Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 822 The boundary wall cannot be repaired

"this this"

"is this real?"

Li Shan looked at the scene just now in the void, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes. Li Shan never thought that he would see such a terrible method today, even if they knew how powerful Li Yixi was, but even Just now, everyone just hoped that the divine text left by Li Yixi could temporarily hold back the demon gods from outside the territory and buy time for Li Yixi's arrival, but the result turned out to be extremely powerful and invincible, comparable to the Nine Heavens Taoist The extraterritorial demon god was directly suppressed by the divine power of the divine text, and it was still in an extremely domineering way.

"do you died?"

"Shenwen can actually shake and fly the demon gods outside the territory. Could it be that I have hallucinations?"

"Otherwise, how could it be possible, that's an extraterrestrial demon god!"

"Strength and God are powerful existences at the same level!"


Qing Yangzi, who was shocked, couldn't help but secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva at this moment, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes. The scene in front of him had a great impact on Qing Yangzi. The powerful Qing Yangzi , with a wide range of knowledge, and at the same time, he also knows what level of terrifying existence the extraterrestrial demon god is.

However, the powerful foreign demon god was directly blown away by the power of the divine script, and under the suppression of the divine gate, he flew out of the Nine Heavens.

At this moment, Qingyangzi was in a daze, his eyes fell on Xiao Ya who was beside him, and he felt his heart beating like a war drum, "Xiao Ya, is this true?"

"Did I have hallucinations? How could the foreign demon god be suppressed so forcefully?"

At this moment, Xiao Ya didn't move at all, her face was dull, and she was obviously in deep shock. After hearing Qingyangzi's words, Xiao Ya felt that maybe Qingyangzi and herself had fallen into an illusion. The scene was really incredible.


The sound of the sword sounded, Xiao Ya's long sword came out of its sheath, and directly pierced Qing Yangzi's shoulder with a sword, causing blood to protrude.


Feeling the piercing pain, Qingyangzi let out a cry of pain and grinned instantly.

The whole person's face was darkened, and he looked at Xiao Ya angrily, never thought that this old woman would hate her so much, she could just slap her, why did she just give herself a sword?

Although at their level, it is easy to recover if the sword does not hit the vital point, but it hurts.

And looking at the bloody wound, Qingyangzi felt uncomfortable.

Qingyangzi was shocked, and stared at Xiao Ya.


"You didn't move, you're still in an illusion, right? It's indeed an illusion of an alien demon god. It's really scary. Wake up!"

Xiao Ya's face was ashen, and she felt that she was still in an illusion. The long sword she had just pulled out pierced the wound again. At this moment, Xiao Ya was even more ruthless, and the long sword directly pierced Qingyangzi's shoulder.


The sound of the long sword piercing into flesh and blood attracted everyone's attention. The people who were originally shocked, now looked dull and stared at the two of them.


"What are you doing?"

"So cruel, could it be that something happened just now that we don't know about. After all, when death comes, any unfulfilled wish can be said."

"Could it be that you regretted it at this moment and became angry from embarrassment!" Li Shan stared at the two of them at this moment, stunned in shock.

"you" |

"what are you doing?"

"Sure enough, women are evil-minded!"

"You are taking an opportunity to take revenge on me!" Qingyangzi said with a dark face, looking at the pierced shoulder.

"Sorry, you didn't fall into the illusion, so why didn't you speak?"

"I still mistakenly thought that you had fallen into an illusion and hadn't woken up yet?" Xiao Ya at this moment smiled awkwardly, looking at her pierced shoulder, she didn't know what to say.


At this moment, Qingyangzi's face became even darker.

"Damn, for a long time, I blame myself!"

I cursed secretly in my heart.While Qingyangzi was enduring the pain just now, he was indeed incomparably shocked, because after Qingyangzi knew that it was not an illusion, he was even more shocked in his heart. The five divine scripts, powerfully suppressing the demon gods outside the territory, such means are simply indescribable .

In the body, a powerful vitality erupted, and the sword wound was quickly repaired.

Qingyangzi forgot to be stabbed by Xiao Ya at this moment, and said with a shocked face: "The scene just now was not an illusion, it was real, the demon god from outside the territory was really thrown away, and was suppressed by the divine gate formed by the condensed divine text " Qingyangzi took a deep breath and said with a shocked expression.


At the moment when everyone was shocked, an extremely angry voice sounded from outside the cracks in the boundary wall. The foreign demon god suppressed by Yumen Pass fell into a rage, and the terrifying power of the demon swept across. As he expected, in a short period of time, he was unable to break free from the suppression of Shenmen.

"Not good, the demon god from outside the territory is not dead yet, I'm afraid he's going to get out of trouble. Once he gets out of trouble, it will be troublesome. However, the boundary wall is torn, and we can't make it heal unless we master the art of mending the sky."

Qingyangzi's face was extremely ugly. If the boundary wall could not be repaired, so what if he suppressed the demon gods from outside the territory? The leakage of the heaven and earth breath of Jiuchongtian would soon be sensed by the powerful existence wandering in the chaotic world. At that time, there was no Shenwen, who can save them.

Hearing this, Xiao Ya couldn't help frowning, looked at Qingyangzi and said: "Qingyangzi, this is the world opened up by the Taoist Nine Heavens, you are the guardians of the heaven and the earth, and the Taoist Nine Heavens follows you, you don't know how to restore it Boundary wall?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes fell on Qingyangzi.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Qingyangzi's face was a little ugly, so he could only explain: "If we want to repair the boundary wall, we can't do it with the power of heaven and earth we mobilized. Leaked, unless God repairs it himself, but God is rumored to have fallen into a corner in the chaotic world, and has long been unable to sense his own world."

"Others want to repair the boundary wall, unless they master the technique of mending the sky and add the five-colored god stone."

At this moment, Qingyangzi saw the terrible crack in the void, and his expression was extremely ugly.

When everyone was shocked, they could only see the remaining words on the rice paper, flying towards the endless void one by one.

Han went down Baideng Road and looked at Qinghai Bay.

Originated from the battlefield, no one returned.

The garrison looked at the border town, thinking about how bitter it was.

Thirty divine scripts turned into thirty starbursts, and they moved towards the torn part of the boundary wall at an extremely fast speed.


"Shen Wen, the divine text has not disappeared yet, and, the power of the divine text, can it repair the boundary wall?"

"Do you have the power to mend the sky?"

The desperate crowd suddenly saw thirty divine cultures leaving for the stars, and hope appeared in their eyes. At this moment, they can only put their last hope on the divine culture, although they feel Impossible, but there is still hope.

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