Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 914 Young Master, Is This Impliing Something?

Soon, Li Yixi felt the exclamation in the depths of Qinglong Immortal City.

Soon, a flame flew over, it was the little phoenix that activated the phoenix's true flames.

But at this moment, Little Phoenix is ​​holding a dark figure in his hand.

At first glance, Li Yixi turned out to be a dead spirit, Li Yixi frowned slightly, cursing inwardly.

Feel too dangerous!

Undead are not good things, their minds are chaotic, and they can do evil in Qinglong Immortal City. Obviously, they are not kind people.

But as a human teacher, Li Yixi kept these words in his heart at this moment. Li Yixi felt that no matter what, he must maintain his composure as a human teacher. Bloodless, how can he teach little Phoenix.

At this moment, the flames on Little Phoenix's body disappeared, with an excited expression on his face, he looked at the dark ghost in his hand, asked Li Yixi for credit, and said, "Master, I'm back."

"It's this evil obstacle that is committing crimes. Please master decide how to deal with it."

With a big wave of his hand, he threw the imprisoned undead on Xiaobai's body, and Li Yixi almost jumped up in fright. Fortunately, Li Yixi was slightly relieved when he found that the undead in front of him could not move.

After discovering that the undead was imprisoned, he coughed to cover up his embarrassment. Only then did Li Yixi have the courage to watch carefully, and found that it was a woman.

The undead, who was imprisoned in all abilities, felt Li Yixi's eyes locked on, and felt that the soul was about to be scattered at this moment, which made the undead terrified to the extreme.

Sensing Li Yixi's gaze, Necromancer knew very well that today he met an extremely terrifying existence.

At this moment, the dead spirit trembled wildly, and cried out hastily: "Master, please spare me!"

"I didn't murder anyone, and I didn't do anything unscrupulous."

However, just as the undead's voice fell, the little phoenix on the side jumped up in an instant, like a violent woman, with a few big ear scratches.

Xiao Fenghuang scolded condescendingly, "Don't pretend to be pitiful to me here. If you pretend to be pitiful again, lie to my master, be careful that I will kill you!"

"If you don't have the heart to do evil, what are you doing snatching other people's children?"

At this moment, the little phoenix explained to Li Yixi chatteringly. Li Yixi finally understood what happened. baby.

At this moment, Li Yixi's affection for the undead completely disappeared, and he felt that the undead in front of him was not a good thing.

What came to mind was a man-eating monster.

Li Yixi really wanted to say, just drag him out and kill him, but he felt that Hu Qingyun and Xiao Fenghuang's eyes fell on him, and he felt that he had to maintain a good image.

So suppressed the idea of ​​letting Xiao Fenghuang kill the other party, and asked aloud, "Why are you arresting other people's babies?"

The little Phoenix at the side heard this, and said first: "Master, is there any need to ask? Snatching someone's baby must have evil intentions. I have heard of some ghosts devouring babies, which is extremely cruel."

After hearing Little Phoenix's words, Necromancer's body trembled violently, and explained with horror on his face: "Master, I didn't mean to devour the baby, I really didn't, I dare to swear to God, I absolutely didn't have such a thought."

At this moment, the body of the dead spirit couldn't help but tremble.

Li Yixi was surprised when he heard the other party's words. Li Yixi didn't expect that he could feel whether the undead spoke the truth when he heard the undead speak. Li Yixi clearly felt the undead in front of him at this moment. Not lying.

This made Li Yixi very surprised. At this moment, Li Yixi couldn't help asking: "Then why do you snatch other people's babies?"

Li Yixi was really curious.

Hearing what Li Yixi said, and seeing that Li Yixi didn't slap himself to death instantly, the dead spirit hurriedly explained, "Master, I really didn't have the heart to devour that baby. In an instant, I felt a familiar breath on the baby's body, I am very familiar with that breath, it belongs to my husband!"

"So at that moment, I lost my mind and wanted to investigate one or two. I didn't expect that some practitioners in the fairy city discovered my existence, so I had to take the baby away."

"Excellent, I really don't have any intention of harming you, please forgive me."

After Li Yixi heard Necromancer's explanation, he was stunned. He never thought that it was such a cause and effect, because Li Yixi could sense the other party's heart, and the other party did not tell a lie.

This made Li Yixi stunned. Li Yixi knew very well that he had learned from General Necromancer that in this world, there is no such thing as reincarnation, but why did the necromancer in front of him die in the baby's body? I can feel the breath of my husband on my body.

At this moment, Li Yixi couldn't help frowning, but Li Yixi knew very well that the other party really didn't tell a lie.

When Li Yixi didn't know how to deal with it, he saw a piercing sound not far away, and the next moment, a dead spirit wearing armor appeared not far away from Li Yixi.

The undead was also very surprised, he didn't expect to see Li Yixi here, the general of the undead was Nie Zheng whom Li Yixi met not long ago.

At this moment, Nie Zheng thought that Li Yixi had just written a Buddhist scripture, saved the world of death, and established six reincarnations in the world of death, his eyes showed fanaticism.

"Nie Zheng paid homage to the young master. He never expected that he would meet the young master here. It is really fate. I just don't know if this evil person has offended the young master. This is our negligence. Please forgive me!"

Seeing Nie Zheng in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth. At this moment, Li Yixi finally knew how to deal with the dead spirit in front of him. Since the other party did not tell lies, he really couldn't find an excuse to kill him. Abandoning it may bring disaster, so Li Yixi immediately smiled and said: "It is indeed fate, this dead spirit did not collide with me, but I don't know what happened. She said that she sensed the breath of her husband in her previous life. Now leave it to the general."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Nie Zheng immediately showed a look of joy, "Thank you for your generosity, young master. I will bring her back to the realm of death and let her go into reincarnation."

Hearing Nie Zheng's words, Li Yixi was stunned for a moment, looked at Nie Zheng in front of him, and asked curiously: "Little General, I met you not long ago, didn't you say that there is no reincarnation in the dead world? Why do you now say that you will bring her back into reincarnation?"

At this moment, Li Yixi was extremely puzzled.

When Nie Zhen heard Li Yixi's words, his body trembled, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart: "Why does the master say that, isn't the six realms of reincarnation in the dead world created by the master? Why do you now say that there is no reincarnation in the world? Does the expert have any hints?"

Thinking of Nie Zheng here, his eyes opened with excitement at this moment, and Nie Zheng felt that maybe his chance had come.

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