Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 864 A mouthful of grandeur, the eternal ghosts startled

"That's right, this crisis turned out to be a thatched cottage!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan also had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Ji Wuming fell, and everyone in the thatched cottage looked shocked, a golden light flew at an extremely fast speed in the boundless chaos at this moment. The speed was frighteningly fast.

That golden light is a huge golden book, and on top of the book, there is a person sitting cross-legged.

In the boundless darkness, there are terrifying ghost faces emerging at this moment. They are horrifying and creepy. In addition to those ghost faces, there are also hideous faces formed by resentful spirits.

Moreover, in the darkness, there are huge corpses floating one after another, including the corpses of the dragon clan, the corpses of gods and demons, and those corpses are strangely breathing at this moment. They are not dead things, and they seem to be cultivating.

Here is a Jedi in the chaotic world, called Endless Ghost Domain.

It is a place where practitioners of the death path gather. Where it is called a death place, if the existence of the emperor level breaks in, it is also seeking death.

Even some ancestor gods dare not cross this place. It is extremely dangerous here. The domain master of the endless ghost domain is also an extremely terrifying ancestor god, but in the endless years, he rarely makes a move. No one knows what the opponent's combat power is now .

The existence above the books is the seven Confucian ancestors who came from above Haoran.

Confucianism and Taoism have great restraint for practitioners in the endless ghost realm, one represents death and the other represents dawn.

However, Confucianism and Daoism's righteousness has a fatal temptation for these ghosts, and even makes these ghosts, those evil ghosts, and practitioners who die together go crazy.

Practitioners who work with ghosts and death have extremely terrifying methods, but they are also extremely prone to problems in practice. If they are not careful, they will go mad, or completely turn into a walking dead.

Haoran righteousness can help them suppress and clear the demons and hostility in their hearts.

Even if the golden giant book is extremely fast, there are more and more terrifying existences around the golden giant book. These existences are extremely terrifying, with powerful and boundless bone dragons, extremely powerful dead objects, and After dying for ten thousand years, a wise god and demon was born.

Here, full of the power of death.

At this moment, the Seventh Confucian Ancestor didn't care at all, as if he didn't perceive it, but at this moment, the Seventh Confucian Ancestor felt that his communication talisman seemed to be shaking, so he could only open his eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Little old man, the less righteousness you exude, the more the better. As long as it is enough, we will keep you in the boundless ghost realm, and no one can touch you!"

At this moment, an extremely uncomfortable voice came from the broken body of a demon body entwined with death energy. In the eye sockets that had lost their eyes long ago, two green will-o'-the-wisps were burning at this moment, staring at this moment. Seven Confucian ancestors.

"That's right, you come from above Haoran, and you are still an ancestor god, but this is a boundless ghost land, it's not that no one dares to touch you!"

"Everyone takes what they need and stay safe!"

Other horrors exist, and they can't bear it now!

Among the existence of these openings, the weakest ones are the god emperors, and the strongest ones are even half-step ancestor gods. But seeing the awe-inspiring righteousness at this moment, almost all of them lost their minds and began to threaten the seven Confucian ancestors.

At this moment, the Seven Confucian ancestors frowned, ignored these existences, and took out the communication talisman.

This communication talisman is extremely powerful, with endless divine light wrapped around it, and it can send messages across boundaries.

Taking out the communication talisman, the Seven Confucian ancestors glanced at it casually. He was careless at first, but when he wanted to take back the communication talisman, his hand became stiff instantly. His eyes fixed on the communication talisman again, and his face instantly became extremely cold.

In the communication talisman, lines of words appeared, which were the names of each. The last few words were extremely eye-catching, and they turned out to be blood red, and all of them fell.

These four words made the seven Confucian ancestors who had the appearance of a saint instantly furious.


"Jiuzhongtian, where God is not around, dares to kill the existence above my grandeur. It is simply asking for death."

"Naturally, then the old man won't hold back!"

"Alright, this is also an excuse to search for the Nine Heavens and Earth."

At this moment, the Seventh Confucian Ancestor's eyes became extremely sharp.

Hearing the threatening voices that kept ringing in his ears, at this moment, the Seven Confucian Ancestors looked angry, and their chests surged with divine power, and the next moment they roared directly, "Noisy, get out!"

The voice of the Seven Confucian Patriarchs sounded, and a terrifying burst of divine power erupted.

In the endless ghost domain, those extremely terrifying existences, at the moment when the awe-inspiring divine power swept over, the hideous expressions on their faces disappeared, replaced by panic.

At this moment, there are ghost faces, huge corpses, boundless grievances, and remnants of gods and demons.

At this moment, it turned into nothingness strangely.

In the endless ghost domain, within a radius of a hundred miles, the ghost energy disappeared.

The endless ghosts within a hundred miles all evaporated from the world at this moment.

Some sensed ghosts originally wanted to approach, but at this moment, each body was trembling, with panic on their faces.

"Damn it, you dare to disturb me!"

"If it weren't for the fear of the ghost master, I would have slaughtered all of Ghost Domain!"

"Damn go!"

After venting his anger, the Seven Confucian Ancestors at this moment knew that they could not stay any longer. The next moment, the pages of the book under him opened automatically, and a golden and holy word appeared, which was the word "door".

This door character burst out with endless divine power at this moment, and it actually contained terrible space power. The next moment, the door character changed into a door of space. The person disappeared into the portal in an instant, and at the same time, the portal also disappeared, and the split void also quickly returned to normal at this moment.

Seven Confucian ancestors just disappeared.

In the place where the Seven Confucian ancestors were just now, endless ghost energy swarmed here, and the ghost energy filled the place again. In the darkness, a black shadow like an ancient sacred mountain appeared in the void. On the head, there was a one-eyed, that one-eyed It is extremely huge, emerald green, flickering with frightening light, and seems to be able to devour people's souls.

"Damn it, the existence above Haoran dared to kill here, if it wasn't for the deity sleeping, you would definitely be hacked into pieces, and you have to report to the ghost master.

The voice fell, and the huge figure disappeared without a trace.

Everything was quiet again, as if nothing had ever happened.

On the edge of the endless ghost domain, a door of space suddenly appeared in the void. The Seven Confucian ancestors walked out of the door of space, turned around and took a look, feeling a little apprehensive.


"I didn't expect that in the endless ghost domain, there would be such a terrifying existence without the ghost master, and he would not be able to cross the endless ghost domain recklessly in the future.

The Seventh Confucian Ancestor muttered to himself, and the huge space god gate disappeared, turned into a text gate, and flew into the book in the hand of the Seven Confucian Ancestor.

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