
Li Shan and the others withdrew their divine thoughts one by one. At this moment, their eyes widened one by one, but they didn't know how to speak. The scene in front of them completely shocked their minds.

That scene was really incredible.

too frightening.

"I don't fight with the world, I hope this world will become a restricted area, stand outside the world of mortals, don't get around me!"

Li Shan muttered to himself, staring at Xia Wushen and said, "Wushen, why do you think the young master is doing this?"

Li Shan was stunned and felt that his head was full of paste.

"do not know?"

"However, the master should have his reasons and plans for doing this. For us, there should be no harm."

"Let's fight those people above Haoran with peace of mind!"

"As for these things, we will think about them in the future!" After hearing Li Shan's words, Xia Wushen also felt his mind go blank, unable to figure it out at all, and was shocked by Li Yixi's methods, and instinctively answered Li Shan .

"Anxin and Haoran will fight!"

"Anxin and Haoran will fight!"

Li Shan at this moment, the moment Xia Wushen's voice fell, muttered to himself, as if dazed, Xia Wushen frowned, feeling that Li Shan was possessed, and when he wanted to wake him up, Li Shan stopped instantly The voice, the body trembled suddenly, and there was a touch of excitement in the eyes.

Li Shan suddenly raised his head at this moment, his eyes fell on Xia Wushen, and he said excitedly: "Wushen, you are right, we really only need to deal with those people above Haoran with peace of mind. Above Haoran, we can no longer stop our thatched cottage."

"Because, in the Second Heaven, it is impossible for anyone to enter."

"Above Haoran, even if there are extremely terrifying backhands, they can't enter the second heaven, and they won't have the slightest influence on us."

At this moment, Li Shan smiled silently.

At this moment, Xia Wushen also suddenly realized that the two heavens and Haoran are above, but the competition for luck is not only the difference in the concept of preaching, but what Confucianism and Taoism above Haoran belong to the upper class is an excuse.

Moreover, those guys knew about the thatched cottage of the Second Heaven, and they might have been furious. After all, the sacred place of Confucianism and Taoism above Haoran is called thatched cottage.

Those people above Haoran might feel that this is a provocation. These people seem to be competing with them to decide the world, but in fact, they are afraid that it is just delaying time.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to agree to Li Shan and others to delay the competition with the dominance above Haoran.

At this moment, Xia Wushen also woke up.

At this moment, Xia Wushen sent a voice transmission to Li Shan: "I think if there is a powerful existence above Grand Virtue and intends to go to the Second Heaven, I'm afraid there will be big trouble."

At this moment, Li Shan also smiled.

Although he felt that there was no suspense in this competition before, Li Shan was still a little afraid of Hao Ran, but at this moment, the worries in Li Shan's heart completely disappeared.

At this time, Li Yixi, who was looking up at the sky, withdrew his gaze, and everyone hurriedly averted their gaze.


"Ten thousand fish come to tide?"

"I won't be blind!"

Li Yixi's gaze fell on Tingchao Lake involuntarily at this moment, just in time to see the grand scene of thousands of fish coming in, a look of shock appeared in his eyes, the scene in front of him made Li Yixi's face shocked , as if seeing something remarkable.

Li Yixi turned around abruptly, and shouted at Hu Qingyun: "Qingyun, come here, look!"

Hu Qingyun heard Li Yixi's voice, took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and hurried over, with a look of shock on her face.

At this moment, when everyone saw Hu Qingyun's performance, they also hurriedly squeezed out their expressions of shock, and they were all promoted to actor king in an instant.

Above Haoran.

The Holy Land of Confucianism and Taoism, thatched cottage.

In the thatched hut, there are old Confucian scholars with white beard and hair sitting at the moment. They all look like they are dying, their faces are covered with age spots, and some of them are so skinny that they seem to be blown down by a gust of wind.

However, these old Confucian scholars who looked like they were about to die were entwined with extremely terrifying Confucian and Taoist divine powers. Their eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, and they were even more terrifying than blades.

The breath of each of the old Confucian scholars was fluctuating at the moment.

It seems that there is a volcano in every body at this moment, which is about to erupt.

Those middle-aged Confucian scholars in the thatched hut were all uneasy, and they didn't even dare to look where they were.

Two sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and at this moment, in the void, two huge books flew towards. At this moment, sitting on top of the two huge books, were two figures, still looking like they were about to die.

But the aura he carried around made the expressions of those middle-aged Confucian scholars change slightly.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar took a step forward, not daring to show any disrespect, and even worried that the etiquette would be found faulty.

Immediately saluted, respectfully said: "Disciple pays respects to Master Uncle!"

The two old men didn't even look at it, only saw the huge book under them, and the next moment they returned to normal laughing, fell into their hands, and went to the depths.

The two people who were about to die seemed to be extremely difficult to move even a single step, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye, entered the thatched hut, and sat on the futons that had been prepared.

In the thatched hut, the person in the lead slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

Scanning around, he said calmly: "Junior Brothers, I called you today because something important has happened. This event threatens my status in Confucianism and Taoism.


As soon as the voice fell, the old man coughed violently, as if he was really about to die.

It is worrying to watch, he will hang up directly when he is old.

However, none of the disciples outside made any movement, and they all stood up straight. They knew very well how terrifying those old people in the thatched cottage were. Stamping, the sky trembles.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Did you lose your luck?"

"Why is this happening? I'm above Haoran, didn't I gather all the Confucianism, Taoism and luck in the world?"

An old man coughed symbolically at this moment, and his eyes fell on the head old man.

At this moment, as soon as the man's voice fell, the eyes of each of the old beings became extremely sharp, and the lifeless aura disappeared from their bodies, and the rotten aura on their bodies disappeared without a trace at this moment, and they all waited. Reply.

"In Nine Heavens, someone is promoting Confucianism and Taoism!"

"The passing luck has gathered in Jiuchongtian!"

At this moment, the old man coughed again, but it was much better than before, making people look much better, and he was no longer worried that he would die in an instant.

"Jiuzhongtian, which disciple established the world?"

The existence of the voice seemed to be extremely fearful, and he did not dare to call his name directly, as if something bad would happen if he called his name.

At this moment, these old fellows, hearing that they were related to that person's disciples, became serious, and the aura in their bodies was completely suppressed.

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