Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 863 Young Master, Sure enough, Invincible

To be promoted to the realm of God Emperor, the whole person will be greatly transformed, and the sea of ​​soul is even more indestructible, but at this moment, Ji Wuming's body keeps falling from the void, with a look of despair on his face.


Ji Wuming wanted to scream, but found that at this moment, his life was passing rapidly, and he couldn't open his mouth to make a sound.

In Ji Wuming's last thought, he felt the continuous collapse of his soul sea in horror.

The sea of ​​souls had originally been greatly transformed, but at this moment, the sea of ​​souls seemed to have reached the end of the world, cracks appeared one after another, and the entire space continued to collapse.

In the end, it turned into nothingness.

After calculating for a long time, Ji Wuming, who finally stepped into the realm of the god emperor, couldn't believe it until he died.

The last trace of remnant thoughts, at this moment, roared and roared unwillingly, "Why, why is this happening? I just stepped into the realm of the god emperor, and then I fell, my soul was robbed, and I was deprived of the qualifications for reincarnation. What the hell is that? Why is there such a terrible imprint of life, is it the sacred object left by the existence that has long been detached in the legend?"

"Otherwise, how could it be so powerful, but since there is such a sacred object here, why doesn't the Lord of the Nine Heavens have a treasure, kill a powerful enemy, and get out of the jedi?"

"In the end what happened?"

"What kind of existence is that? I have always thought that the seven ancestors of Confucianism are already extremely powerful, but it seems that the ancestors of Confucianism are like that. The seven ancestors of Confucianism will also fall if they come this time."

"Ha ha!"

"With a Confucian ancestor accompanying me, in fact, I am not lonely on the road to Huangquan!"

At this moment, Ji Wuming fell from the void, his last remnant screaming silently.


After breaking through the realm of the God Emperor, he landed on the ground, the only bloom was the shaking of dust, and the flying dust seemed to be the only proof that he had stepped into the God Emperor.


"Ji Wuming, who was in the realm of the god emperor, died, and the life imprint of the son, even just glanced at Ji Wuming, who was in the realm of the emperor, couldn't stop it!"

"My lord, what kind of realm is it to kill the enemy with a single glance. It's so scary that the eyes can really kill the enemy!"


At this moment, Xiao Ya looked at this scene in the void with a dull expression. What happened in this scene was really frightening. That was the God Emperor, the most powerful existence Xiao Ya had ever seen. But such a terrifying existence still can't stop a glance. If other methods killed Ji Wuming, Xiao Ya felt that she could accept it, but just casually glanced at it, and Ji Wuming, who was in the realm of the god emperor, fell completely. , and was deprived of her life in an instant, how could Xiao Ya not be shocked.

At this moment, Xiao Ya was so frightened that she swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The whole audience was silent at the moment, with pairs of eyes fixed on Ji Wuming's body that fell beside the ring at this moment.

After a short period of silence, the sound of intense breathing resounded from the audience.


The sound of violent breathing resounded in the audience at this moment.

One by one's chests rose and fell violently, the impact at this moment was too scary.

On the mountain peak, Jiutian Jianzun and Tang Jingtian, who were roasting the whole lamb, also had their eyes widened at this moment, with expressions of disbelief.


At this moment, Sword Master Nine Heavens, his voice was trembling, and his whole body became stuttering.

Feeling like I'm going crazy, Sword Master Nine Heavens knew that Li Yixi was terrible, and he thought of Ji Wuming who had stepped into the realm of God Emperor, and died in various ways, but Sword Master Nine Heavens never thought that Ji Wuming, who was in the realm of God Emperor, would even have the chance to bloom None, the whole person is completely lost.

It's just because, with the phantom of Li Yixi's imprint of life, they looked at each other.

That one glance directly took away the life of God Emperor Ji Wuming.



"I just said, after this grandson is rampant, he will die!"

"Young master's layout, how can an ant like him be able to stop him? I don't know what kind of realm is needed to play games with the young master, but it is definitely not a mere god emperor. Fairy Qingyun only followed the young master for such a short time. , stepped into an extremely terrifying realm, completely unable to see through, how can the young master be provoked by him, Ji Wuming."

"However, I didn't expect that the realm of the emperor is so weak in front of the young master!"

Tang Jingtian explained with a smile on his face at this moment, but his voice was soulless and extremely dry. Obviously, Tang Jingtian was also frightened stupid at this moment.


"Come on, keep drinking!"

Tang Jingtian took a deep breath, looked back with difficulty, and wanted to take a sip of wine to calm down the shock, but the wine entered his throat. At this moment, both Tang Jingtian and Jiutian Jianzun lost interest instantly, feeling the wine in the wine pot, The taste was lost in an instant, but the two of them at the moment were silently gnawing their shoulders without speaking.

"Worship Confucian saints!"

At this moment, behind the square, a disciple of a thatched hut looked at the figure in white clothes that had not dissipated in the void, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes. This figure was almost exactly the same as the statue in the mysterious yellow world. The entire Xuanhuang Great World worships the existence, and today I finally saw it with my own eyes. The disciples of the thatched cottage, how could they not be excited.

Although it's just a phantom, a ray of life imprint, each eye pupil is full of heat.

"Worship Confucian saints!"

One after another silhouettes knelt down at this moment, looking at Li Yixi's phantom with madness on their faces.

Confucian saint is the respectful title everyone in the Xuanhuang Great World has for Li Yixi.


"Is the Emperor so weak?"

At this moment, the most shocking ones should be Li Shan, Jun Wushen and Xiao Zhan. At that moment just now, the three of them almost stood together and witnessed Li Shan open the scroll. They also knew what it was, so look It was extremely clear to the three of them how strong Ji Wuming was in the realm of the god emperor, and the three of them were also extremely clear.

At this moment, Li Shan had a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he was terrified by Li Yixi's methods.

"Master, how strong is it?"

Jun Wushen was also absent-minded for a while, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"It's over, sure enough, the young master is invincible!"

At this moment, after Xiao Zhan was shocked, a look of admiration appeared on the corner of his mouth. After a long time, when he saw Li Yixi's method again, Xiao Zhan was shocked and adored.

Xiao Zhan seems to know what invincibility is.

The existence that pretends to be a mortal all day is really scary. They are strong in the eyes of others, but they are weak chickens.


"With the death of the emperor, the momentum of the thatched cottage will rise to the extreme in an instant. Killing all the powers above the awe-inspiring, this is the best advertisement for the thatched cottage." Li Shan smiled with excitement on his face.

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