In the narrow cave, the middle-aged man who had practiced for a long time slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that it would take a lot of spiritual things to open up these acupoints in the body. Fortunately, I have some background, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to cultivate successfully."

"I just don't know if this exercise is really that magical?"

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking that when Li Yixi was cultivating, he exploded into a golden body of hundreds of feet.

After thinking about it, the man couldn't wait to use the exercises to penetrate the 72 acupoints he had created. However, at the moment when the exercises were in operation, the excitement on the man's face became extremely stiff.

Because, at the moment when the exercise was performed, the man just felt an internal energy grow out of his flesh and blood, forming a small qi shield, which never appeared at all, like Li Yixi's terrifying Baizhang Jin body.

"Why is this?"

"Why is this?"

"Why did the exercises turn decay into magic in the hands of that young master?"

"Could it be that I didn't understand something?"

At this moment, the man's face became a little ugly, and he was very disappointed.

But then the look of disappointment on his face disappeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Don't think about it, maybe that young master's physique is quite special, and it is very likely that he is from a big family. No special constitution of his was found."

At this moment, the man can only attribute all the reasons to Li Yixi's own situation.

"However, today, being able to use this exercise to obtain so many cultivation resources is a great opportunity for me."

"There are so many top-grade immortal jade, it should be able to raise my cultivation to a higher level."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, the man stepped out and appeared outside the cave.

In the vast mountain range, many strong men appeared, one by one flying through the clouds, with something like a compass appearing in their hands, as if they were looking for something.

One of the Taoists was originally a little irritable, but at this moment, he suddenly found the compass in his hand trembling, and there was a strand of hair above the compass.

At this moment, the compass in his hand pointed in one direction.

"Found it, finally found it!"

"It seems that Zhao Sanshan should have been hiding in the formation before, so we have been unable to sense his existence."

Put away the compass in your hand, and fly directly to the direction the compass points.

The next moment, the other strong men who were looking for through the clouds and fog all sensed Zhao Sanshan's location and flew away one by one with excited expressions on their faces.

Zhao Sanshan, who had just come out of the cave, felt nothing, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and instantly crushed a piece of top-quality immortal jade in his palm.

Streams of pure immortal energy instantly entered Zhao Sanshan's body.

At this moment, Zhao Sanshan felt refreshed.

"Zhao Sanshan, I finally found you!"

"I didn't expect you to be so cautious and hide in the formation. It really made it easy for us to find."

"You don't think we've given up, do you?"

"With such a supreme skill, do you think we will give up?"

"Now I can give you a way out, and give me that exercise, of course, not, the one you gave us before, the old man wants the full version."

"Besides, the matter of you deceiving the old man before, the old man will not take it to heart, otherwise you should know that you are courting death for cheating the old man's top grade immortal jade."

Zhao Sanshan, who looked excited, suddenly saw someone blocking him, his face changed suddenly, Zhao Sanshan recognized the other person, and the other person bought a kung fu method with a piece of top-quality immortal jade on the 13th street.

Feeling the terrifying coercion emanating from the opponent, Zhao Sanshan was extremely nervous at this moment, and the coercion made Zhao Sanshan a little suffocated.

His legs trembled, as if an ancient sacred mountain was pressing on Zhao Sanshan's body.

However, at this moment, a spiritual light suddenly burst out from Zhao Sanshan's body, and that spiritual light enveloped Zhao Sanshan's body.

Zhao Sanshan, who was kneeling on the ground almost being oppressed, suddenly felt that the force he was enduring disappeared without a trace.

This sudden change made Zhao Sanshan stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what happened.

Zhao Sanshan looked at the master in front of him helplessly, and explained: "Senior, I really didn't cheat. At that time, the junior said that it was indeed just an ordinary exercise. To be precise, I It's just a trick to deceive that son."

"If the younger generation really got such a powerful exercise, how could the younger generation take out the exercise and exchange it with that young master for a jade pendant?"

"How can such a powerful technique be exchanged for the value of a piece of jade pendant!"

Zhao Sanshan had a bitter look on his face at the moment.


"Bullshit, stop talking!"

"Do you think the old man will believe you?"

"To tell you the truth, after you disappeared, we all went to find that young master. Do you know what happened?"

"Which young master is obviously a mortal, but he, who practiced this technique, burst out with monstrous power, causing the two strong men from the Heavenly Dao Palace to be instantly destroyed."

"Moreover, the old man can see the hundred-foot-long golden body clearly. At that time, the old man also realized carefully that the kung fu practiced by that young master is indeed somewhat similar to the kung fu you sold."

"The reason why we haven't made any achievements in our hands is definitely because you have given us some secrets. Are you going to say it now or not?"

Zhao Sanshan with a bitter face, at this moment, after hearing the words of the strong man in front of him, he looked envious, but Zhao Sanshan knew the exercises better than anyone else, so how could he lie to himself.

That exercise was sold to Li Yixi by Zhao Sanshan himself, and Zhao Sanshan, the person involved, has the right to speak about the authenticity of the attack method.

Moreover, Zhao Sanshan had tried it himself, and that exercise was indeed a rubbish exercise, without any magic.

"Senior, don't you believe me?"

"Perhaps that young master's cultivation is extremely powerful because of the special nature of that young master, not because of the cultivation technique."

Zhao Sanshan felt a little powerless, because at this moment, he felt a group of figures looting from all around him, completely surrounding Zhao Sanshan in the center.

Not to mention that Zhao Sanshan is very weak, even if he has the same cultivation level as these people, it is impossible to escape.

"Zhao Sanshan, hand over the exercises!"

"Hand over the exercises and spare you!"

"Give me the real skill!"

"Finally found you, what about the exercises?"

A series of incomparably sharp gazes locked onto Zhao Sanshan. These strong men did not stay together, and each of them was on guard against the surrounding strong men.

It seemed that he was worried that the other party would kill and silence him, intending to seize the exercises in Zhao Sanshan's hands alone.

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