Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 955 Young Master Likes to Watch Fights

Li Yixi tasted the sashimi, his expression brightened, and he praised loudly, "Good!"

Hearing Li Yixi's praise, Qingyangzi beside him felt very happy, very happy.

Just at this time, in the void, a figure came from the sky.

Glancing at the people on the mountain peak, a strange color appeared in their eyes. The existence coming from Yukong at this moment is none other than the Lord of Hell.


"The expert is here, is this a coincidence?"

The Lord of Hell frowned slightly, and couldn't help thinking.

This time, the reason why the Lord of Hell appeared here is because the Lord of Hell calculated that a treasure will be born here today, which is very extraordinary, so the Lord of Hell will go here.

The Lord of Hell did not expect that he would meet Li Yixi here today.

At this moment, the Lord of Hell couldn't help thinking.

Li Yixi happened to look up at the void, and his gaze just happened to land on the Lord of Hell.


"That person seems a little familiar, who is here, how can I forget?"

Li Yixi forgot about the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Hell, who was in deep thought, sensed Li Yixi's gaze, stopped thinking for an instant, and came here without thinking.

The body fell, and the Lord of Hell immediately said respectfully: "I pay my respects to the young master. I never thought that I would meet the young master here today. It's really a fate!"

When Li Yixi heard this, a look of embarrassment appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hastily said to Hu Qingyun beside him: "Ma'am, this person is very familiar, but I can't remember, do you remember?"

After the voice fell, Li Yixi hurriedly stood up, walked towards the Lord of Hell, and said with a smile: "Yes, fate, fate, this brother, please sit down, you came at the right time, Lao Bai pours wine!"

Li Yixi was very enthusiastic. At this time, Hu Qingyun also explained to Li Yixi, and Li Yixi finally remembered the Lord of Hell.

"Thank you, son!"

The Lord of Hell was very excited to see Li Yixi being so polite.

After sitting down, Li Yixi smiled and said: "I don't know if Xiongtai is here today, but what's important."

Li Yixi has already remembered that the lord of hell is the lord of the underworld, and it stands to reason that he would not walk around the world casually, so Li Yixi was very curious.

Hearing this, the Lord of Hell didn't know why Li Yixi asked such a question, but he immediately explained: "To tell you the truth, my lord, there is a treasure that will appear here today, it may be related to the underworld, so I came here to have a look."


Hearing the word Chongbao, Li Yixi immediately became interested, stared at the Lord of Hell and said with a smile, "Is it such a coincidence?"

"Doesn't that mean that we can witness the birth of the treasure today?"

Li Yixi was very happy.

Qingyangzi and the others couldn't help but look at each other, with a strange look on their faces, thoughtful.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Li Yixi chose this place for picnic.

"However, I'm afraid it's not safe here today!"

Immediately, a look of worry appeared on Li Yixi's face. After all, in Li Yixi's eyes, these immortals are extremely terrifying existences. They can be counted as something. If the Lord of Hell can come today, it may be someone else. People will come too.

If there is a big war, what should I do as a mortal.

Although Li Yixi is very interested in fighting immortals, once his life is threatened, Li Yixi has to consider the choice.

As soon as Li Yixi finished speaking, Qingyangzi and the others didn't understand why Li Yixi said that, but instinctively said: "Young master, don't worry, with us here, it is absolutely impossible for the attack to spread to you. You are at ease!" Just watch from the sidelines."

"Of course, if the young master is not interested, we can leave with the young master!"

Everyone at this moment said seriously.

Li Yixi felt that the words of all the people present were consistent with their inner emotions, and he couldn't help but wonder why these people were so kind to him?

But in the end, Li Yixi didn't find anything or think of anything.

Seeing that these people were sincerely willing to protect him, Li Yixi was completely at ease.

He smiled and said: "Naturally, so today, let's take a look. Immortal fighting skills are very interesting."

After Li Yixi's voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up at this moment.


"Is this interesting?"

"Does the young master want to watch the show?"

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, feeling that their chance had come.

Can't help rubbing their fists one by one.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

When everyone was excited, all of a sudden, figures in the void rushed towards them, standing in the air without approaching.

The Lord of Hell swept his eyes across the void, saw a figure, and his expression darkened instantly.

Immediately turned around to look at Li Yixi, with an apologetic expression on his face, "My lord, I would like to toast you, and after leaving for a while, I saw a Necromancer who escaped from the underworld here, in case he escapes, first It's better to arrest."

"Is the undead strong?"

"Then, are you busy?"

Li Yixi picked up the wine glass and slammed it with the Lord of Hell.

Just as the clan of hell stood up, one after another voices rang out in the ears of the lord of hell, "The fighting skills are more exciting, and experts like to watch it."

The lord of hell froze, turned around and glanced at Li Yixi, and sure enough, he saw excitement in Li Yixi's eyes.

The Lord of Hell was instantly overjoyed, "These days, the master has given me the grace of rebuilding, but I haven't found a chance to repay the great favor. Since the master likes to watch, then today, the fighting method will be more exciting."

The lord of hell made up his mind in an instant to perform well.

"Lord Ming, long time no see!"

The Lord of Hell took a step forward, crossed a distance of several kilometers, and looked coldly at a figure in the void at this moment, with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Mofo, you are in good health!"

"Do you want to take me back?"

That terrifying existence, looking at the Lord of Hell coldly, didn't seem to be very afraid.

"You are a necromancer. When you enter reincarnation and stay in the living world, it is my negligence in the underworld. If I met you today, I will naturally capture you back."

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of the undead's mouth, and he sneered: "Magic Buddha, this is not the realm of death, without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, if you want to arrest me, do you think you can do it?"

"Scream, don't be rampant, watch me capture you alive!"

At this moment, the lord of hell was overjoyed. The lord of hell was really worried that the undead would give up in an instant, so that he would have no chance to perform. Seeing that it was feasible, he shot without hesitation.

A Jie Dao appeared in the hands of the Lord of Hell, and he slashed out. The terrifying light of the sword, like a black moon, went towards the strong undead, which looked extremely special.

"Interesting, it seems that the crescent moon is soaring into the sky."

In Li Yixi's eyes, a look of excitement appeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Hell's eyes lit up instantly, and he felt that his chance to perform had come.

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