Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 906 There are no more demons and Buddhas in the world, only the Lord of Hell.


At the moment, the lips of the East King and the Necromancer General on the Death Galaxy were trembling violently, but they couldn't even utter a complete sentence. The moment the golden Buddha turned into a demon just now, they felt This dead world turned into a demon world, with a single palm strike, the world could not survive, and it seemed to be completely destroyed.

Death Tianhe was pierced through, and their bodies slowly turned into nothingness at that moment. They clearly felt that everything was being destroyed.

But as the Buddha reincarnated as a Buddha again, the holy light appeared in the dead world, and all the destructive power stopped instantly. With a sentence of time reversal, their bodies that turned into nothingness reunited in an instant. Now, the soul that has turned into nothingness is also reorganized.

It was almost until their consciousness did not dissipate, and they witnessed everything with their own eyes.

When they fully recovered, all the undead stared wide-eyed, and they, who had been dead for countless years, suddenly felt the feeling of death again.

The chests of each one trembled violently at this moment, and the eyes were full of horror. The palm of the Buddha just now let them know how powerful the practitioner is.

That palm, let them directly know how strong the upper limit of the strong is.

Before, in their eyes, the magic Buddha's heaven and earth dharma almost occupied the entire death galaxy, and they thought it was invincible.

Under the Buddha's palm, they know what invincibility is.


The endless undead breathed extremely heavily, even if they were far away, so far away that they needed to use magical powers to watch, but that scene made all the undead in the entire Death Galaxy terrified, and the eyes of the endless undead were full of horror.

The soul is trembling.

Those powerful undead in the Death Galaxy, including the Three Kings, all stared at the void with wide eyes at this moment, and everything was destroyed and restored.

At this moment, the only ones who could maintain their composure were the golden Buddha in the void and the Demonic Buddha whose expressions kept changing.

Between the Buddha and the Demon Buddha, it was extremely quiet.

I feel that I am invincible in the world. Not long ago, I shouted that if I were a Buddha, there would be no demons in the world. If I were a demon, what would the Buddha do to me?

Looking at the palm of the Buddha with his own eyes, his face completely changed.

When the Demon Buddha was alive, any arrogance would be eclipsed in front of the Demon Buddha. Compared with him, the second in the world, he was also an ordinary martial artist.

In order to prevent the Demon Buddha from becoming a demon, the Buddha who had just escaped was directly beaten by the Demon Buddha who was half a step away. In order to kill the Demon Buddha and seal his soul in the Death Tianhe, the Buddha had to fight with the Lord of the Dead team up.

From this, it can be seen that the demon Buddha is terrible, and at that time, the Buddha and the Lord of the Dead Realm were blessed with the power of heaven and earth, and the Buddha Demon also seized the heaven and earth and became the master of the heaven and earth.

I have always been proud, I am the second, and no one dares to claim the number one Buddha Demon, that palm completely destroyed his pride.

"Detachment, is it really the strongest?"

"It's just a wisp of will, what about the deity?"

"That must be such a strong existence."

The eyes of the Buddha demon fell on the face of the Buddha, which was always calm and breezy, showing a touch of fear.

Immediately, the arrogance in my heart disappeared, and the unwillingness in my heart turned into bitterness.

The Demon Buddha looked at the Buddha's light wrapped around him, with a bitter look on his face, clasped his hands together, and said solemnly, "Amitabha!"

"It turns out that there are people beyond humans, and heaven beyond the sky. I am still an ant, and dare to say that if I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world. If I become a demon, there will be no Buddhas in the world."

"Ridiculous, my weakness limits my imagination."

"The holy monk is truly invincible!"

Mo Buddha looked at Buddha and spoke his true heart.

However, upon hearing the words of the Demon Buddha, the golden Buddha at this moment shook his head again, and said with a smile: "There is no invincible person in this world, only an invincible heart, and an invincible heart makes a person invincible?"

"You are not an ant, but you have not had time to transform in the future. If you are detached, then you will no longer be an ant and can control your unimaginable power."

"Of course, you keep your original intention."

"After all, you can't compare with me."

"If you still have a comparative mind and a view of strength and weakness, then you can't get rid of it."

Hearing the golden Buddha's words, the Demon Buddha was thoughtful for a moment, and couldn't help saying, "There is no invincible person in this world, only an invincible heart?"

Then a wry smile appeared on his face, "What the holy monk said is true, it seems that I have a picture!"

"But how difficult it is to escape!"

"Besides, I'm already a dead soul."

"Because of a special law, it is impossible to preserve the soul and resurrect it?"

"Besides, in this universe, there are ten thousand realms, how many people can transcend?"

There was a bitterness, even despair, on Mofo's face at this moment.

Despair also played a large part in the reason why he was able to turn into a demon back then.

Hearing the words of the Demon Buddha, the Buddha showed a refined look on his face, and said with a smile: "Detachment is difficult, but it is also very simple."

"It's hard to go out, but it's not hard to be honored in this world."

"If you want, I can help you escape!"

When the Buddha's voice fell, it wasn't just the Mo Buddha who had a look of shock on his face at this moment, Dong Wang and the others also showed horror on their faces at this moment. They never thought that the Buddha said that he could help the Mo Buddha. The Buddha is detached.

Quiet, the entire Death Galaxy is extremely quiet at this moment.

A dead silence.

Detachment, an unimaginable existence, but this will, it is said to be ordinary.

Although, it is unimaginable to be honored only in this world.

Mo Buddha was trembling all over, obviously he had received too much impact.


Mo Buddha said something.

Immediately, he looked at the Buddha solemnly, "It's too difficult to transcend, can the holy monk really have a way to make me transcend?"

"But what do I need to pay?"

Mofo was excited at the moment, but Mofo knew very well that after he regained his sanity at this moment, he naturally knew that what he gained would be lost.

Impossible, the other party inexplicably perfected himself.

That is detachment, something that I never thought about after death.

All the undead eyes fell on the Buddha at this moment.

The Buddha ignored everyone's eyes, stared at the Demon Buddha, and said with a smile: "I want you to sacrifice your freedom, suppress this world, and dominate this world. Of course, what I want is not this world full of despair, but a new life with hope. , a world that can reincarnate."

"My main body is willing to establish the six realms of reincarnation and establish the underworld. Are you willing to sit and be the master of this underworld?"

"Transform the six realms with a detached body?"

"Preside over the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

The Buddha's voice fell, and at this moment, whether it was the Demon Buddha, those extremely powerful death orders, or the Eastern King, there was a touch of shock in the eyes.

No one thought that the mighty and boundless Buddha actually said that he wanted to establish the six realms of reincarnation.

The Eastern King had indeed heard Nie Zheng say that Li Yixi intended to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but the Eastern King did not care about it. After all, the establishment of reincarnation is really incredible.

It cannot be done by humans.

Dong Wang's face was dull and silent.

Clenched fists, eyes sharp.

What kind of opportunities will they have to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation?

"Create reincarnation?"

Nie Zheng heard the Buddha's words at this moment, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

At this moment, Nie Zheng thought of what Li Yixi said when he met Li Yixi. After communicating with Xiaoyao Immortal King and others, Nie Zheng already knew that the Lord Li Yixi had the idea of ​​establishing the Six Realms of Reincarnation, but he didn't think of it. , for Li Yixi, establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation seems not as difficult as they imagined.

At this moment, Mofo's mind was greatly impacted, and there was a storm in his heart. Mofo never thought that the other party was so courageous, had such a terrible wish, and seemed to establish six reincarnations. For Li It is not difficult to recall the past.

Those undead in the death galaxy, their bodies trembling crazily, stared at Mo Buddha with longing eyes, because once the six reincarnations are established, they will have the opportunity to reincarnate.

rather than sinking into despair.

The Demon Buddha took a deep breath and bowed to the Buddha, "If you can reincarnate these endless dead souls, what about suppressing the underworld?"

"Buddha, save sentient beings."

"If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell!"

Mo Buddha made a decision in an instant.

A face of determination, and, this is also a chance for rebirth.

The voice of the Demon Buddha fell, but the elegant smile on the Buddha's face remained, as if everything had already been considered and everything was under control.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said:

"it is good!"

"In that case, I will help you escape."

On that face of the Buddha, the elegant smile became even brighter.

Standing up slowly, carrying the endless Buddha's light, he walked towards the Demon Buddha step by step. Under the gaze of the dead spirit, the Buddha at this moment completely merged into the Demon Buddha's body, as if being swallowed by the Demon Buddha average.

But in fact, at this moment, Dongwang and other existences discovered that the Buddha's thoughts were dissipating, and what entered the body of the Demon Buddha was the power of the Supreme Dao.

The next moment, under the perception of everyone, the body of the Demon Buddha at this moment has changed thousands of times, becoming extremely terrifying. The Demon Buddha at this moment has the Buddha light in the left eye and the magic light in the right eye.

Buddha and demon coexist.

The body is expanding, unable to accommodate the power of that path.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of countless dead spirits, Mo Buddha's body instantly exploded and turned into nothingness.


"Did it fail?"

Dong Wang said in a trembling voice.

Those dead spirits who looked hopeful were also stunned at the moment.

A dull look on his face.

All of a sudden, everyone felt that Mo Buddha was such a waste that he couldn't contain that force.

What everyone doesn't know is that at this moment, the body of the Demon Buddha, and the soul of the Demon Buddha, have turned into billions of particles in this instant, completely merging with this dead world, and the next moment, the entire dead world has undergone earth-shaking The change.

The Milky Way of Death, which imprisoned everything, turned into a bloody river.

The crack in the void also changed strangely, and the next moment it became the gate of hell.

When everyone was terrified and didn't know what happened, they saw golden petals appearing in the dead world, and the petals were flying all over the sky, and countless meritorious powers gathered. The power gathered together, the next moment, the power of endless merit bloomed, and the magic Buddha who disappeared without a trace walked slowly from the nothingness. The breath of the magic Buddha at this moment was extremely ethereal.

Into a level of detachment.

At this moment, the Demonic Buddha had a holy Buddha's light in one eye, and a destructive magical light in the other eye.

His eyes swept to the gate of hell above the void, his face showed gratitude, and he said solemnly: "I am transformed into the six realms and preside over reincarnation. If hell is not empty, I swear that I will not become a Buddha."

"Thank you for your call."

"Thank you for the power of humanity, for helping me to have a new life."

"There are no more demons and Buddhas in the world, only the Lord of Hell."

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