They all nodded hurriedly, and said eagerly: "My lord, we drink some at noon every day, after all, drinking can refresh you."

Everyone at the moment nodded hurriedly, but now they are lying in front of Li Yixi, and their faces are reddish. They are all practitioners, they don't know how to drink at noon, and they don't have much interest in wine, but they are very fond of it. It is clear that Li Yixi's wine here is not an ordinary thing, and it has terrible effects, it is really important for practice.


"That's good, let's have a drink then."

Li Yixi poured a small glass of wine for everyone, each of them sniffed the aroma of the wine, and trembled slightly.

"Come on!"

When everyone was excited, Lao Bai walked over with a huge plate and a smile on his face.

Putting down the plate in front of everyone, he said with a gentlemanly face: "Master, all distinguished guests, please use it slowly. If you have any orders, please call Lao Bai. Lao Bai will try his best to serve all distinguished guests!"

When everyone's eyes fell on the pizza on the plate, there was a look of excitement on their faces.

The terrifying power of law permeated the plate, and the steam spread out, and everyone inhaled fiercely without a trace. Not only did the fragrance emanate arouse the taste buds, but at the same time, there was also a strong law in that fragrance. For them, there are great benefits.

At their level, the best way to cultivate is to perfect the power of law in one's body, the power of law, the more laws one perfects and controls, the stronger one's strength will be.

Smelling the fragrance that came out, everyone couldn't help but move their lips at this moment. The fragrance extremely teased everyone's taste buds.

Li Yixi glanced over, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Li Yixi studied food to satisfy his own appetite, but being able to satisfy these high-ranking and strong men, Li Yixi felt it was an unexpected gain.

Li Yixi immediately stood up and began to distribute pizza to everyone. Tang Xue and others saw the pizza in front of them and smelled the charming fragrance. They were extremely excited at this moment.

Gently put it into the mouth, bite the teeth lightly, and the charming fragrance exploded in the mouth at this moment.

At this moment, even the power of the law was ignored by them, and they were all immersed in the deliciousness.

Tang Xue's face turned rosy at this moment, as if she was eating candy for the first time when she was a child. At this moment, Tang Xue felt that this was the taste of happiness.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Yixi felt very fulfilled.

Soon, a large plate of pizza was snatched away, and each one was still unsatisfied.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Li Yixi said with a smile: "Everyone, today's preparation is a little less. Although the amount has been temporarily increased, the ingredients are not very sufficient. Next time, I will definitely let you eat to your fullest."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, both Tang Xue and Xiao Ya blushed, and then remembered their behavior just now, they were not very ladylike.

With a blushing face, he said, "Thank you son!"

The crowd left the yard quickly without too much disturbance.

Li Yixi sent everyone out with a smile on his face.

Now that he was full of wine and food, Li Yixi went directly to the martial arts arena in the manor, calmed down, and began to practice the skills he had just obtained.

Outside the manor, in the wine shop not far away, Meng Ge, who was drinking, shot a cold light in his eyes instantly.

"Looking for death, I didn't expect that these guys are so ignorant of life and death, and they really dare to covet the exercises in the hands of the young master."

"This is because you feel that the exercises of the young master are different from what they got!"

"How can a group of trash be compared with the young master, what kind of person is the young master, who can naturally turn decay into magic, how can they do it."

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Meng Ge's body disappeared into the wine shop in an instant.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that bastard would dare to deceive us and deceive us with ordinary exercises. If I find it, I must cut him into pieces and smash his bones into ashes!"

It was an old Taoist who was speaking at the moment, and there was no sense of immortality in the old Taoist body, only a ferocious face.

The face of the Taoist beside him was not very good-looking, and he said with a gloomy face: "Now is not the time to talk about these things. Our top priority is to find that person before. That guy is very weak, just a mortal, and we can easily snatch him When we get to that secret book, when we succeed in cultivation, we will be able to dominate one side."

The originally gloomy Taoist, when he thought of the Baizhang golden body that appeared in the void when Li Yixi was cultivating, his face showed a touch of excitement.

"You two, stop here!"

"The exercises in the hands of the son are not something you ants can snatch!"

Meng Ge's figure instantly appeared in front of the two Taoists, and his cold eyes swept over the two Taoists.

"Mongo, are you trying to stop us?"

"Do you know who we are?"

"We are the elders of Tiandao Palace, how can you stop us!"

The voice of one of them just fell, and the other said in a strange way: "What are you talking about, the Lord Meng is not only the Lord of the City, he is also the suzerain of the Kunlun Sect!"


"So that's the case. The old way is wrong. Sovereign Meng, I will definitely come to the mansion to send congratulatory gifts in the future, so I won't disturb you today."

When the two men mentioned the Heavenly Dao Palace, their faces were filled with complacency, and they didn't pay attention to Meng Ge at all. Even at this moment, the two of them felt that Meng Ge's cultivation base was extremely terrifying, and it was not something that ordinary city lords could have at all. Yes, but the two of them still don't take Mongo seriously.

Because of the two of them, their cultivation has stepped into the realm of true gods.

Tiandao Palace is the overlord of the Seventh Heaven, and these people didn't pay much attention to Meng Ge in the Second Heaven.

"You are looking for your own death!"

"Do you think you have the qualifications to obtain the exercises in the hands of masters?"

Meng Ge's face became extremely embarrassing, because Meng Ge already felt that the strength of the two was superior to him, even if he went all out, Meng Ge's strength could only entangle one of them.

"An expert?"

"So that's a hidden expert!"

"It's a surprise, that means, he has completed this exercise."

"Since we are experts, we, as the elders of the Heavenly Dao Palace, should pay a visit. After all, we can repair the cultivation technique. This is a great contribution. When we bring it back to the Tiandao Palace, we can spread the word to the world."

"And that's even better. We can test his reality. If he is strong enough, we can also invite him to join our Heavenly Dao Palace. At that time, for him, he will reach the sky in one step."

At this moment, Meng Ge's face became extremely angry. Meng Ge never thought that not only did the two of them not listen to his dissuasion, they dared to be so defiant!

In Meng Ge's eyes, Li Yixi is an existence that cannot be trampled on by anyone. In Meng Ge's eyes, a terrible killing intent erupted at this moment, even if the opponent came from the extremely powerful Heavenly Dao Palace, Meng Ge would not fear.

Immediately cast supernatural powers and kill the two of them.

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