Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 942: Revolutionizing the World

Qinglong Immortal City, Book Mountain.

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan, who had practiced for many days, left the customs one after another. At this moment, the strength of the two of them has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the main hall, Zhao Feixuan looked ecstatic, "Ancestor, our strength has been greatly improved, and it seems that there is hope to revolutionize the world."

Zhao Feixuan digested what she gained that day, and at this moment, she has barely stepped into the realm of a true god.

Of course, they also practiced with the help of the poem left by Li Yixi, and the divine scriptures on it gave them a lot of help, allowing them to achieve this in a short period of time.

"Not bad, but this matter needs to be cautious."

"Even if there is an extremely terrifying existence to support it!"

"To revolutionize the world, I am afraid that blood will flow into rivers."

"However, Feixuan, where do you choose to start and how do you do it?"

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi's eyes fell on Zhao Feixuan. This matter was always done by Zhao Feixuan. Zhao Zuzhi didn't do anything before, because Zhao Zuzhi wanted to leave a way for Shushan, but he met Li Yi. After the past, Zhao Zuzhi changed his mind and joined it.

"Old Ancestor, I want to start from Qinglong Immortal City."

"Tonight, overturn the City Lord's Mansion."

"Only by taking down those existences in the Immortal Mansion can we further implement it. Only by destroying the Immortal Mansion can we implement our plan, but this matter must be kept secret, and no news will be leaked."

"In Qinglong Immortal City, there are tens of millions of practitioners, and these tens of millions of practitioners are the key."

"Only by taking them down can we have the confidence to revolutionize the world. Innovation also needs people."

"After all, if you want to innovate, you must first change the people's thinking and give them wisdom, and education is the key to all of this."

"As for education, there must be schools and resources!"

"However, now, Qinglong Immortal City looks extremely prosperous, but that's actually just superficial. All kinds of natural disasters are rampant in the territory outside Qinglong Immortal City, and the people are in dire straits, so it is impossible for those mortals to build schools and water conservancy projects."

"Once mortals are used, it will only lead to aggravated disasters, and fooling the people is the purpose of those sect forces, so at this moment, what we have to do is to control these people, imprison these people, and let the tens of millions of practitioners in Qinglong Immortal City, All participate in schools, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects in various places, and practitioners can control supernatural powers at a speed a hundred times faster than ordinary people."

"In this way, mortals will not be afraid of practitioners, and it is also a way to punish those practitioners."

Zhao Feixuan's voice fell, and Zhao Zuzhi's eyes widened instantly, with an expression of disbelief.

Zhao Zuzhi has never asked about Zhao Feixuan's affairs, but only vaguely knew about it. At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi, after hearing Zhao Feixuan's plan, was really frightened and felt that Zhao Feixuan was crazy.

The previous Shushan did not have these opportunities. If Zhao Feixuan did this, then Zhao Zuzhi's protection of Shushan would lose its effect.


At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi was breathing extremely heavily and his chest was heaving violently. He looked at Zhao Feixuan with wide eyes and asked, "Feixuan, are you serious?"

Zhao Zuzhi felt that Zhao Feixuan was too crazy, and she was an enemy of practitioners all over the world.

For a long time, practitioners have been self-proclaimed destiny, superior to others, and now Zhao Feixuan said that tens of thousands of practitioners are required to participate in infrastructure construction, how can Zhao Zuzhi not be shocked.

Zhao Zuzhi knew it without thinking, it was too dangerous.

"Old Ancestor, I have made up my mind!"

"Everyone is equal, that is the prosperous world."

"At this moment, the entire Immortal Territory is promoting Confucianism and Taoism, and is saving redemption. What do we have to do for the human race?"

"Moreover, this is not my sudden idea, but a decision made before, otherwise, that terrifying existence will not go here. There is no need to act in a play. Only when the public is literate can they further control their talents."

"Besides, now that we have obtained those luck treasures, Shushan has luck suppression, so we don't need to be afraid of anything?"

Zhao Feixuan stared at Zhao Zuzhi firmly.

Zhao Zuzhi's lips trembled, wanting to say something, but in the end, Zhao Zuzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Then try according to your plan!"

"Are you going to act tonight?"

In the end, Zhao Zuzhi chose to take a gamble.

"Yes, tonight!"

"Originally, this plan will take some time. There will be powerful beings over there to assist us, but we don't need assistance for the time being when we step into the realm of true gods."

"Let's go to the Immortal Mansion first. If we want to control the Immortal City, we must first control the formation in the Immortal Mansion. Only when we control the formation can we proceed to the next step!"

"Old Ancestor, let's go visit the City Lord!"

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi gritted his teeth and nodded, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Zhao Zuzhi knew that Qinglong Zhanwang, the lord of Qinglong Immortal City, was not a good thing.

Soon, the two came to Qinglong Immortal Mansion.

"Shushan Zhao Zuzhi, the saint Zhao Feixuan is asking to see the city lord."

The guards outside the Immortal Mansion heard that it was the Patriarch and Saintess of Shushan, so they didn't dare to stop them, and immediately brought Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan in, and informed Qinglong Zhanwang at the same time.

In the Immortal Mansion, Qinglong Zhanwang slowly put down his teacup at this moment, frowned and said: "This is Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan's visit, what are you talking about?"

"Xianfu and Shushan have no friendship at all!"

"City Lord, then I will reject them and say that the City Lord is not in the Immortal Mansion!" The strong man beside him hurriedly said.

"no no no"

"The founding master of Shushan came here, so I have to go and see what their purpose is!"

"Besides, Shushan is not a good thing, I'm afraid it wants to rob the power of faith."

"After all, if you gain the power of faith, you will be favored by God, and your luck will also be blessed!" Qinglong Immortal King sneered, and went outside.


"Brother Zhao, I am going to meet you at a loss, and I hope you will forgive me!"

Walking out of the main hall, Qinglong Zhanwang laughed loudly from a long distance away, like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time, hundreds of years!" Zhao Zuzhi also laughed at this moment.

"Please come to the house, I just don't know what the so-called brother Zhao came to the Immortal Mansion today!"

The Azure Dragon Immortal King asked with a smile.

The strong man in Qinglong Immortal Mansion also held his breath, wanting to know the reason for Zhao Zuzhi's visit.

After all, there is no relationship between Shushan and Xianfu, and there are some grievances.

"Show the King of War you a clear path."

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi said calmly.

Zhao Zuzhi's groan fell, and the hall was instantly quiet, dead silent, and a needle could be heard.

Because at this moment, the Azure Dragon War King had a look of disbelief in his eyes, and at the same time murderous intent suddenly appeared.

However, in the face of Qinglong Zhanwang's murderous intent, the old God Zhao Zuzhi sat there, as if he didn't feel it, and said with a smile: "How does Zhanwang feel?"

Zhao Zuzhi's word "how" made Qinglong Zhanwang furious in an instant, and he couldn't help the anger in his heart.

Qinglong Zhanwang also knew that Zhao Zuzhi was a bad comer and threatened the Immortal Mansion directly.

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