Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 896 Could it be the Light of Merit?

Xiaoyao Immortal King naturally has his own plans.

General Necromancer heard the words of Immortal King Xiaoyao, his eyes showed disbelief, he never thought that Li Yixi was so scary.

Back then, even a being who was about to transcend could not revive a true immortal, but Li Yixi used the most overbearing means to revive Li Mu very simply.

At this moment, the eyes of General Necromancer showed a golden light.

Although Li Yixi only revived Li Mu, he also saw hope. It wasn't that those beings in the realm of the dead had no possibility of being revived.

But General Necromancer did not ask Li Yixi for help. After all, in his opinion, they were not relatives, so why did Li Yixi revive them?

If they can really establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it will be the greatest gift for them.

General Necromancer took a deep breath, "Thank you, my lord, I really hope that one day the six realms of reincarnation can be established, otherwise, the entire realm of death may be completely destroyed."

"Those terrifying existences in the world of death are so powerful that they are beyond imagination. With the continuous devouring and practice, their sanity is constantly being lost. Even if there are powerful existences in the world of death to suppress Death Tianhe, Death Tianhe will die sooner or later. Riots, after all, the undead are imprisoned in it, and the Death Galaxy is a cage, and those existences will never be imprisoned willingly, and as they continue to lose their sanity, they will become more crazy and desperate."

"Let me leave, the entire Necronomicon Galaxy is in motion, and everyone is doing everything possible to suppress it, hoping to suppress those beings who are imprisoned in the Deathly Galaxy."

"But this time, I'm afraid there will be a big price to pay."

"For a long time, although there is no hope of establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation, those powerful beings in the dead world have been researching, hoping to find a way to appease the violent undead in the Death Galaxy."

"If those terrible existences can be appeased, it might be much easier to suppress Death Tianhe."

General Necromancer said helplessly.

"The way to appease those dead spirits, you may find a way to find those temples, maybe there is a way in those temples, but it is not certain."

"Among the Buddhist scriptures I know, there are such Buddhist teachings, but I don't know if they are useful?"

Seeing the anxiety and helplessness in the other party's eyes, Li Yixi couldn't help adding.

"Buddhist scriptures?"

"Young master, we have thought about what you said, but those Buddhist scriptures are too weak, and the Buddhist world has long been detached. There is no way to find the true supreme Buddha Dharma in the Buddhist world."

At this moment, General Necromancer had a bitter look on his dark face.

"Has the Buddhist realm already transcended?"

Li Yixi was very surprised, but at this moment, Li Yixi also realized that he had traveled to this world for a long time, but Li Yixi had never seen the incomparably powerful Buddhism in this world. .

Not to mention those saints who practice Buddhism!

When Li Yixi was contemplating, standing behind Li Yixi was Kong Kong, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Because at this moment, Liao Kong couldn't help but look at his body, and found that a faint Buddha light was born in his body, which was able to purify the necromancy that invaded the surrounding air.

Those Buddha's light, but the practice of the Buddhist scriptures taught to him by Li Yixi.

In Liao Kong's heart, he couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the young master is implying me?"

"It must be, why is this General Necromancer so stupid?"

"It seems that the young master wanted to use my mouth to make the general of the dead soul ask the young master because the general of the dead spirit didn't react."

"Otherwise, even if the young master wants to help the Death Realm suppress Death Tianhe, Li Yixi can't make a move if the other party doesn't speak up!"

Thinking of this, Kong Kong moved his lips slightly, and instantly sent a voice transmission to General Necromancer: "General Necromancer, what are you still doing in a daze, didn't the expert tell you that there is a way? Why don't you ask the expert to grant you Supreme Buddhist scriptures."

"There is indeed the Supreme Buddhist Sutra in the hands of an expert."

"Perhaps after you get the Supreme Buddhist Sutra, you can reduce the pressure. I think this time the master's move must be to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

The Necromancer General, who was about to leave, couldn't help but tremble when he heard Kong's words, his face showed disbelief, and his body trembled with excitement.

He hurriedly looked at Li Yixi and asked, "My lord, I don't know if you have Buddha Dharma in your hands?"

"We have found a lot of Buddhist teachings, but they are not very useful. If the young master has Buddhist teachings, we can give it a try. Maybe it will be useful or not?"

After General Necromancer's voice fell, his excited eyes fell on Li Yixi.


"I know something, but I don't know if it's useful?"

After hearing what the other party said, Li Yixi explained.

Liao Kong immediately said, "My lord, you can try it, what if it works?"

The voice fell to nothing, and with a wave of his hand in an instant, a pen, ink, paper and inkstone appeared.

Seeing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of him, Li Yixi smiled wryly. He wanted to refuse at first, but when he saw the eyes falling on him, he still picked up the pen slowly.

When General Necromancer saw Li Yixi writing, there was a glint of hope in his eyes. He already knew that Li Yixi was extremely scary, and he wanted to know whether Li Yixi's Buddhist scriptures were useful.

When Li Yixi's pen fell, General Necromancer's eyes showed a look of disbelief, because in his opinion, the ink is black, but when Li Yixi wrote, he found that the ink that Li Yixi wrote A single word turned into gold in an instant, and terrifying Buddha lights bloomed in front of him.

The moment the Buddha's light appeared, General Necromancer was horrified to find that the dead energy that appeared here disappeared extremely quickly.

At the same time, the madness and violence in the eyes of those dead spirits that were struggling violently disappeared slowly as Li Yixi wrote each word.

"It's actually able to really appease these dead spirits and make them regain their sanity?"

"This Buddhist scripture is really useful!"

Sensing the change in the scene at this moment, General Necromancer's eyes showed a hint of disbelief, and the way he looked at Li Yixi changed completely.

General Necromancer never imagined that Li Yixi could really do this.

As Liao Kong said, it seems that the other party wants to lay out in the dead world.

Moreover, with the appearance of words one by one, General Necromancer was horrified to discover that mysterious forces appeared in the sky and earth, and those mysterious forces slowly entered Li Yixi's body.

The moment he saw that force, General Necromancer felt a turmoil in his heart, "Could it be the light of merit?"

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