Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 928 Establishing the Underworld in the Divine Chapter

At this moment, Li Yixi was like that storyteller, took another sip of wine, and said with a smile: "The ten halls of Yan Luo are: the first hall is King Qin Guang, the second hall is King Chujiang, the third hall is Emperor Song, and the fourth hall King of Five Senses, King of Yama of Five Halls, King of Biancheng of Six Halls, King of Taishan Mountain of Seven Halls, City King of Eight Halls, King of Pingping of Nine Halls, and King of Wheel-Turning of Ten Halls."

"King Qin Guang is in charge of the "Ghost Judgment Palace", and his main job duties are to receive and guide the dead, manage the book of life and death, and preliminarily screen out the good and the evil.

If he is a good person, he will be sent away safely by the ghost messenger, and he will go to the next life; What sins have been passed, sent to the second hall to start the process. "

"The place where King Chu Jiang is located is called "Living Hell", and there is also a cool name called "Puyiting Ice Hell". The crime is not too serious, and there are 16 small hells waiting. The wicked will be sent to the next hall after serving their sentence in the second hall."

"The area under the jurisdiction of Emperor Song is called "Black Rope Great Hell", and it is also equipped with 16 small hells. It mainly punishes those who commit crimes, those who have no respect for their elders, those who are rebellious, and those who sow dissension, instigate others to make mistakes, and go to court. The main means of punishment There were hanging upside down, eye gouging, and bone scraping."

"The King of the Five Senses governs the "Hell" and mainly punishes those who cheat in transactions, do not pay taxes and pay food, and buy and sell by force."

"King Biancheng and King Yan Luo jointly ruled the "Screaming Great Hell", and there is also a city of vain death that belongs to him.

Those who are punished here are all sinners who came from the previous halls. If they cursed the world, complained about others, or were disrespectful to gods and Buddhas, they would all be punished.For example, being dismembered with a saw by a kid, beaten with an iron awl, and burned with a tongue. "

"The King of Mount Tai is in charge of the "Hell of Heat and Displeasure", also known as the Hell of Dumo Meat Sauce. The main punishment method is to let the souls of the dead go to the frying pan. It seems that they are food lovers in the Hades team."

"The Metropolitan King manages the Pork Hell, mainly punishing the souls of the dead who were not filial and disregarded ethics and morality. After the punishment of the dead souls, if they have no other crimes, they will be sent to the terminal by the Metropolitan King with a swipe of a pen, and they will be reincarnated as animals directly. .”

"The hell under the jurisdiction of King Equality is called "Abi Hell". The punishment here is even more cruel. Those who have committed major crimes such as deceiving the world, killing their fathers and mothers, seducing children, and destroying people's property will be tied to red-hot copper pillars. "Flash the fire, burn the heart and liver." There is still a time limit for being tortured here, and the villain will be released and sent to the terminal until all the victims are reincarnated."

"Yan Luowang is responsible for screening the dead souls. He is a good man and often helps those who died unjustly return to the world to avenge their revenge."

When Li Yixi said this, the lord of hell and Nie Zheng trembled, their eyes were full of disbelief, and at this moment they suddenly felt that the current death world was disorderly.

It turns out that the hell has to punish those existences.

Hu Qingyun and the little fox, with a look of disbelief in their eyes, widened their eyes.

I feel that such a world is amazing, maybe it is the legendary holy land.

Hu Qingyun couldn't help saying, "Husband, isn't there still black and white impermanence?"

Hu Qingyun became interested, and couldn't help but hear the story in Journey to the West told by Li Yixi.

Li Yixi heard this, smiled and said: "No rush, take your time."

"In the underworld, there are also the book of life and death, the soul hook, the judge's pen, the yin and yang mirror, Mengpo soup, and the eight circles of reincarnation."

"There is also the magistrate of the underworld, the city god, black and white impermanence, and the bull's head and horse face"

It wasn't until night fell that Li Yixi stopped. The eyes of all the beings present showed disbelief.

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