came from a person from outside the sky, but I didn't expect that it would be like this in the Nine Heavens."

Without the slightest hesitation, King Daming shifted the battlefield instantly.

He didn't want the attack to spread to Li Yixi, and he would be killed by the power of merit. With the establishment of the underworld, the power of merit on Li Yixi's body became more and more terrifying.

The angry Qingyangzi and other existences who blocked the attack also widened their eyes.

At this moment, they naturally knew who died and how.

Can't help but take a breath of cold air one by one.

They were all terrified.

The Lord of Hell was also extremely nervous, and instantly erupted with his strongest supernatural power, suppressing King Daming.

I can't wait to kill Daming King directly.

"Young master, I was shocked just now."

Back in front of Li Yixi again, the Lord of Hell looked anxious, wondering if his mistake just now had offended Li Yixi.

"It's okay, with them here, I'm fine!"

"It's just a breeze!"

Li Yixi comforted with a smile.

Hearing this moment, everyone couldn't help being shocked, but they thought of Li Yixi's horror, the supernatural power of that necromancer is terrifying, but Li Yixi exists, how could that supernatural power be able to hurt him.

"Young Master, it's fine, it's fine!" Just as the Lord of Hell's voice fell, suddenly, the earth shook, and the mountain not far away collapsed at this moment, and a divine light shot straight into the sky.

"The treasure is born!"

The moment they saw that divine light, the eyes of those powerful beings in the void showed a touch of excitement.

Fly over there.

"Is it born?"

"What kind of treasure is that, there is such a vision."

Li Yixi's eyes also widened with excitement.

Seeing the gleam in Li Yixi's eyes, the anxious Lord of Hell immediately said: "Young Master, if you are interested in going to have a look, I will keep you safe!"

Hearing this, Li Yixi remembered that the Lord of Hell's attack was extremely terrifying, and felt that there was no need to worry about his safety with the Lord of Hell's protection, so he nodded immediately, "That's hard work, brother."

The Lord of Hell was overjoyed, and immediately used his supernatural powers, leading Li Yixi to go there.

Qingyangzi and the others also had brilliant eyes, and hurriedly followed, also full of curiosity about the treasure that appeared here.


"This thing is extraordinary!"

Dahei, who was crawling on the ground, also had splendor in his demon eyes.

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