At this moment, the divine vine is surrounded by streaks of golden light, becoming extremely sacred, and everyone around at this moment also feels that the divine vine is evolving at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was as if a person's blood had undergone a complete transformation. At this moment, everyone felt incredible.

At this moment, Xiao Ya's mouth was wide open, and she was incomparably shocked.

"Master, this divine liquid is really miraculous, it can really make this divine vine evolve to the level of acquired spiritual treasure."

"Doesn't it mean that an expert can really cultivate spirit treasures, as long as an expert wants to, there will be nowhere for spirit treasures to appear!"

At Li Yixi's place, Tang Xue had already seen an unbelievable scene, but at this moment, Tang Xue was still shocked when she saw a fetish transforming into a Lingbao in an instant.

The others were not much better at this moment, their fists were tightly clenched, and they didn't even blink their eyes.

Looking at Shen Teng in front of him, he transformed rapidly.

"Xiao Ya, come on, hurry up and pour your blood into it."

"Your chance has come. This is not only an acquired spirit treasure, but also an acquired spirit treasure that you cultivated. If your blood fuses with it at the moment it is promoted, from then on, you and it will Establish an inseparable relationship, and you can also conceive with your blood essence, so that this spirit treasure can continue to survive even if it loses the vitality of the earth!"

"If you want to nourish Lingbao with your own essence and blood charm, you can only do it if you are a strong person in the realm of the ancestor gods, but at this moment, the divine vine is at the critical point of breakthrough, and your opportunity has arrived."

At this moment, Qing Yangzi was shocked several times, as if the divine vine in front of him belonged to him.

Qingyangzi and Xiao Ya are well-informed, so they naturally know how important the moment when a divine object transforms into the Houtian Lingbao is.

If you want to conceive and nurture the acquired spiritual treasure with your own energy in the future, so that the acquired spiritual treasure can continue to grow, only those who are strong in the realm of the ancestor gods can do it, because the essence and blood of the ancestor gods are strong enough, and it is simply not something that gods like them can do. It was done, but both Xiao Ya and Qing Yangzi knew that if they found this moment of transformation and opportunity, even in the realm of gods, they could do it.

Hearing Qingyangzi's reminder, Xiao Ya cut her finger instantly, and with a drop of blood, she instantly went towards the divine vine surrounded by golden light.

The moment that drop of blood fell on the divine vine, a bright golden light erupted from the divine vine, and the next moment, that vital divine vine instantly turned into a golden vine.

"Step into the Houtian Lingbao!"


Everyone at this moment witnessed the incredible scene in front of them, and they all looked excited.

"I got a Houtian Lingbao, and it is an Houtian Lingbao that is inseparable from me."

At this moment, Xiao Ya's face was shocked, and with Xiao Ya's thought, the divine vine that had been planted on the ground disappeared at this moment, and appeared in front of Xiao Ya at the next moment.

At this moment, Xiao Ya activated the divine power of chaos, the incomparably powerful divine power of chaos, at this moment suppressed the divine vine in front of him, and soon, this golden vine turned into a wooden sword in Xiao Ya's hands .

At this moment, the golden light on the wooden sword disappeared, and it looked ordinary, but the moment everyone's eyes fell on the wooden sword, there was a touch of excitement in their eyes.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Xiao, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Xiao."

Qingyangzi said impatiently at this moment.

Xiao Ya felt the excited eyes of the crowd, and the wooden sword in her hand disappeared instantly, and entered her body. The next moment, a beautiful woman appeared beside Xiao Ya's body.

This beautiful woman is the soul of Houtian Lingbao.

Or tool spirit.

"Xiao Teng has met the master!"

At this moment, the woman showed respect to Xiao Ya.


"it is good!"

At this moment Xiao Ya laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on the bag of culture fluid in Xiao Ya's hand, because what Xiao Ya just extracted was only two or three out of ten of the culture fluid.

Xiao Ya at this moment naturally felt everyone's fiery gazes. From the scene just now, everyone knew that this thing was indeed just a few, and it could make a divine object become an Houtian Lingbao.

But at this moment, everyone didn't ask for the culture fluid, but their eyes fell on Xiao Ya's Acquired Spiritual Treasure Qi Ling.

At this moment, they couldn't wait to know what kind of divine thing that culture fluid was. This divine vine came from the chaotic world. Although it didn't transform into an acquired spiritual treasure, it didn't mean that the divine vine had little knowledge.

This divine vine has existed longer than them, even 10 times longer than them.

Qingyangzi took a deep breath, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and asked solemnly: "Fellow Daoist Xiaoteng, do you know what kind of divine liquid this divine liquid is?"

After Qingyangzi's voice fell, the scene became extremely quiet, and everyone's faces were hot, waiting for the answer from the Houtian Lingbao Qiling.

Even if the people at this moment are very powerful, none of them dare to underestimate this Houtian Lingbao. The Houtian Lingbao gave birth to a weapon spirit, which is already capable of rivaling them, so even if it is Qingyangzi, this In an instant, he was also called a fellow Taoist.

After the woman heard Qing Yangzi's words, her beautiful eyes instantly fell on the culture fluid in Xiao Ya's hand.

"Are you talking about this bag of deep liquid?"

At this moment, everyone looked at Houtian Lingbao's Qi Ling with fiery faces, and nodded hurriedly.

At this moment, the woman looked at the divine liquid in front of her with a fiery face, her eyes showed excitement, and explained to everyone: "This thing is the legendary Fountain of Youth, and it is an extremely powerful Fountain of Youth."

"There is also a very terrifying force in it. The reason why I was able to be promoted in an instant has a great relationship with that energy in it."

"The Fountain of Youth has long since disappeared in the chaotic world. I never thought that I would meet and devour the Fountain of Youth today."

After the woman sensed it, there was disbelief in those beautiful eyes.

"Fountain of youth?"

Everyone in this moment, you all showed shock on their faces, they never thought that what Li Yixi used to cultivate flowers and plants turned out to be the legendary Fountain of Youth.

The Fountain of Youth disappeared so long ago that even these people have completely forgotten it.


Knowing that this thing is the Fountain of Youth, all the people present were shocked and gasped. When the figure of Li Yixi appeared in their minds, they all felt terrified.

They didn't expect that what Li Yixi used to plant trees and flowers turned out to be the legendary Fountain of Youth. This thing, it is impossible for Jiuchongtian to exist.

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