Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 941 People are not as good as dogs

"Did you defeat the Buddha?"

When the Biyan Tongtian Ape King heard Dahei's words, there was a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes.

But then the fanaticism on his face disappeared without a trace, replaced by helplessness.

Desperately said: "The Dou Conquer Buddha mentioned by the high-level people, it is because of the gift of the Buddha that he cultivated to become a Dou Conquer Buddha. How could I have such a chance?"

However, at this moment Dahei laughed and said: "Big monkey, don't you think the master is not as good as that Buddha Tathagata?"

"Master has directly handed over the Buddha Kingdom held by Tathagata's powerful supernatural powers to the three Long brothers. As long as you perform well, maybe the master will give you a chance when he is happy."

The blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King, who had a face of despair, heard Dahei's words for a moment, and a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Not bad!"

"The strength of the expert is unfathomable. Maybe the existence in the myth is just a fight between the little people that the expert saw when he passed by!"

When Dahei and Biyan Tongtian Ape King looked excited, the next moment, I saw Lao Bai, who was enjoying himself on the swing, jumped up instantly.

Hastily said: "Everyone, take your place, the master is back!"

As Lao Bai's voice fell, the next moment, the multicolored glow in the courtyard disappeared, and those extremely powerful existences also disappeared instantly.

The flames under the bamboo forest also subsided instantly, and the Suzaku also turned into a chicken at this moment.

The entire manor became incomparably quiet for a moment.

Lao Bai also tidied up his clothes, and after feeling that there were no omissions, he hurriedly walked towards the courtyard door.

Lao Bai just opened the gate of the courtyard, the next moment, a huge white phoenix landed in the void, it was Xiao Bai.

Li Yixi jumped down, feeling very happy.

"Welcome Master home!"

Lao Bai was a very gentleman and immediately bowed to salute.

"Old White!"

"I'm a little hungry, let's prepare!"

Li Yixi waved his hand and ordered.

The smile on Lao Bai's face seemed to remain unchanged forever, "Master, don't worry, Lao Bai has prepared snake soup in the kitchen, and the master will definitely be satisfied!"

"Snake soup?"

Li Yixi looked surprised.

Lao Bai immediately explained: "Back to the master, the big monkey before did not know where to get a big snake, Lao Bai felt it was a pity, so he stewed it."

"I feel that the master has always liked wild game. Let the master try something new. This big snake is very fat!"

As soon as Lao Bai's voice fell, the little Phoenix behind Li Yixi couldn't help frowning, sniffing, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"Dragon, the breath of the dragon clan!"

"It's absolutely unmistakable, this is the breath of the dragon clan!"

"And very powerful, much stronger than me."

Little Phoenix didn't speak, but at this moment, little Phoenix's heart was full of turmoil. He didn't expect that during the period of time when they were not around, these powerful beings would capture an extremely powerful real dragon.

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King at the side was extremely excited when he heard Lao Bai not forgetting to mention himself, and started chirping.

Seeing the big monkey's joy, Li Yixi stretched out his hand to touch the big monkey's head, and said with a smile: "You splashy monkey, didn't I hear little Phoenix tell you that you are quite talented a long time ago, so I taught you how to practice?"

"Could it be that after practicing for such a long time, you still can't speak out?"

The Blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King, who was pretending to be stupid, froze for a moment, remembering the lie he had asked Little Phoenix to tell a long time ago.

Hastily and nervously squeezed out a few words, "Thank you, master!"

However, at this moment, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King didn't dare to behave too much against the sky, his voice was a little vague by his disguise, as if he had just learned a language.

"Ha ha!"

"Sure enough, I have some talent. It shouldn't be long before I can speak normally!"

"Little Phoenix, you have to work harder and teach me well."

Li Yixi said casually and entered the room.

The Biyan Tongtian Ape King was extremely nervous at the moment, beads of sweat were all under his hair.

The incomparably powerful Blue-eyed Tongtian Ape King was really terrified, because at the moment Li Yixi reached out to touch it, he felt the power to destroy the world.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Qingyangzi pays homage to the young master!"

Outside the door are the guardians of Jiuchongtian, Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji.

These days, Taoist Tianji has been pestering Qingyangzi, and today the prince of the dragon clan who is above Haoran descends, making him even more nervous, forcing Qingyangzi to take him to meet Li Yixi.

Taoist Tianji outside the door had an unbelievable expression on his face at this moment. Taoist Tianji never imagined that such a powerful existence lived in such a small courtyard.


The courtyard door opened, and Wang Lin hurriedly invited the two to enter.

Stepping into the courtyard, Taoist Tianji's body trembled slightly, because at this moment Taoist Tianji found a series of terrifying gazes, which fell on Taoist Tianji in an instant.

The extremely powerful Taoist Tianji, at this moment, felt that he was completely seen through.

Moreover, Taoist Tianji has seen the dragon prince Aotian before, and he is familiar with the aura of the dragon prince Aotian. At this moment, Taoist Tianji can feel the aura of the dragon prince Aotian in this small courtyard.

At the same time, Taoist Tianji also felt the dragon's blood and despair.

Taoist Tianji's legs trembled uncontrollably, and a terrified voice sounded in Qingyangzi's mind, "It seems that Aotian, the prince of the Dragon Clan, is dead, and I can feel the aura of his death here."

Compared to the shock of Taoist Tianji, Qingyangzi didn't care at this moment. The dragon prince Aotian is indeed powerful, but that is in other places. Entering here, even a dragon has to be coiled. He is arrogant and looking for death. .

Li Yixi, who just came back, learned that Qingyangzi and his friends were visiting, and walked out with a smile on his face, "Brother Qingyi, long time no see!"

"It's a coincidence that you came today. There is a pot of snake soup stewed in the kitchen. You will be sure to feast on it. This is a real game!"

"Inside please!"

Li Yixi was already familiar with Qingyangzi, so he was not polite at this moment, and directly invited Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji into the house.

Taoist Tianji, who was already shocked, suddenly heard Li Yixi say snake soup, and his body couldn't help trembling.

Because Taoist Tianji glanced towards the kitchen, he did feel the breath of the dragon clan, but now it has become a thing in the pot.

That is a real dragon in the realm of the god emperor, and there is no room for Taoist Tianji not to be shocked.

Daoist Tianji, who was about to speak, suddenly became parched at this moment.

Qingyangzi saw that Taoist Tianji was shocked at this moment, and hurriedly introduced, "My lord, I forgot to introduce you, this is my senior brother, Taoist Tianji."

Li Yixi had seen Taoist Tianji a long time ago, and when Qingyangzi introduced him, a smile appeared on Li Yixi's face, "Haha, I didn't expect it to be Daoist Qingyang's brother, Taoist priest, please come inside."

Li Yixi was very excited. After all, Li Yixi knew that Qingyangzi was not weak. From Li Yixi's point of view, Qingyangzi's brother was naturally stronger than Qingyangzi. Li Yixi naturally planned to make friends. After all, he had many friends. Multiple paths.

Taoist Tianji, who was originally very nervous, heard Li Yixi's invitation at this moment, and was a little incoherent with excitement, "Thank you, thank you son!"

Soon, Laobai served the steaming hot broth, Taoist Tianji's lips trembled violently, just now he just felt it, and now he saw with his own eyes that Ao Tian, ​​the prince of the dragon clan who was arrogant in front of him not long ago, became a thing in the pot, Tianji The mind of the Taoist was greatly impacted.

Involuntarily holding his breath, Taoist Tianji was too shocked at this moment.

But thinking of the purpose of coming here today, Taoist Tianji immediately calmed down.

The Lord of the Nine Heavens has been trapped in the Jedi of the chaotic world. Taoist Tianji wants to ask Li Yixi to rescue the Lord of the Nine Heavens.

"Brother Qingyang, brother Tianji!"

"You're welcome here, how about a taste of this snake soup?"

Li Yixi immediately pushed Lao Baisheng's snake soup in front of Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji.

Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji felt the powerful qi and blood contained in the small blue and white bowl in front of them, and they were extremely excited.

This is the blood of the real dragon that contains the realm of the god emperor, which is of great benefit to them.

"Thank you son!"

Taoist Tianji was greatly shocked, but recalling Qingyangzi's explanation, he quickly restrained his emotions.

And the bowl of broth in front of him attracted Taoist Tianji.

"This is real dragon flesh!"

"Incomparably powerful real dragon flesh and blood!"

"This bowl of broth can be said to be a rare treasure."

Taoist Tianji feels really incredible.

However, at the moment when Taoist Tianji's thoughts just fell, Taoist Tianji was stunned for a moment, with a shocked face, feeling that he had hallucinations.

Because at this moment, Taoist Tianji saw that Lao Bai was actually carrying a large pot of broth, walking towards the earth dog and monkey outside.

Seeing Dahei and Biyan Tongtian Ape King devouring it with enjoyment, Taoist Tianji suddenly felt that humans were not as good as dogs.

Taoist Tianji, who withdrew his gaze, trembled in his heart again, looking at Li Yixi's gaze, he became even more fearful. He originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to ask Li Yixi to take action, but at this moment, Taoist Tianji suddenly Suppress this thought.

"Tianji is an old man, don't make trouble for me."

"Calm down, calm down!"

"Are you lamenting that people are not as good as dogs? Let me tell you, people are not as good as dogs. Do you think that big dog is an ordinary dog?"

"Wrong, we can be completely wiped out with just a wave of your hand. That is an unimaginable and peerless beast."

After the sound transmission, Qing Yangzi immediately picked up the broth in front of him, and began to eat excitedly. After all, this is a great opportunity, and with the help of the energy and blood of the real dragon, his physical body can be strengthened.

Above Haoran, in a thatched hut.

An extremely powerful existence opened his eyes instantly.


"My mount is gone!"

"I wanted to ask him to inquire about the news and see what kind of existence existed in that day, but I didn't expect that the mount would completely fall so soon."

Although he was cursing, the Confucian saint's face was filled with panic.

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