The Milky Way disappeared, the phantom in the void dissipated, and the brush fell into Xiao Zhan's hands.

Meng Ge just woke up from the shock and laughed out loud with excitement.


"What about Haorantian?"

"How dare you underestimate Young Master and let you escape, wouldn't it be shameless!"

It was the first time to see Li Yixi phantom erupting with such earth-shattering methods, and Meng Ge lost his composure completely at this moment, feeling indescribably excited.

Originally, the moment the middle-aged man threw the scroll, they were all ready to fall. After all, as Li Yixi's chess pieces, in their view, it is normal for an extremely powerful existence to compete.

The crowd didn't realize at all that Li Yixi gave Xiao Zhan a pen at some point, leaving behind, and easily killed the powerful enemy.

Everyone felt the quiet void, and then saw the half-disappeared mountain range, with shock on their faces.

Xiao Zhan held the pen in his hand, his face involuntarily revealed a look of fanaticism.

At the same time, Xiao Zhan, Li Shan, and Jun Wushen murmured to themselves involuntarily: "When the sun shines on the censer, purple smoke is produced. Looking at the waterfall hanging in front of the river in the distance, flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days."

As they kept muttering to themselves, at this moment, the golden glow in the eyes of the three of them became more and more intense.

Immediately, the three of them sat cross-legged in the void, letting their souls merge into the void, silently feeling the residual breath of Li Yixi's terrifying supernatural power, wanting to feel something.

Because the three of them knew very well that this was an extremely terrifying poem for killing enemies, and it would be their powerful means of killing enemies in the future.

At this moment, when Xiao Ya's eyes fell on the three of them, she couldn't help showing envy.

At this moment, Xiao Ya couldn't help being excited when she thought of Li Yi killing a powerful enemy in such a calm and peaceful way.

Gu Changsheng stared fixedly at the writing brush in Xiao Zhan's hand, his eyes were filled with shock, and he asked, "Is this brush related to you?"

After Gu Changsheng's voice fell, Xiao Ya beside him nodded involuntarily.

"Yes, this is exactly what the young master once gave to Xiao Zhan. I saw his divine power in the thatched cottage not long ago. At that time, I felt terrible, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated this at that time. A magic weapon."

"It's too terrifying. I didn't expect that there is still a trace of the young master's will in it, which is simply terrifyingly powerful. Xiao Zhan is carrying this unimaginable magic weapon, and he is simply invincible!"

Gu Changsheng was envious at the moment, he never thought that Xiao Zhan would have obtained such a terrible thing, if it hadn't been related to Li Yixi, Gu Changsheng would have desperately wanted to grab it at this moment.

But after knowing that this magical brush was related to Li Yixi, Gu Changsheng could only envy it.

Seeing Gu Changsheng who was about to drool, Xiao Ya said, "Don't look, this is not something you can miss, even if it is Xiao Zhan, if you don't resist, you don't dare to snatch it."

When Gu Changsheng heard this, he didn't refute, but the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Where do you see that I'm coveting this thing? You pretend that I don't know that I can't spy on it, but can't I see it?"

When Xiao Ya heard this, she didn't say any more.

He lowered his head involuntarily, and stroked the wooden sword in his hand. This wooden sword was made by cultivating vines and turning them into acquired things with the help of the culture fluid obtained from Li Yixi.

"It's too powerful. This pen is actually tens of thousands of times stronger than the Houtian Lingbao. What kind of realm does it need to be able to truly control it and burst out with real divine power." At this moment, Xiao Ya still couldn't help it trembling.

In Xiaoyao Xianyu, in the void, a huge white phoenix flies in the void.

But Xiaobai's speed is not very fast, Li Yixi sits on his back, with a very wide field of vision, looking at the mountains and rivers below him, very comfortable.

At this moment, Hu Qingyun used mana to warm Li Yixi's wine from time to time. While drinking, he sat in the void and saw the mountains and rivers in his eyes. Li Yixi felt very refreshed.

The mood is incomparably carefree, such a feeling has never been felt before.

This trip, not only saved people, but also met old people, and even saw dead spirits, which made Li Yixi sigh that this trip was very rewarding.

"Ahead is the Azure Dragon Immortal City."

"It won't take long to arrive. Looking down from the void, this Azure Dragon Immortal City is just a green dragon lying in the mountains."

Sitting not far from Li Yixi, the little Phoenix said expectantly at this moment.

Hearing this, Li Yixi couldn't help looking into the distance, the next moment, a small dragon appeared in Li Yixi's eyes, Li Yixi knew that it should be the Azure Dragon Fairy City that Little Phoenix mentioned.

But as they approached, Li Yixi on Xiaobai's back couldn't help but frowned slightly, because at this moment, Li Yixi felt a bit of discomfort, and felt that the whole Qinglong Immortal City was very quiet, not as bustling and lively as he imagined.

When Xiaobai flew to the sky above Qinglong Immortal City, Li Yixi's face changed slightly, because Li Yixi felt the aura of death at this moment.

Li Yixi scanned the fairy city below him, and found several figures, which made Li Yixi gasp involuntarily.


"I didn't expect that there would be undead in this Azure Dragon Immortal City!"

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Xiao Fenghuang immediately, and he said, "Everyone, be careful, pay attention, there are dead spirits, if you can save someone, do it in time, don't just ignore death!"

"Xiaobai, hurry up and fly forward. There seem to be a lot of people in front. It's very noisy. Some people should have been attacked by the undead!"

At this moment, Little Phoenix, after hearing Li Yixi's order, showed excitement on his face, "Master, you don't need to worry. With me here, there won't be any problems."

"Little Bai, protect my master!"

At this moment, the little phoenix got the order, and with a look of excitement, he flew away directly.

Li Yixi knew very well that Little Phoenix looked like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl in a red dress, but she was actually Phoenix.

Involuntarily exhorted, "Be careful in everything, don't hurt innocent people"

After the voice fell, Li Yixi immediately told Xiao Bai under him, "Xiao Bai, let's be careful, these things are not easy, let's not go too deep, just wait here!"

After seeing the little phoenix go away, Li Yixi regretted it a little. After all, the little phoenix was not weak, and staying by his side gave him some protection, but when he suddenly disappeared, Li Yixi was a little worried.

Li Yixi kept hinting that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

"Young master, don't worry, with me here, these undead spirits can't possibly hurt you."

But even so, at this moment Xiaobai also obeyed Li Yixi's order, flew higher, and waited quietly.

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