At this moment, Nie Zheng was extremely excited.

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Nie Zheng, and he said immediately, "Little general, although I am just a mortal, I think this kind of reincarnation is no better than existence, and the flaws are too great. It will be an unimaginable disaster, so please be cautious."

Nie Zheng, who was originally excited, suddenly heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, his body shook suddenly, and his face changed slightly.

Because Nie Zheng knows very well that since the establishment of reincarnation, countless existences have been waiting for reincarnation, and people have entered into reincarnation every minute, that is to say, countless people have reincarnated with their memories. Stop it, every minute and every second every night will bring big troubles.

Nie Zheng was startled, and immediately said: "Young Master, Nie Zheng is leaving. We must rush back to the underworld and let the Lord of Hell close the reincarnation in time. If this problem is not solved, those existences cannot be allowed to step into the reincarnation, otherwise it will bring great harm. An unimaginable disaster."

After Nie Zheng's voice fell, he turned around and left without any hesitation. The imprisoned dead spirit was also taken away by Nie Zheng in an instant.

The underworld, at this moment, is no longer the chaos of the past, and the resentment in the void has also disappeared. Countless existences are waiting to enter the reincarnation, and all of them are showing excitement at this moment.

The Lord of Hell, sitting cross-legged, looked at the scene in front of him with a faint smile on his face. Dong Wang and the others were extremely busy at the moment.

But everyone's faces were filled with happiness at this moment, but at the next moment, an anxious voice broke everything.

"Close reincarnation, quick, close reincarnation!"

After finally establishing reincarnation, all the souls were looking forward to being reincarnated, but they didn't expect that at this moment, someone said to close the reincarnation, and the next moment, countless extremely cold eyes swept towards the void.

Feeling the endless stares, Nie Zheng felt chills all over his body, but still endured the horror, his eyes fell on the Lord of Hell, and he said anxiously, "God, close the reincarnation quickly, I met an expert today, an expert It is said that sending the soul directly into reincarnation will bring about a devastating disaster."

Hearing Nie Zheng's words, the Lord of Hell's face changed slightly, and he waved his hand instantly, boundless mana burst out, completely stopping the cycle of reincarnation.

The next moment, a destructive aura erupted from his body, powerfully suppressing those angry souls.

As the master of heaven and earth, the current master of hell doesn't care how powerful these souls are. In his eyes, they can be wiped out with a single thought.

"Nie Zheng, what's wrong with the current reincarnation?"

"How did the master say it?"

The lord of hell, the incomparable urgency and tension at this moment, in the eyes of the lord of hell, this is the mission entrusted to him by Li Yixi, if he can't carry it out perfectly, it is dereliction of duty.

Dong Wang and others existed, and they also looked at Nie Zheng solemnly at this moment.

At this moment, Nie Zheng was breathing extremely heavily, and even all the magic power in his body was exhausted. Obviously, everyone knew that Nie Zheng did everything he could, and came back in time to stop it.

Nie Zheng took a few breaths, and said anxiously: "Young master said, before entering reincarnation, all memories must be erased, otherwise, reincarnation with memory will bring great trouble."

At this moment, Nie Zheng hurriedly repeated all the words Li Yixi said.

The Lord of Hell, the Eastern King and others existed. After hearing this, the face of the Lord of Hell showed a dignified expression. The Lord of Hell immediately ordered, "All the generals of the dead spirits obey the order and set off immediately, and all the reincarnated people on this day will be reincarnated. erase."

"Although the workload is heavy, you have to be clear that omitting even one person may bring unimaginable disasters. At that time, not to mention merits, we will add the power of evil."

In the next moment, there was no existence to say anything, and the figures disappeared in an instant.

Seeing those beings leave, the Lord of Hell looked at Nie Zheng solemnly, and continued to ask: "It's too difficult to erase people's memories. Some of the beings in this dead world are extremely powerful. Do you want me to take action one by one? Erase their memory for them?"

The Lord of Hell frowned slightly at this moment. After all, in this world of death, there are endless souls. If he is to be allowed to take action, then the speed of increase of souls in the world of death is definitely much faster than that of reincarnation.

Nie Zheng hastily added, "God, the master didn't say to use magic power to erase the memory, but let the reincarnated person drink something called Mengpo soup."

"Mengpo soup can wash away all memories."

The lord of hell, his eyes brightened at this moment, and he asked excitedly, "Then the expert can tell, how do you get Meng Po Tang?"

Nie Zheng was stunned for a moment when he heard the Lord of Hell's words. Nie Zheng didn't know how to make Meng Po soup, and in Nie Zheng's view, it was an extremely terrifying thing, so how could he dare to ask.

Seeing that Nie Zheng didn't answer, the Lord of Hell naturally guessed it, and immediately asked, "Where did you meet the expert, lead me there immediately, this Meng Po soup must be obtained, maybe this is also a hint from the expert."

At this moment, the Lord of Hell didn't wait for Nie Zheng's answer, he just grabbed Nie Zheng and flew away.

In Qinglong Immortal City, the undead were cleared and everything was restored.

Moreover, there are quite a few practitioners patrolling everywhere, and the residents of the city are completely at ease.

The bustle of the past has been restored.

"The Saintess of Book Mountain is holding a book fair tonight, and scholars from all over the world are invited to participate. Unexpectedly, we also have the opportunity to glimpse the peerless beauty of the Saintess of Book Mountain."

"And, this time, those who are outstanding in the Shuhui will have the opportunity to join the Shushan practice."

"Let's try it out quickly. If we go late and the literary talent assessment is over, we will lose the chance to participate."

"The Shuhui doesn't ask about birth, so if you miss this opportunity, you won't have it again." A Confucian scholar said with an excited face at the moment.

Li Yixi who happened to be on the side heard this, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is there a book fair?"

"As far as I know, many people are extremely concerned about status. I didn't expect that the saint of Shushan didn't care about her birth. It's interesting. How about we go and see?"

Li Yixi laughed.

"Listen to what my husband likes, I like everything."

"The Saintess of Shushan is holding a book fair, it should be very interesting!" Hu Qingyun said with a smile on her face without stopping.

And as a fox, he was very happy with the smell of books.

"Then let's go!"

Several people quickly followed the two scholars in front of them, and headed for Shushan.

If there are free guides, Li Yixi will naturally not miss them in vain.

Not long after, Li Yixi and the others arrived at the foot of an incomparably huge mountain. From a distance, there were countless book collection pavilions built in the huge mountain, and it was unknown how many books were collected.

Under the mountain peak, there is a huge boulder rising from the ground, with two large characters on it, Book Mountain.

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