Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 879 Young Master Wants to Build a Holy Land?

"Congratulations, husband!"

"I believe that my husband will definitely be able to become holy physically, and then he will be able to reverse his divine body and step into the ranks of cultivating immortals."

Seeing the smile on Li Yixi's face, Hu Qingyun immediately walked over and said with a smile.

"Miss, I would like to borrow your good words!"

"How long have I been practicing this time?"

After Li Yixi was overjoyed, his eyes fell on Hu Qingyun and asked curiously.

Because this time Li Yixi has been immersed in it from the time of practice to the present, and did not feel the passage of time.

It's just that now I feel a sense of hunger in my stomach, so Li Yixi suspects that a long time has passed.

"Husband, it has been a day and a night since you practiced." Hu Qingyun didn't hide anything, and told the truth.

Li Yixi was stunned for a moment when he heard Hu Qingyun's words. Li Yixi never thought that he would take such a long time to practice this time. Normally, he would only practice for a few hours. It took so much time to completely change the cultivation method, transform the inner strength of the whole body, and at the same time, open up a hole.

Li Yixi couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Cultivation in seclusion is really scary, no wonder those powerful beings, after a seclusion, everything will become extremely strange when you leave the seclusion."

"This retreat, I feel that it is actually very short."

Li Yixi's thoughts fell, and his eyes fell on Hu Qingyun's face, apologetic, "My lady, I didn't expect that this practice took so much time. You finally didn't retreat, so I should accompany you more."

"Practice also has to be relaxed and relaxed. Today I will accompany my wife, let's go out to relax."

At this moment, Hu Qingyun heard Li Yixi's words, and her face revealed a touch of sweetness, "Your husband can tell you, but your husband has been practicing for a long time, so let's fill our stomachs first."

The couple walked into the hall.

Today's Xiao Ya and Meng Ge have already left.

Seeing that the elders of the Heavenly Dao Palace did not cause any harm to Li Yixi, he felt relieved.

Xiao Ya said with a gloomy face: "Damn Heavenly Dao Palace, to act so recklessly, daring to spy on the exercises in the master's hands, is simply seeking death."

"If it wasn't for the two of them not affecting your son's cultivation, I really want to order everyone to go to the Tiandao Palace together and completely destroy the Tiandao Palace."

Although it didn't affect Li Yixi, Xiao Ya's face showed anger at this moment.

A ray of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Let's just let it go!"

"After all, you don't have any income. Now that the two elders of Tiandao Palace have fallen, it can be regarded as punishment for Tiandao Palace. If Tiandao Palace dares to be presumptuous again, I will definitely go to destroy Tiandao Palace."

"Kill at will, just in case you don't like it!" Meng Ge thought for a while and said to Xiao Ya.

Hearing Meng Ge's words, at this moment, Xiao Ya was stunned for a moment with an angry expression on her face. She didn't think that she didn't think of this, that killing at random might really disgust Li Yixi.

"Then release the Heavenly Dao Palace first."

Xiao Ya took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

At this moment, the killing intent in their hearts disappeared. As they walked, their bodies trembled slightly. Xiao Yameng looked at each other, and the two felt incredible, as if they had hallucinations.

Because at this moment, the two of them suddenly discovered that the entire Jinling Immortal City erupted in an instant.

The richness of the aura has tripled, and this scene made the two of them feel unbelievable. The aura of the world has always been extremely barren in Erzhongtian.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, spiritual energy would suddenly gushe out.

The corners of Meng Ge's mouth trembled, and he looked at Xiao Ya in disbelief and asked, "Fellow Daoist Xiao, do you feel the changes in this place? I feel that the aura of heaven and earth gushes out from under the earth in an instant. It's twice as rich as before!"

"Is this because I'm hallucinating?"

After the words fell, Meng Ge's eyes widened for a moment, and he looked at Xiao Ya.

Xiao Ya, who was originally suspicious, trembled when she heard Meng Ge's words at this moment: "I suddenly looked at the location of Li Yixi's manor!"

At this moment, Xiao Ya suddenly discovered that the area where Li Yixi's manor was located was filled with some chaotic divine power.

And those chaotic divine powers are very special and mysterious, for a while, Xiao Ya didn't react.

But immediately, disbelief appeared in Xiao Ya's eyes.

Staring at that side, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he said, "How is it possible?"

"How is this possible?"

At this moment, Meng Ge saw Xiao Ya's shocked gaze and puzzled expression, and couldn't help asking: "Daoist Xiao Ya, what happened?"

Hearing Meng Ge's words, Xiao Ya woke up from the shock at this moment, feeling parched, looked at Meng Ge in front of her with an unbelievable expression and said: "I was near the son's yard, and I actually felt the original divine power of chaos. .”

"The original divine power of chaos, this is the original power of the chaotic world, how could it appear in the second heaven?"

"But if that divine power is not the original divine power of chaos, how can it revive the heaven and earth aura of the Second Heaven?"

"Young master, what did you do?"

Whether it was Xiao Ya or Meng Ge, they both had disbelief on their faces. The two of them never thought that Li Yixi would allow the original divine power of chaos to enter this place.


At this moment Xiao Ya's body trembled suddenly, as if she thought of something.

Meng Ge, seeing Xiao Ya's seriousness, couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

These days, Meng Ge has been practicing in seclusion, and he didn't care too much about the accidental world. If it wasn't for Li Yixi's practice of exercises today, and the appearance of the Baizhang golden body, he would not have left the seclusion.

The news also stayed half a month ago.

Xiao Ya took a breath, looked at Meng Ge and explained with a solemn expression: "I heard Jun Wushen and others say that the young master once said something."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ya paused for a moment, Xiao Ya at this moment felt too horrifying and unbelievable.


Meng Ge suddenly became a little irritable, Xiao Ya stopped talking in the middle of her speech, but she still asked patiently, after all, this matter was related to Li Yixi.

Xiao Ya took another breath, stared at Meng Ge and said: "Young master said that I will not compete with the world. From now on, this place will become its own world, standing outside the world of mortals, don't disturb me."

"Furthermore, the entire Erchongtian seems to be one with Jiuchongtian now, but it has really become an independent world. Does the young master want to create a holy land?"

"Create Holy Land!"

Meng Ge also took a deep breath, building the Holy Land, that is not something that can be said casually, the Nine Layers of Heaven and Earth, in the eyes of many people, is a powerful world, but the gap with the Holy Land is extremely large, like Haoran's Only in such a world is it barely qualified to be called the Holy Land.

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