After hearing Li Yixi's words, Little Phoenix on the side showed a puzzled look on his face, and asked, "Master, isn't it good to be reincarnated with memories of the previous life? If there are unfulfilled wishes in the previous life , you can continue to pursue, if there are people who love each other, you can continue to love each other, if you have unrequited grace to teach you, you can repay.”

"If you have an apology in your heart, you can also repay it. If you have a kindness, you can repay a kindness. If you have a grudge, you can revenge. If you have a regret, you can also make it up."

"Isn't it better than having all memories forgotten?"

At this moment, Little Phoenix's eyes widened, thinking that this was a great thing, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Although Little Phoenix is ​​powerful, he doesn't have much experience, and his mind is very simple, so at this moment, Little Phoenix's eyes widened, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Nie Zheng wanted to speak, but he chose to shut up instantly. Nie Zheng had practiced all the way and experienced countless ups and downs. After entering the realm of the dead, he saw too many intrigues. , have experienced countless tribulations, so Nie Zheng immediately felt that there was a huge loophole.

Li Yixi had a serious look on his face when he heard what Xiao Fenghuang said, "Little Fenghuang, there is indeed nothing wrong with your thoughts, but do you think everyone in this world is a good person?"

"Moreover, if these reincarnated people are mortals, the harm may not be too great, but those powerful existences in the dead world are all powerful practitioners. Nie Zheng once said before that in the dead world, those The undead devoured each other, lost their minds, and the only thing left was bloodthirsty."

"Even if they regained their clarity before reincarnation, they are still affected. What if they have unruly intentions after reincarnation?"

"A kind person reincarnated with kind memories can indeed fulfill some unfulfilled wishes, and can also make up for some past regrets, such as being able to be with the person in love, repaying the teacher who taught the profession, and repaying the parents for their birth. Yep!"

"But what if those villains are reincarnated?"

"In their memory, there is too much greed, evil, and blood-eating. With such extreme memories of reincarnation, will they repay their parents for their kindness? It will only bring disaster to this world."

"There are some evil beings. Maybe they reincarnated and then embarked on the road of cultivation. In the past, some righteous people were very likely to suffer his merciless revenge. At least they would die, and at worst, their sect would be destroyed. Even if the people of a city and the people of a country die, it will completely plunge the world into chaos and despair."

"The emergence of reincarnation is to make all existences have hope, but not to completely plunge this world into endless darkness."

At this moment, Li Yixi looked at Xiao Fenghuang and the others in front of him, and said word by word.


Hearing Li Yixi's words at this moment, all the people present gasped, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Nie Zheng also nodded hastily at this moment, and said solemnly: "Young master is right, this method of reincarnation is too terrible, for example, I was humiliated endlessly when I was alive, if I was reincarnated, at least let me I will never let the fallen people go, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but many innocent people will fall on the road of revenge, and such killings will continue to repeat, then, it will be an unimaginable disaster."

At this moment, Nie Zheng couldn't help but gasped, with panic and horror on his face.

It's scary just thinking about it.

Originally, it was just chaos in the dead world, killing, full of madness.

But after doing this, it is very likely that the living world will also fall into despair.

Hearing Nie Zheng's words, Li Yixi frowned and said, "Yes, at that time, there will be no love, no sympathy, no peace in this world, and the living will see the people around them as evil." ghost."

"Then, this world will become a real purgatory."

"Even now it is full of intrigues, but these intrigues and madness are still within the controllable range. If everyone is reincarnated with memories, then everything will be chaotic."

"Ethics are absent."

"Heaven's not here!"

At this moment, Li Yixi's expression was extremely solemn.

However, just as Li Yixi's voice fell, behind Li Yixi was a dead spirit imprisoned with mana, but said: "Master, it would be too cruel to wash away everyone's memory. People who love each other will never be able to fulfill their wishes, and they will never meet each other."

"I think it's very good now. I can feel my husband's breath. If I am reincarnated, one day I can find him and join hands with him again to make up for all the debts of the previous life."

"After all, in the last life, our husband and wife experienced too many ups and downs, and we just walked together with great difficulty, but what awaited us was death. We loved each other for a lifetime, but we couldn't really join hands in the future. Such a regret, if there is no memory of reincarnation, how can we be together?" To make up for it?"

Hu Qingyun heard the words of the necromancer at this moment, and she was also thoughtful. Hu Qingyun felt that it would be an indescribable regret if her memory was erased and Li Yixi could not be found after she was reincarnated.

At this moment, the gazes of Xiao Fenghuang and Hu Qinyun fell on Li Yixi instantly. As women, they felt that what Necromancer said was very reasonable.

At this moment, Li Yixi's face was solemn, but seeing Hu Qingyun's pitiful eyes, he felt a little helpless, so he could only explain: "Before reincarnation, people's memories can be removed, but in fact, some people don't need to be removed, it's not like beating them to death with a stick." .”

"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a singing girl named Lan Rui. She had a younger sister, Yu Rui, who was as beautiful as a flower. Yu Rui and Ge Sheng were deeply in love, but because Ge Sheng was poor, she couldn't afford to marry Yu Rui. Later, Lan Rui Rui died of illness, and Ge Sheng died in love because of his inability to stay with Yu Rui for a lifetime.

After Ge Sheng died, he came to Yincao Difu. King Yama saw that he died innocently, so he sentenced him to be reborn as a human.After Ge Sheng heard the order, he prepared to reincarnate again.Ge Sheng was walking blankly by himself, and suddenly came to a shed covered with vines.I saw hundreds of men and women, scrambling to grab the ladle and rushing to scoop water from the stove to drink.

Ge Sheng was tired from walking and his mouth was dry, so he also wanted to go up to drink the water in the ladle.At this time, a woman came out from behind the shed. Ge Sheng took a closer look and found that it was Lan Rui.Lan Rui asked him why he came here, and Ge Sheng told her in detail.After Lanrui found out, she softly whispered to Ge Sheng: "Don't you know that this is Meng Po Village? Fortunately, today Po Meng went to celebrate Mrs. Kou's birthday, and ordered me to take charge of the ladle temporarily. If you are like those people, If you drink the ecstasy soup in this ladle, you will lose all your memories."

Hearing this, Ge Sheng couldn't help feeling rejoicing.Later, under Lan Rui's guidance, Ge Sheng found the old way and returned to the world. "

Li Yixi's voice fell, and the eyes of Xiaofenghuang, Hu Qingyun and the dead spirit behind him all showed excitement at this moment, feeling very humane.

Nie Zheng was thoughtful at the side, and at this moment, Nie Zheng showed a look of shock on his face.

I was extremely excited, "Mengpo soup, it must be Mengpo soup, the expert must have hinted that I must have Mengpo soup to let people enter reincarnation, Mengpo soup can wash away people's memories, all these worries will be eliminated. disappear."

"It must be so, and this must be what the master is implying."

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