Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 884 Suzaku swallows the sky

Zhao Sanshan's face became extremely ugly when he heard one after another voice at this moment.

Although Zhao Sanshan couldn't feel the monstrous coercion at this moment, he was extremely irritable.

Seeing that there was no way out, Zhao Sanshan roared angrily, "Are you all deaf?"

"I said that the exercises are rubbish exercises, why don't you believe them?"

"If you want to kill, kill, if you don't kill, get out of here!"

At this moment, Zhao Sanshan was completely angry. He felt that he was going to die anyway. Why didn't he choose to die with dignity?

"What did you say?"

Condescending and overlooking Zhao Sanshan, several strong men, at this moment, their faces became extremely ugly, and there was a fierce light in their eyes, staring at Zhao Sanshan firmly.

Facing that wolf-like gaze, Zhao Sanshan was completely willing to go all out at this moment.

"I said, kill me if you have the ability!"

After the words fell, Zhao Sanshan simply closed his eyes at this moment.

Suddenly, I feel very happy.

Seeing Zhao Sanshan's appearance and attitude, the eyes of these strong men became very cold.

But these people didn't move. After all, everyone was on guard. If anyone was the first to catch Zhao Sanshan, it would not be a good thing.

After all, everyone who came here is certain that Zhao Sanshan has the Supreme Cultivation Technique in his hands, who would be willing to let the Supreme Cultivation Technique slip away from him.

An old Taoist said coldly: "Everyone, how about all of us using our supernatural powers to search Zhao Sanshan's soul together?"

The Taoist priest's voice fell, and everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

"This method is feasible, and no one can swallow the exercises alone?"

Zhao Sanshan, who had put on a face, turned extremely ugly when he heard that these guys were about to withdraw their souls.

Without any hesitation, he was about to flee in an instant.

But at the next moment, powerful supernatural powers blocked Zhao Sanshan's way.

All of them had hideous faces, and they were going to search for Zhao Sanshan's soul when they used their supernatural powers. However, when their supernatural powers landed on Zhao Sanshan's body.

Seeing the jade pendant hanging on Zhao Sanshan's waist, the aura flowed.

All the excited and proud people vomited blood one by one in an instant.


"who are you?"

At this moment, the faces of these strong men showed horror, and they looked at Zhao Sanshan with no greed anymore, only fear.

Zhao Sanshan also had a dazed expression on his face, he couldn't understand why these people in front of him vomited blood all of a sudden.

Shouldn't he be obliterated by the other party now?

Zhao Sanshan felt it, and was surprised to find that he really didn't have the slightest injury.


"How is this going?"

"Why didn't I suffer any harm, but these people were all backlashed!"

"Is it him?"

At this moment, Zhao Sanshan's eyes locked on the jade pendant hanging on his waist, and at this moment, Zhao Sanshan felt a light flowing on the jade pendant.

Zhao Sanshan's eyes became extremely bright. When he met Li Yixi, Zhao Sanshan felt that this jade pendant was very unusual. As expected, it really exploded now.

Powerful scary.

Zhao Sanshan, who was originally desperate, had a smug look in his eyes at this moment. He glanced at these people and said with disdain: "If I don't change my name or surname, I will be called Zhao Sanshan."

At this moment, Zhao Sanshan's voice was sonorous and powerful.

However, as soon as Zhao Sanshan's voice fell, and before he had time to pretend to beep, a piercing sound rang out. At the same time, at this moment, a monstrous coercion descended. At this moment, the faces of those strong men who were backlashed changed drastically. , was directly blown away by that incomparably powerful force.

They, who were already being backlashed, spurted blood one by one as if they didn't want money, their faces were pale and bloodless.

"Zhao Sanshan, the deity finally found you. How can an ant like you qualify for the supreme exercise?"

At this moment, the person came, with a ferocious expression on his face, and directly used his supernatural powers, intending to destroy Zhao Sanshan's body and capture Zhao Sanshan's soul to search for his soul.

With that palm of his, a gigantic golden handprint pressed down on Zhao Sanshan.

"Golden Buddha Palm Master!"

Recognizing who it was, Zhao Sanshan looked desperate. Although the jade pendant just now had helped Zhao Sanshan withstand the attacks of those people, Zhao Sanshan knew very well that this person was too terrifying, and this piece of jade pendant could not resist it at all. of.

Under that terrifying coercion, Zhao Sanshan directly chose to close his eyes.

In the void, that huge golden palm kept approaching, and the jade pendant on Zhao Sanshan's waist trembled violently as if stimulated.

The next moment, the sound of birdsong sounded, and a phantom of a vermilion bird flew out of the jade pendant in an instant, and the golden palm was directly shattered.

Without any pause, Suzaku phantom rushed towards the golden Buddha palm master.

"This is the true soul of Suzaku!"

The Golden Buddha Master's face became extremely frightened at this moment, and he never thought that Zhao Sanshan had such a terrible treasure on his body.

At this moment, the Master of the Golden Buddha didn't even dare to look at the things in Zhao Sanshan's hands, he was already scared to death.

Without hesitation, he turned around and fled, wishing his parents would give him a few more legs.

"That's Suzaku!"

Those strong men who were thrown away by the palm of the golden Buddha all showed shock in their eyes when they saw the Suzaku appearing in the void at this moment.

Wherever the phantom of Suzaku passed, the terrifying true flames of Suzaku swept across, as if the void would be destroyed.

At the moment when the Golden Buddha palm master was running for his life, Suzaku opened his mouth instantly. At the moment Suzaku opened his mouth, a terrifying devouring force appeared, and the void in front of him instantly collapsed. The master of the golden Buddha, the magical powers displayed were interrupted in an instant.

Together with that piece of void, it was directly swallowed by Suzaku.

After killing the Palm Master of the Golden Buddha, Suzaku Xuying's cold eyes swept over everyone.

Zhao Sanshan also opened his eyes at this moment, just in time to see the phantom of the Suzaku, rushing towards him, Zhao Sanshan looked desperate, but saw the phantom of the Suzaku disappeared into the jade pendant.




At this moment, Zhao Sanshan looked terrified. Zhao Sanshan never imagined that the jade pendant he got from Li Yixi was such a terrifying treasure. In front of the soul of this jade pendant, he is like a chicken and a dog.

"Meet the senior?"

"Please spare my life, senior. I am willing to be a slave and serve senior for life!"

"Senior, I am also willing to be a slave, and please spare my life!"

At this moment, those strong men who wanted to snatch the skills in Zhao Sanshan's hands before, their legs gave up in fright, and they knelt down in front of Zhao Sanshan, mistaking Zhao Sanshan for an expert hermit.


At this moment, Zhao Sanshan was also dumbfounded.

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