"Grant supreme authority?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Hell, at this moment, the eyes of all the beings present showed a touch of excitement.

Especially the Western King, the Northern King and the Southern King. At this moment, their excited bodies were trembling. These days, the Eastern King has always been favored by the Lord of Hell. As for the three of them, they have become marginal figures. At this moment, seeing The Lord of Hell went out for a while, and after returning, he even said that he would grant them supreme authority.

One by one couldn't help getting excited, and immediately followed behind the Lord of Hell into a large hall.

Not long after, figures walked out of the hall excitedly. At this moment, they were extremely proud. The returned Lord of Hell immediately set up the ghost emperors of the six directions, Yama of the ten halls, black and white Impermanence, and bull head and horse face.

At this moment, each of these existences was excited, each of them gained authority, and even some undead were established by the Lord of Hell with the power of merit, walking between the world of life and the world of death, collecting the living world with supernatural powers. tears.

The reincarnation closed by the Lord of Hell is opened again.

However, it was only opened for a moment, and those powerful beings in the dead world knew that they would be punished before reincarnation. Those extremely powerful beings had killed countless people in the past. Many people knew that they were going to enter the animal way. fury.

The joy of reincarnation completely disappeared at this moment.

When the Lord of Hell looked excited, a great war erupted in the entire dead world in an instant, and the entire dead world collapsed in an instant.

Even if the lord of hell is God and powerful, but at this moment, he couldn't be suppressed in an instant. The outbreak of this fight was too sudden.

Some extremely powerful existences were even killed from the gates of hell.

Nie Zheng didn't participate in the fight. His strength was too weak, so he went out of the gate of hell immediately, preparing to capture those weak undead.

Coincidentally, not long after he appeared, he ran into Li Yixi.

"Little General, we meet again, it seems that we are very destined!"

At this moment, Li Yixi showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. After getting along with each other constantly, Li Yixi found that the undead are actually not scary.

It's just surviving in another unique way, no different from a living person.

Nie Zheng suddenly heard Li Yixi's words, and his face instantly showed joy.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, because Nie Zheng was also granted authority after returning with the Lord of Hell, and Nie Zheng was very honored to be given the authority of Heiwuchang by the Lord of Hell.

"I actually met an expert here. Can someone like an expert be met by chance?"

"The expert appears here, I'm afraid there are some things to explain or hint!"

"Perhaps it felt that a war broke out in the dead world."

"Although I am now granted the authority of black impermanence, I am still fine in the realm of death, and I can suppress those undead spirits, but when I leave the realm of death, this authority disappears, and I cannot use my authority in the realm of life. Authority, after all, the Lord of Hell is not the master of this world.”

"If an expert can grant me the power of black impermanence in the living world, then it will be much easier to capture those dead spirits scattered in the living world."

"I just don't know how to get the expert to grant me authority. After all, the current expert has been playing the role of a mortal. If I speak suddenly, will the expert slap me to death?"

"What should I do to get the appreciation of the superior?"

At this moment, Nie Zheng, with a soft smile on his face, walked towards Li Yixi respectfully. After being favored in the past, he was granted the power of rain in an instant, which was like reaching the sky in one step.

Nie Zheng was extremely envious.

Approaching behind Li Yixi, Nie Zheng had a respectful expression on his face at this moment, "I didn't expect to meet the young master here, it's really an accident!"

Hearing Nie Zheng's words, Li Yixi smiled instantly.

"Fate, fate, I just passed by here!"

"However, you belong to the undead, shouldn't you stay in the dead world? Why did you appear in this living world again?"

After Li Yixi smiled, a look of curiosity appeared on his face.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Nie Zheng was shocked at this moment, feeling that his chance had come.

Trying hard to suppress the excitement in my heart, I explained in an instant: "My lord, I don't know. There was a riot in the dead world today, and many undead escaped into the living world. I am now nervously hunting down these undead. I must catch them in the shortest possible time." Take it back within a certain time, otherwise it will destroy the order of the living world."

"Moreover, these undead spirits carry a terrifying death aura, which will cause unimaginable changes in the living world."

"But now, in the world of death, I have been granted the authority of black impermanence, which has a great suppressing effect on those undead, but after coming to the world of life, my authority has disappeared. I want to arrest those Undead, but it has become very troublesome!"

"If I can gain authority, then I will definitely not let those undead disturb the living world, and restore the living world to a bright future."

"Hey, if I have the magic weapon that the young master said, that's fine."

At this moment, Nie Zheng looked anxious, wondering if Li Yixi could understand what he said.

And at this moment, Nie Zheng felt a little uneasy, wondering if Li Yixi would grant him the authority to ask for Heiwuchang.

"Will an expert kill me?"

After the words fell, Nie Zheng suddenly became nervous again.

I don't know if my words and thoughts will make Li Yixi disgusted.

However, at this moment, Li Yixi looked at the undead in front of him strangely, with a look of curiosity on his face, he couldn't help becoming suspicious, and thought to himself: "Could it be that I have hallucinations?" ? I am a mortal, why does he want me to wish him to become Heiwuchang? And he even wants me to wish him the magic tool of Heiwuchang, the ecstasy rope, the mourning stick!"

"I'm not hallucinating!"

Li Yixi's strength is too strong, what Nie Zheng doesn't know is that at this moment, Li Yixi probably knows what Nie Zheng is thinking.

At this moment, Li Yixi couldn't help touching his chin, with a curious look on his face.

I can't help but wonder in my heart, is this guy really wanting to get my blessing, but what's the use?

Would it be exciting to be blessed by a living person living in the world of the dead, all of whom are dead?

Li Yixi's thoughts just came to his mind, and at this moment, Nie Zheng, who was standing in front of Li Yixi, was extremely nervous, and he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "The master has such an expression, whether he is happy or angry, he will wish me sincerely. Become black and impermanent?"

"Will you let me get the magic weapon, the soul-wrenching rope and the mourning stick?"

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