At the beginning, the cracks were like red lines, but as Li Yixi's aura spread, the cracks on the bodies of the two people in Tiandao Palace continued to grow, growing from only an inch to a foot.

A trace of blood continued to spread out.

The two Taoists of the Heavenly Dao Palace watched their Dao bodies continue to disintegrate with horror on their faces. They never imagined that they would encounter such a terrifying Xeon.

Taoist Ziyang's eyes widened at this moment, the pride and disdain in those eyes had long since disappeared, leaving only fear.

He stared at the fine blood lines on his body that were constantly growing, and those eyes were filled with fine bloodshot eyes.

"no no no"

"Impossible. I'm just a mortal. Why is the aura emitted so terrible? The strongest thing in my Heavenly Dao Palace is the Supreme Dao Body. My Dao Body has already been completed, even if it is a god king. Breath, it is absolutely impossible to split my body, but why is it like this now?"

"Could it be that, as Meng Ge said, this existence is an extremely terrifying hermit expert, whose strength is comparable to or even stronger than that of the ancestor god?"

"However, how could there be such a strong person in the Second Heaven?"

"Even if it is the Lord of the Nine Heavens, it is impossible for him to be so powerful. How could there be a terrifying existence that surpasses God in the world of the Lord of the Nine Heavens?"

"If the holy dragon blood pill can't heal the Tao body, then today, it's over."

"Damn it, why is this happening!" Taoist Ziyang had a look of despair at this moment. He never thought that he would meet such a terrifying existence, and it was a coincidence that he was spying on the opponent's skills.

If he knew how terrible Li Yixi was, he wouldn't dare to give him [-] lives. Right now, Taoist Ziyang can only put all his hopes on the holy pill, which is his last hope.

Taoist Ziyang and his companions at this moment have turned into blood men, and their bodies have been stained red with blood.

Taoist Ziyang's thought power fell, and the next moment he saw a crystal clear pill appearing in his space ring, and as soon as it appeared, an incomparably powerful energy of blood burst out.

Taoist Ziyang knew very well that this was his last straw.

Swallowing it without hesitation, the extremely powerful medicinal effect erupted. However, Taoist Ziyang's face was extremely ugly at this moment. Now, not only his skin was cracked, but his meridians were also constantly breaking at this moment. The powerful medicinal The effect cannot be absorbed, and it passes away rapidly.

"no no no"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, senior, taking my life away is all the idea of ​​this evil way of Ziyang, I never thought of coveting senior's exercises, is it because Taoist Ziyang coerced me?"

"I'm willing to be your dog to atone for your sins."

"Wang Wang Wang"

"Senior, spare my life!"

At this moment of Ziyang Taoist's despair, beside Ziyang Taoist, which elder of Tiandao Palace can't hold on at all now, his Taoist body is not as strong as Ziyang Taoist, his body trembles constantly, and the cracks on his body are extremely big , I can faintly see the internal organs in the body, and there are countless cracks in those internal organs. Even at this moment, I desperately stimulate my cultivation base, trying to stabilize the internal organs, but I find that there is no way to recover.

And it's just the power released by Li Yixi, it's not that Li Yixi deliberately targeted them, the Taoist at this moment is desperate to the extreme.

The pair of eyeballs exploded under the gaze of both eyes.

Outside the manor, when those strong men saw this scene, their eyes were full of horror.

"What kind of strength is this, it's terrifying!"

"The two elders of Tiandao Palace are finished. This is the legendary saying that you can't live, you can't die, right?"

The man spoke with trembling lips, his face turned pale.

The two Taoists in Tiandao Palace were covered in blood at this moment, and the blood was continuously flowing out, but it was extremely strange. The blood that flowed out of them could not be lowered to the ground at all, and was all evaporated by that terrible force.

"Ha ha!"

"Weren't you very arrogant before?"

"It turns out that I also know fear. How can they spy on the treasures of the young master?"

"This punishment is comparable to a thousand cuts."

"And, I found it myself."

Meng Ge looked at the scene in front of him at the moment, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.


"Young master is fine, as long as the people in the Heavenly Dao Palace seek death, this can also kill chickens and monkeys, so that some people will always be ignorant of life and death, and may contradict you at any time!" Xiao Ya's face was indifferent, Xiao Ya knew, even if it was a god In front of Li Yixi's eyes, Wang is also vulnerable, even Li Yixi is not qualified to come forward, let alone these ants.


When everyone was terrified, they watched the two elders of Tiandao Palace, the Tao body exploded silently in an instant, and the scene of blood splattering and internal organs flying did not appear. The extreme aura is obliterated, and there is no trace to be found.

The souls of the two had just appeared, but they still couldn't escape, and instantly turned into nothingness.

Everything, as if nothing happened.


"It's a waste, it just lasted for three hours without breathing!"

The big black dog lying on the ground seemed too lazy to take a second look, it was too weak.



Those strong men in the void left quickly one by one, wishing their parents would have more legs.The eyes were full of horror, and the scene just now played back in his mind like a nightmare, which could not be erased at all.

"Young master, it's scary!"

Xiao Ya took a deep breath, saluted Li Yixi with Meng Ge from a distance, and left through the air.

In the small courtyard, Li Yixi, who was practicing, was completely unaware of what happened outside.

I fell into enlightenment with my whole body and mind.


At this moment, a terrifying breath erupted and diffused, and Li Yixi finally completed the opening of an acupoint and the conversion of exercises.

The hole was opened, and a phantom of a demon god appeared in the hole, and the incomparably powerful devouring power erupted. From the depths of the courtyard, waves of extremely rich chaotic divine power swarmed in, mixed with the rich original chaotic divine power.

At the same time, some of the original divine power of chaos also dissipated in the void.

The original power of chaos is extremely powerful, and just escaping some of it caused the aura in Jinling Immortal City to skyrocket rapidly, replenishing the original source of the entire second layer of heaven, and the heaven and earth seemed to be gradually giving birth to consciousness, and the way of heaven was being produced.

The primordial power of chaos entered the body, the acupoints were rapidly saturated, Li Yixi also slowly opened his eyes, the terrifying golden body on his body also slowly disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

The breeze was coming towards him, Li Yixi couldn't help shaking his whole body, feeling extremely refreshed both physically and mentally.

"Not bad!"

"Not bad!"

"This technique is indeed much stronger. I feel that I am full of strength at this moment." Li Yixi waved a punch and said with a smile.

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