Those saints in the legend came to the world to save the suffering and gain the power of merit. The eyes of the General Necromancer showed shock.

If that was the case, he knew that Li Yixi might really have the idea of ​​establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"The dead world may be saved!"

At this moment, General Necromancer's excited body trembled slightly.

When Li Yixi wrote the last word, the endless Buddha light erupted at this moment, and the golden words seemed to be transformed into Buddhas at this moment.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Li Yixi said with a smile: "General, you can take this Buddhist scripture home, I don't know if this Buddhist scripture is useful, everything depends on God's will."

"What can I, a mortal, do to help you?"

Seeing Li Yixi handing him the written Buddhist scriptures, General Necromancer's hands trembled slightly, as if the Buddhist scriptures in front of him weighed tens of thousands of catties.

"Thank you, son, for your kindness!"

"The dead world is rioting, we won't stay here any longer."


As the voice fell, General Necromancer led those strong men, took away the captured necromancers, and returned to the realm of the dead.

Seeing the general of the dead spirit disappear, Li Yixi showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "This general of the dead spirit is actually similar to the ghost in the myth. In the myth, the ghost is also arresting those evil men Ghost, bring it into the underworld, let it enter the cycle of reincarnation."

"After all, some ghosts are unwilling to be reincarnated, but if they are not reincarnated, it will affect the world."

"Ghost messengers are considered a priesthood in mythology."

"Even if there are six reincarnations, these existences are needed to maintain the normal operation of the underworld."

"Let's go!"

Li Yixi muttered a few words, Xiaoyao Immortal King and the others were thoughtful, and hurriedly took Li Yixi away.

In the realm of death, the terrifying Death River trembled violently. Even the East Prince's Mansion, which suppressed the Death River, seemed to be torn apart at this moment.

The East Prince's Mansion is not a palace built at random, but transformed from an artifact, in order to suppress Death Tianhe.

"Damn, damn, why is this happening?"

"Why is it that someone is so powerful that he can go directly into the dead world without our perception, and take away the existence in the death galaxy."

"I don't know if Dongwang can suppress Death Tianhe, otherwise, the entire Death Realm will be completely plunged into disaster."

The General of the Death Spirit who spoke had an extremely gloomy expression.

The voice fell, and only a figure was seen walking out of the Death Galaxy with a tired face. At this moment, the entire Death Galaxy trembled violently.

That tired figure was none other than the East King of the East King's Mansion.

Dongwang is a terrifying existence who has practiced in the realm of the dead to the level of detachment.

But at this moment, Dong Wang looked exhausted.

At the moment when it just appeared, Dong Wang roared angrily, "Dong Wang Yin, come!"

Following the Dongwang's roar, the Dongwang's mansion suspended above the Tianhe River of Death, instantly turned into a black ancient seal covering the sky and the sun.

The moment the black ancient seal fell into the Death Galaxy, the entire Death Galaxy trembled violently, and the surroundings of the black ancient seal, whether it was the bones or the powerful undead, instantly turned into nothingness.

"His Royal Highness, what happened to Necromancer Tianhe?"

Those generals with desperate faces saw the rioting Death Tianhe calm down a bit, and there was a gleam of hope in their eyes.

However, after hearing the words of these death generals, Dong Wang's expression became extremely desperate.

"No, even if the East King Seal is used, it can only be suppressed for a moment."

"I hope to buy time so that I can recover some strength. With my detached body, I can see if I can suppress the rioting Death Tianhe."

After hearing Dong Wang's words, the spirit generals of these dead spirits changed their expressions instantly.

"Eastern King, no!"

"It is absolutely not allowed to do this. If the Eastern King suppresses Death Tianhe with his body, he will fall into chaos and completely become a part of Death Tianhe. Moreover, even if he sacrifices everything, he will not be able to suppress Death Tianhe forever, and he can only win for a while." It's just time, not worth it."

"Eastern King, no."

Those gods of death will hurriedly stop them one by one.

"There is no way!"

"Even if I know that this riot was intentional by the existence in the depths of the Death Galaxy, because it wants to swallow us detached existences to strengthen his strength, but we have to do so."

"Maybe my total death can buy some time for God."

"Otherwise, not only will the entire dead world fall into disaster, but if the dead world is completely disintegrated, then this world will be completely plunged into disaster and everything will be destroyed."

"You don't need to stop, I have made up my mind."

At this moment, Dong Wang's face was determined, and the eyes of those death gods showed a look of despair, and everyone fell into grief and indignation.

No one speaks anymore.

In the area of ​​East Prince's Mansion, when Death Tianhe was quiet, a group of undead spirits came through the air at this moment, and excited voices came from a long distance away.

"My lord Dongwang, this time I went out, I got a chance against the heavens!"

It was the Necromancer General who had returned from Xiaoyao Xianyu.

Those death generals with sad faces originally had a tragic face, but suddenly they heard a general of the dead saying that he had obtained a great opportunity, and a cold light appeared in their eyes.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the Eastern King hadn't happened at this moment, they, the gods, would really like to take action and wipe out that young necromancer directly.

"bless you!"

Dong Wang was a little weak, but when he saw the return of the young necromancer and the joy and hope on his face, he smiled and comforted him.

But the other generals, after hearing Dong Wang's words, were extremely angry in their hearts, and couldn't help but yell out: "Shut up, you got a chance, that's your business, and now the entire death Tianhe riot can't be suppressed at all. Dong Wang can only melt into Death Tianhe with his body to suppress this riot, no matter how great the opportunity you get, what is there to be happy about?"

After hearing the divine general's scolding, the happy Necromancer General's smile didn't change at all, and he walked towards the Eastern King excitedly, "My lord Eastern King, I really got a heaven-defying opportunity."

"I never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence in this world."

Before the young necromancer could finish his words, those necromancer gods were completely enraged. A mere terrifying existence stepped forward, and a world-shattering coercion erupted from his body. The young general is imprisoned in his hands.

"To shut up!"

Endless anger erupted in an instant.

The young necromancer with a joyful face, his face is a little pale, this one is too scary.

But he still stared at Dongwang, and said with difficulty: "Master Dongwang, we are saved this time, I have a chance, and maybe I can suppress Death Tianhe."

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