"Funeral Day!"

The Demon Buddha raised his head and roared angrily. At this moment, he, with three heads and six arms, displayed all kinds of supernatural powers. These supernatural powers merged in front of him. The next moment, he turned into a sharpened knife that seemed to destroy the world, and slashed at the golden Buddha in front of him. kill.

Before the knife sharpening came, the terrifying power erupted, instantly evaporating the Death Tianhe River where it was located, and even the formation that sealed the Death Tianhe was shaking violently, as if it was about to be shattered by this terrifying supernatural power.

The three kings who were already in despair and those powerhouses in the Death Galaxy saw the terrifying supernatural power of the Demon Buddha, and once again the light of hope appeared in their eyes. If the Demon Buddha can break free from the seal today, even if the Demon Buddha will fall, they There is also an opportunity to take advantage of.

The Dongwang and others outside Death Tianhe trembled violently when they saw the seal of Death Tianhe, and there was a look of panic in their eyes, but Dongwang did not move, and his eyes were fixed on the golden Buddha, because Dongwang was very Clearly, if the Buddha can't stop the Demon Buddha, then this is the fate of the dead world, and nothing can change it.

At this moment, Mofo is completely in madness and chaos, with only one thought, that is to destroy everything.

This knife not only contained the terrifying power of magic, but also contained the power to destroy the world, and it came to the Buddha with an invincible force.

Facing that terrifying attack, the golden Buddha at this moment remained calm, and the elegant smile on that face never changed a bit.

"You can not."

The golden Buddha wasn't afraid of the terrible attack, with a faint smile on his face, he didn't put that terrible power in his eyes at all, after shaking his head.

Slowly stretched out his hand, and slapped the Demon Buddha in front of him.

"The Buddha's light shines!"

A flat voice sounded, and the golden Buddha palm on the chest was slowly pushed out. At this moment, this palm print seemed to be able to tear the sky apart!

The extremely huge palm slapped the world-shattering Demon Buddha.

The next moment, I saw the terrifying supernatural power of the Demon Buddha shattered in an instant, and the Buddha's palm continued to suppress the Demon Buddha without stopping.

The huge Buddha's palm fell into the Death Galaxy, and it seemed to overthrow the Death Galaxy in an instant, but it was extremely strange. Except for the severe injury of the Demon Buddha, all the undead spirits did not die, but those undead spirits At this moment, the body is surrounded by streams of Buddha's light.

Just like a master monk.


The Demonic Buddha spat out a mouthful of black blood, the power in his body was passing away rapidly, and the Buddha's light came out one after another. At this moment, endless Buddha's light invaded the Demonic Buddha's body.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head and be right. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Love leaves, resentment meets, let go and return, it's nothing. It's just empty eyes, an illusion."

"All appearances are illusory. If you see all appearances and non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata."

At this moment, the Buddha continued to sing Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

With the intrusion of the endless Buddha light, the Mofo's face became extremely ferocious, and the Mofo's body was extremely distorted there, as if it was being tortured.

"The Demon Buddha is defeated!"

When the Demon Buddha was screaming in pain, Dong Wang looked at the struggling Demon Buddha with a look of horror on his face. Dong Wang never thought that the Demon Buddha who was so powerful was still not the golden Buddha. opponent.

Then think of the flowers blooming in the galaxy of death.

Thinking about it again, the other party's thought moved, easily took away the soul from the death galaxy, and resurrected directly.

Thinking about it again, a Buddhist scripture containing a trace of will not only suppressed the entire Death Galaxy, but also suppressed the extremely terrifying Demon Buddha formation.

Dong Wang's heart couldn't help trembling, he couldn't wait to see Li Yixi, and wanted to be resurrected.

He even wanted to intimidate Li Yixi.

But after seeing the scene in front of him, all these thoughts in Dong Wang's mind were wiped out without hesitation.

At this moment, Dong Wang believed what Nie Zheng said. If Li Yixi wanted to see them, he would naturally meet them. If Li Yixi didn't want to see him, then even if he tried everything, he would not be able to see them.

Dong Wang suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, and at this moment, he stared at the Demon Buddha who was struggling fiercely in the Death Galaxy.

The Buddha in the void looked at the Demon Buddha quietly.

The demon Buddha struggling violently, not only failed to get rid of the Buddha's light that had invaded his body, but Dong Wang found that as the demon Buddha struggled, the Buddha's light in the opponent's body became more and more terrifying.

The next moment, Mo Buddha's miserable howl disappeared, but at this moment, Mo Buddha's face showed a look of pain.

The Mo Buddha, who originally had endless resentment and endless murderous thoughts, sat cross-legged slowly at this moment, closed his eyes, and recited Buddhist scriptures.

The devilish energy on his body also gradually disappeared, and holy Buddha lights erupted from the body of the Demon Buddha at this moment, and at the next moment, the Buddha lights on the Demon Buddha's body illuminated everywhere.

"Has the Demon Buddha been converted?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Dong Wang had an incredulous expression on his face. He felt that he was hallucinating. He never thought that the powerful Demon Buddha with all-powerful mana would be saved by humans.

The Demon Buddha slowly opened his eyes, and he could only look gratefully at the golden Buddha in the void, "Thank you for the guidance of the Holy Buddha. "

"Buddhas can save the world, but demons can only destroy everything."

At that moment, the Demon Buddha seemed to have fully realized.

However, the golden Buddha shook his head without hesitation after hearing what the Demon Buddha said.

"It's not wrong for a Buddha to save sentient beings, but if a Buddha who saves all sentient beings doesn't spare even ordinary people, such a Buddha is more terrifying than evil spirits."

"Besides, the devil and the Buddha are indeed within a single thought, but is the Buddha really inferior to the Buddha?"

"No, the Buddha is the Tao!"

"The devil is also the way!"

"Where there is strong and weak, the strong are people, and the weak are also people."

"If I become a demon, what will Buddha do to me!"

At this moment, the last words of the golden Buddha fell, and a terrifying light of darkness erupted from Buddha's body. At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale.

Those undead spirits who were saved were also shaken at this moment.

"Magic Mountains and Rivers!"

The Buddha, who turned into a demon, had a cold face, and his eyes seemed to contain the anger that would destroy the world.

Shoot it against the sky.

The huge and incomparably black handprint erupted at this moment, and under the eyes of Mo Buddha, the death Tianhe at this moment was completely pierced by that devil's palm!

"Even the entire dead world is trembling violently, as if the world is about to be destroyed."

But at this moment, the Buddha, who was transformed into a demon, burst out endless Buddha light in an instant, recovered again, and said lightly, "Time flows backwards!"

The next moment, the world of death that was about to be destroyed, and the Tianhe of death that was pierced through, returned to normal strangely, as if nothing had happened.

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