While Li Yixi was busy in the kitchen, outside the manor at this moment, Xiao Zhan and others came with excited faces, and Jun Wushen reached out and knocked on the courtyard door.

Li Yixi heard the sound of knocking on the door, Li Yixi immediately told the busy Lao Bai: "Lao Bai, I will take care of it here, you go and open the door, it seems that someone has arrived!"

At this moment, Lao Bai, after hearing Li Yixi's words, showed a look of respect on his face, and bent his body at 90 degrees, "Yes, master!"

After saluting, Lao Bai left the kitchen.


The far door opened slowly. At this moment, Lao Bai's smile was very gentlemanly saluting to everyone, and at the same time he said with a smile: "Dear guests, I'm sorry for the delay in opening the door, please forgive me!"

Xiao Ya, Tang Xue and the others, even though they had extremely noble identities in Erzhongtian, but at this moment, when they saw Lao Bai saluting one by one, their bodies trembled wildly in fright.

Without any hesitation, they moved away in an instant. How could they dare to accept Lao Bai's gift? They knew very well that Lao Bai was an extremely terrifying existence, and it was not something they could guess.

After flickering and opening, he hurriedly said: "Senior, you are polite."

"Even if we are asked to wait for a few hours, we dare not have any complaints!"

"Being able to be greeted by the seniors is an honor that we have earned through countless reincarnations."

"Senior, please first!"

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, Tang Xue was smiling at this moment.

Lao Bai was a little helpless at the moment. He originally wanted to show his gentleman side in front of women, but he didn't expect that these guys were all sincere and fearful in front of him, which made him very helpless.

And Lao Bai is very clear, as Tang Xue and others said, if he doesn't go first, these people will not dare to enter the courtyard at all, so very helpless, Lao Bai entered the courtyard first.

Tang Xue and the others felt extremely nervous, forced a smile, and walked into the yard.

"Ha ha!"

"It turned out to be Her Majesty the Empress!"

"There is a long-distance welcome, there is a long-distance welcome!"

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect you to come today."

At this moment, Li Yixi saw that Tang Xue was coming, and hurried out of the kitchen. In Li Yixi's perception, Tang Xue was the ruler of the whole world, and she was a high-ranking female fairy emperor.

For such a terrifying existence, he had to hug his thighs. Li Yixi felt that as long as he maintained his relationship with Tang Xue, he could walk sideways in this world of the second heaven.

Especially at this moment, when I saw Jun Wushen Xiao Zhan, Li Shan and others coming together with Tang Xue's master and apprentice, their faces were even more excited, because Li Shan and others were the sacrificial wine of the thatched cottage, and now they can be with Tang Xue and others. Walking together, it's clear they have a great relationship.

At this moment, Tang Xue and the others had just entered the manor, and their nervous hearts had not yet settled down. They heard Li Yixi laugh loudly and greeted them from the kitchen at the same time. They all felt extremely excited at this moment.

Tang Xue immediately strode over and said with a hasty smile, "My lord, I'm sorry to bother you today!"

"It's a little bit of courtesy, but I hope you don't refuse."

Tang Xue, whose voice fell, hurriedly took out the gift, which seemed to be carefully prepared. At this moment, Li Yixi saw how beautifully the bandage was wrapped, and there was a touch of excitement in his heart. Li Yixi felt that the gift from the empress could not be ordinary. Taste.

There was a smile on his face, "Your Majesty, why are you so polite, just come and sit, what gift do you bring?"

"And don't say anything about disturbing or not. Doesn't it seem that we are very divided?"

"It's good to come and sit down often!"

That's what he said, but at this moment, Li Yixi didn't show any politeness, and quickly stretched out his hand to take the gift from Tang Xue.

It entered the system space like lightning, and at the same time, Li Yixi shouted to Hu Qingyun who was not far away: "Qingyun, Your Majesty the Empress is here, take care of her!"

"I'm going to see how the pizza is going?"

After the voice fell, Li Yixi immediately smiled at Tang Xue and said, "Your Majesty, today is the right time for you to come. I just made pizza, so you are lucky."

After hearing Li Yixi's words, Tang Xue's eyes showed a touch of excitement.


At this moment, when everyone heard this word, they felt very strange. They didn't even know what pizza was, but it didn't have any effect on them.

Everyone has only one thought, that is, there is another chance today.

Everyone knows that all the things planted in Li Yixi's manor are heaven and earth spirit roots. Even if the pizza tastes mediocre, those ingredients have a fatal temptation for them. As long as they digest the laws contained in those heaven and earth spirit roots, they can Let their cultivation go further.

And everyone is very clear that Li Yixi is a gourmet, and every delicacy from Li Yixi's hands is a fetish that can excite the taste buds to the extreme.

"Thank you son!"

At this moment, Chongren felt that his mouth was drooling, and he couldn't wait.

"Your Majesty, this way please!"

At this time, Hu Qingyun also came over, and led everyone into the attic with an excited face. Tang Xue and the others felt extremely honored at this moment.

Soon, Li Yixi gave orders, arranged for Master Chef Doudou and Lao Bai to carry out the follow-up steps, and walked into the attic with a smile.

Li Yixi said with a smile: "Li Shan, how is the thatched cottage now?"

At this moment, Li Yixi was not polite, and asked directly what was in his heart. After all, in Li Yixi's opinion, the thatched cottage must be done well. This is an academy with a fairy family background. If it can't be done well, then it is incompetent .

Li Shan who had just sat down heard Li Yixi's words and immediately stood up. Li Shan mistakenly thought that Li Yixi was asking whether the problem above Haoran had been completely resolved. Li Shan immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, my lord. Everything is fine, and there are countless students going to sign up in the thatched cottage."

"If we hadn't set some restrictions, the current thatched cottage would have been completely overwhelmed. In just half a day, the thatched cottage has already screened out 3000 disciples."

"We plan to educate these 3000 disciples first, and then spread these 3000 disciples to let them establish academies in various places."

"At that time, the whole world, every city, and every small town will have the opportunity to practice."

After hearing Li Shan's words, Li Yixi was extremely surprised at this moment. Li Yixi never thought that the thatched cottage had just been established and attracted so many students.

Li Yixi couldn't help sighing, with the background of a fairy family, it really doesn't worry about the source of life at all.

Li Yixi said with a serious face at the same time: "You guys have to do a good job, don't mislead your son."

After the voice fell, Li Yixi sat down with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, I wonder if you like to have a drink at noon."

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, at that moment, everyone's eyes became extremely bright.

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