The digital guardians in the Nine Heavens, at this moment, increased their speed to the limit, and came to the Second Heaven desperately.

All of them looked extremely heavy, and one of them was constantly inputting willpower into the Sky Survey Realm.The Artifact Spirit in the Sky Surveying Realm was severely injured before, and can no longer display the ability to watch the sky.

"All right!"

After that person put in a lot of willpower, the Artifact Spirit in the Sky Surveying Realm finally woke up, with a look of joy on his face.

"Hurry up, hurry up and activate the Sky Surveying Realm, and see where the Second Heaven is at this moment, what's going on?" One of them, with an anxious expression on his face, immediately ordered when he heard that the Sky Surveying Realm's weapon spirit had awakened.

The next moment, that person pushed the Sky Surveying Realm with all his strength.

One person urged the magic weapon to hurry, and the others looked at the Sky Surveying Realm with serious expressions, wanting to know what was going on there.


However, when the Artifact Spirit of the Sky Surveying Realm woke up and just activated the Sky Watching ability, everyone at this moment looked dull, feeling as if they were hallucinating.

"what happened?"

Seeing that the place was extremely quiet, the person who controlled the magic weapon hurriedly asked, thinking that something had happened, his face was extremely pale.

However, after his voice fell, he didn't get any response. The old man in charge took a breath, and his pupils dilated suddenly. Obviously, at this moment, there was a storm in his heart. As an extremely terrifying existence, Completely lost his composure at this moment, obviously frightened.

The rest of the group felt so terrified one by one.

"Qi Ling, look back at the scene just now!"

The old man at this moment looked at the Sky Surveying Realm with a solemn expression.


The man who was driving the magic weapon couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and turned to look at it, wanting to see what happened, why the people in front of him lost their composure, could it be more shocking than the arrival of the demon god from outside the territory? ?

But soon, the man's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He felt that he was hallucinating. In the Sky Survey Realm at this moment, the scene that appeared was the scene where the demon god from outside the territory was thrown away and the Shenmen forcefully suppressed it.

"Shenwen suppresses the demon gods outside the territory, how is this possible, what kind of method is this?"

"Is this a means left by God? But, it's impossible. If God has such a terrible treasure, why doesn't he wear it on his body?"



At this moment, one by one, it was difficult to calm down for a while, and the demon gods from outside the territory were suppressed. The scene before them had a great impact on them.

"Damn it, it would be great if the boundary wall could be repaired. Although the demon gods outside the territory were blown away, if the boundary wall cannot be repaired in time, the breath of the Nine Heavens and Earth will escape. If it is sensed by a powerful existence in the chaotic world, then It will be troublesome, and if the suppressed foreign demon god contacts other demon gods, the crisis of the Nine Heavens will not be resolved."

After being shocked, the headed old man's face was extremely ugly.

"Use the five-colored god stone!"

"Although the five-colored stone is the core of the heaven and the earth, God has great uses, but at this moment, it can only be like this, otherwise, it will be difficult to keep the heaven and the earth of the god. !"

"The five-colored divine stone has the ability to mend the sky, that's the only way it can be!"

This person has an incomparably dignified expression, and this five-colored divine stone is not big, so I don't know if it can repair the cracks in the boundary wall. The cracks in the boundary wall are too big.

"That's all we can do. Let's go. Speed ​​up. The Sky Surveyor will continue to monitor the movement. If there is any abnormality, immediately warn the police." The old man ordered and continued on his way.

At this moment, the major guardians increased their speed again, fearing that there would be accidents in the cracks in the boundary wall.

At the moment when the major guardians observed this scene, Erchongtian, Li Shan and the others stared at the thirty stars in the void one by one. He clenched his fists, wanting to see if the divine text could heal the cracks in the boundary wall.

Thirty stars are flying rapidly, and at the same time, the thirty divine scripts are constantly merging.

In the next moment, countless visions appeared in the void.

The colorless and mighty divine power contained in the divine script has turned into thousands of troops at this moment.

The wind is blowing, and the water is cold.Thousands of troops rushed to the cracks in the boundary wall without fear of death.

At this moment, everyone felt the aura of a mighty army without fear of death, and they couldn't help shaking.

At this moment, I saw thousands of troops formed by the transformation of the mighty divine power, and they went deep into the cracks of the boundary wall without fear of death. The violent force in the cracks at this moment wiped out those soldiers in an instant, and corpses fell one after another.

The endless mighty divine power seems to be able to condense endless sergeants.

Thousands of horses are galloping, countless sergeants and horses are splashed with blood, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, million, ten million

Countless corpses were buried in the cracks.


"Is this the son's method?"

"Mending the sky, young master, this is using the mighty divine power to condense the corpses of living beings and use the corpses to mend the sky."

At this moment, Li Shan woke up from the shock, with an unbelievable expression on his face. Li Shan did not expect that Li Yixi's backhand was prepared with such a method.

"no no no"

At this moment, the Demon God, who was suppressed by Shenmen and struggling violently, saw that the cracks were filled with countless bones, filled with terrifying divine power, and constantly repaired the boundary wall. But now, he knew it was impossible.

Feeling the anger of Shenmen who suppressed him.

The guardians of heaven and earth who hurried to the second heaven stared wide-eyed at the moment, and even forgot to activate the magic weapon, staring at the scene of countless bones repairing the boundary wall in the sky surveying realm.

"What kind of divine power is this? It's terrifying. It's actually repairing the boundary wall."

"Is this really a means left by God?"

"too frightening!"

One by one, at this moment, they feel that their bodies are extremely stiff. Thirty divine scripts are actually causing the boundary wall to be repaired. As the guardians of the heaven and earth, they feel very clear at this moment that this is not an illusion, but the real boundary wall is being repaired. .

After everyone looked at each other, they were completely stunned.

Er Chongtian, Li Shan and the others stared at the scene in the void with their eyes wide open at this moment, with expressions of disbelief.

At this moment, Qingyangzi danced with excitement.

"It's fixed, it's really fixed, this is not an illusion!"

"The master's terrible method, not only counting today's scenes, but also repairing the boundary wall with such a method, is really incredible."

"Furthermore, to repair the world, either the master of the world or the five-colored divine stone condensed at the core of the world can be repaired, but the master actually repaired it directly with a divine script. What kind of strength is this?" Yoko felt so terrified.

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