Not only did he immediately dismiss the idea, but he was also instantly terrified.

"No, I actually developed a greedy heart. It seems that the expert has seen through my mind."

"This is a warning. Be careful in the future. If an existence like an expert is given, it is what I deserve. I must not ask for it!"

Gu Changsheng instantly warned himself.

At this moment, Li Yixi's eyes fell on Xiao Ya's body, and said with a smile: "Everyone, although Li Shan is the sacrificial wine of the thatched cottage, I still need to ask everyone to help me with everything."

As soon as Li Yixi's voice fell, Xiao Ya, who was holding the culture fluid, immediately expressed her opinion, "Young master, don't worry, as long as I don't die, no one will dare to stop the preaching in the cottage."

"My lord, there is no need to worry."

"Everything is with us!"

Tang Xue also hurriedly spoke out at this moment.

After receiving Xiao Ya's and Tang Xue's statements, Li Yixi's face revealed a look of satisfaction.

"Well, are you all hungry?"

"Or, I'll let someone cook!"

Li Yixi yawned at this moment, he was drunk last night and didn't have a good rest.

However, at this moment, when everyone saw Li Yixi yawning, their bodies trembled for a moment, and they hurriedly said: "Young master, there are still things to deal with today. If you have a chance in the future, come to disturb you again, and leave!"

Everyone immediately spoke up and hurriedly refused.

From everyone's point of view, Li Yixi's yawning was seeing off a guest.

Although there are countless opportunities here, everyone at this moment can't wait to witness the magic of the culture fluid.

Wang Lin and Jun Wushen sent everyone out of the courtyard. After paying thanks, they immediately left through the air.

"Go, go to the Central Fairy Court!"

At this moment, Xiao Ya spoke excitedly to everyone, her hands were extremely careful, as if the culture fluid in her hands was a porcelain doll.

"it is good!"

Everyone glanced at Xiao Ya, followed immediately, and headed towards the central fairy court.

Second Heaven, the original crack in the boundary wall, the followers of the God of Nine Heavens, silently sensed one by one, and finally got an answer, the crack in the boundary wall was really repaired perfectly.

"never mind!"

"But, how is this possible?"

"The boundary wall is shattered, like the sky is broken. If it is not God, it needs to have the ability to mend the sky, but those divine scripts have actually achieved this." The old man in the lead had a turbulent heart at this moment, with an expression of disbelief.

The mind has been greatly impacted.

"Where do these divine writings come from?"

"It's so strong, even God doesn't have this strength!"

The other person also had a shocked face at this moment, and said in shock in his heart.

"Ask Qingyangzi, don't you know?"

"In the Sky Survey Realm, didn't Qingyangzi have been here before and witnessed that scene with his own eyes?"

Hearing this, the old man at the head immediately brightened his eyes and said with a big laugh: "The old man is confused, so I will send a message to Qing Yangzi!"

Soon, Qingyangzi in the void felt the jade pendant around his waist tremble, but he ignored it.

Soon, Qingyangzi noticed the constant vibration of the jade pendant, frowned slightly, and then connected, somewhat reluctantly, at this moment, Qingyangzi only wanted to witness the magical power of the culture fluid.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi said directly.

A voice came from the jade pendant, "No big deal, I just want to ask something!"


"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up. I'm very busy. Take care of the small things yourself!" Qing Yangzi's voice fell, the communication was cut off instantly, and the jade pendant was put away.

The guardians of Jiuchongtian, who were originally excited, looked at each other at this moment, but they couldn't say a word. They continued to contact, but found that Qingyangzi ignored them.

"This grandson, what an idiot!"

The usually good-tempered old man couldn't help but curse at this moment.

Soon, Xiao Ya and the others came to the Central Immortal Court.

Everyone went straight into the forbidden area of ​​the Central Immortal Court. At this moment, the forbidden area of ​​the Central Immortal Court was surrounded by spiritual mist.

Just as Xiao Ya entered, a rustling sound sounded.

The next moment, in the perception of everyone, a vine unexpectedly spread out, and the next moment, the twigs of the vine wrapped around Xiao Ya's arm.

Xiao Ya explained at this moment: "This is a divine vine I brought back from the chaotic world. It is very precious. It was only one step away from the Houtian Lingbao at the beginning, but it has not transformed successfully after ten thousand years. I don't know. Today, is it possible?"

As the voice fell, Xiao Ya was extremely nervous at the moment.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Xiao!"

"It must be possible!"

"After all, the chaotic golden lotus at the peak of the Houtian Lingbao can be promoted, and the same bag of divine liquid, the divine vine can definitely do it!"

"The old man is the first to congratulate!"

At this moment, Qingyangzi had a look of excitement.

When everyone heard Qingyangzi's words, they couldn't help pursing their mouths. They wanted to say something, but Qingyangzi preempted it.

Everyone was speechless.

Some people even cursed inwardly for licking the dog.

However, at this moment, Qingyangzi, with a smile on his face, seemed to be unable to sense the contempt of the crowd, and thought to himself: "A group of idiots, follow the expert side, and don't improve the dog-licking skills, can it work?"

"Where is not practice!"

"Only by turning the dog-licking skill subconsciously into instinct can we win the favor of the expert, but that's okay, if you are all too smart, what else do I have to do!"

After thinking about it, Qingyangzi immediately smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Xiao, when will you try the power of divine liquid?"

"I'm waiting, I can't wait to witness the birth of a Lingbao."

Xiao Ya naturally knew that everyone couldn't wait, and said with a smile: "Follow me, let's test today!"

Immediately, everyone went deep into the spiritual mist, and soon came to the front of the divine vine.

At this moment, the place is eerily quiet, and everyone's eyes are on Xiao Ya.

Xiao Ya did not directly hang up the vine like Li Yixi did to give the vine nutrient solution, but pricked cautiously towards the bag, and carefully drew some nutrient solution in the next moment. However, when the nutrient solution escaped, the cultivation The liquid turned into a miniature golden dragon in an instant, and was about to break through the air.

"No, hurry up and seal the golden dragon together!"

At this moment, Xiao Ya couldn't help shouting, because Xiao Ya was alone, it was too late.

At this moment, everyone didn't need Xiao Ya's reminder. They were all shocked when they saw the culture fluid flowing out and instantly turned into a golden dragon. Then they used their magical powers to seal the miniature golden dragon instantly.

The next moment, the divine vine moved violently and went directly towards the miniature golden dragon imprisoned by everyone. The vine seemed to turn into a sharp sword and instantly pierced through the miniature golden dragon. The incomparably powerful devouring power erupted, crazily absorbing the power of the golden dragon.

The next moment, under everyone's eyelids, a layer of golden light slowly shrouded the vines, and the aura of supernatural power fluctuated violently in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath for an instant, with excited expressions on their faces.

"It's time to advance!"

At this moment, Xiao Ya's voice was trembling because of excitement.

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