One of them said in a cold voice: "Although that person's disciple has received some Confucianism and Taoism inheritance, he has been trapped in a desperate situation before he can preach in the future. So far, he has not yet gotten out of the desperate situation. Why is it like this?"

"Or, is this the means of that existence?"

The man's voice fell, and the panting sounds of those old people in the thatched cottage disappeared instantly, and it became extremely quiet.

All eyes fell on the head old man, waiting for the answer.


"The Confucianism and Taoism in the Nine Heavens and Earth are very different from ours. Moreover, it is provocative to build a thatched hut that has the same name as the holy place above my awe-inspiring."

"If someone is angry, he won't do that."

"To be so impulsive is either ignorance or a young man."

"However, it's not easy for us to go anywhere. We have all experienced the first failure of heaven and man, and we have entered there rashly. I don't know if there will be danger of falling. Seventh Junior Brother, I'm afraid you have to go this time!"

"You are different from us. You have not experienced the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man, and you have not broken restrictions and rules!"

"Even if it's that person's arrangement, no matter what that person says, it's a detached existence and won't deal with you!" The old man comforted at this moment.

"it is good!"

"It's about Confucianism, Taoism, luck, I will go there, maybe, I can get a glimpse of the mysteries in the world, maybe I may gain something, so what if that person is strong, he has not returned in the past few epochs, you are afraid, I am not afraid .”

The voice fell, and he, who was already getting old, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Don't be reckless!"

The old man at the head just spoke out, but in the thatched hut, that person had already disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, it was ignored.

"Senior Brother, you are calculating the Seventh Junior Brother!"

The voice of the person who came together before was a bit cold.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The old man in the lead coughed violently at this moment, as if his heart was about to cough up.

It seems that if you can't breathe, you have to hang up.

After a long time, the coughing stopped, "Where is the sixth brother, we are brothers, how can it be!"

"And, I'm not that kind of person either!"

"Well, my Heavenly Tribulation can't hold back anymore, let's take a step first!" The old man in the lead disappeared without a trace the next moment.


The existence who was called the Sixth Junior Brother snorted coldly, but soon, there was a gleam in his eyes, and he whispered: "It's good to try it out, there may be an opportunity to transcend in the rumors!"

Time passed, listening to Chaohu, everyone left one after another.

Li Yixi looked at the school of fish in the lake, and said with a smile: "I actually saw ten thousand fish coming, so it's not in vain to come here."

"Such a magnificent view, can be regarded as satisfied!"

Li Yixi grabbed the bait from the jar at the side and threw it out, causing ten thousand fish to compete.

Looking back, Li Yixi slowly walked into the heaven and earth chariot, eight white horses transformed into eight dragons, soared into the sky, pulling the chariot away through the air.

In Tingchao Lake at this moment, some fish monsters who swallowed the bait couldn't bear the force and exploded directly, causing countless fish monsters to compete for blood.

Soon, the surface of the lake around the small island was stained red with blood, but within the lake, waves of extremely terrifying coercion not only surged up.

The next moment, more than a dozen dragon shadows appeared in the lake, and the fish and shrimps in the lake absorbed the blood left by the self-explosion of those devouring god-grade Hualong Pills, and continued to demonize them.

Li Shan and the others returned to the thatched hut, their eyes swept across the thatched hut above Haoran, and there was a look of disdain in their eyes.

The night passed quickly.

The first twilight of dawn rose in the east, and in the thatched hut where the powerhouse above Haoran lived, there was the sound of reading books.

The extremely terrifying divine power oppressed the disciples in the hut, as if to show their strength.

A middle-aged man dressed as a book boy glanced at Li Shan's thatched hut with cold eyes, as if he was waiting for Li Shan and others' response. This was a provocation, a premeditated provocation.

Li Shan opened his eyes at this moment, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He said lightly: "Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu hook is bright with frost and snow.

The silver saddle illuminates the white horse, rustling like a meteor.

Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles.


Leisurely drink Xinling, take off the sword knee and cross.

Will Zhi Zhu Hai, hold on to persuade Hou Ying.

The moment the voice sounded, a terrifying awe-inspiring divine power suppressed it, and everyone above the awe-inspiring power stopped the sound in an instant.

The middle-aged man dressed as a book boy had a sneer in his eyes, and whispered: "Sure enough, as I expected, these people are really not simple. I don't know where they got a part of Confucianism and Taoism, and they have cultivated to such an extent. At this point, the opponent looks vulnerable, but he definitely has a backhand, but so what, the day before, I had already sent people back to Haoran. Time is also called the day should not be, called the earth is not working."

"It's still the master uncle who is so powerful, he can see through them in an instant."

"However, today, I want to see what methods they have!"

A young man said with a disdainful face at this moment, as if Li Shanxia and others were indifferent and couldn't get into his eyes.

Soon, the scorching sun hangs in the sky.

There was no gap around the arena above the square, and Tang Xue and the others also waited nervously.

Above Haoran, a young man walked out slowly, looked at Li Shan and the others with a stern look, and said with a sneer: "My next Zhang Heng, I have just entered the God King Realm, and I am playing the second battle. I don't know who will fight!"

The unruly Zhang Heng stepped onto the ring in an instant, as if no one could catch his eyes.

Tang Xue and the others took a deep breath at this moment.

The word God King made it difficult for them to breathe.

The corner of Xia Wushen's mouth curled into a sneer. Originally, Xia Wushen was the last to appear, but after Li Shan got Li Yixi's calligraphy and painting, he made adjustments. Moreover, Li Shan was a thatched hut offering wine, so he couldn't leave easily.

"Junior Xia Wushen, pay homage to God King Zhang. Today, this junior will compete with God King!"

Tang Xue and the others, who looked hopeless, saw Xia Wushen speak out at this moment. Xia Wushen was Li Yixi's disciple. There was a glimmer of hope in his desperate eyes, but they were also extremely anxious. They didn't know whether Xia Wushen To be able to defeat Zhang Heng, after all, Zhang Heng is in the realm of the god king. They knew before that Xia Wushen was only the peak of the god realm, a half-step god king, and they didn't know if they had any cards.

Hearing Xia Wushen's words, Zhang Heng looked disdainful, and said lightly: "Let's not talk about the competition, if you want to fight with me, you have to go to the ring, otherwise, where do you get the qualifications from? King fights."

After Zhang Heng's voice fell, everyone in the audience showed anger, but facing Zhang Heng's terrifying coercion, they could only hold back their anger.

The other party deliberately provoked, and everyone knew very well that there existed above Hao Ran, and once they made a sound, it would be their own death.

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