At this moment, it seemed that time had stood still, together with Li Shan and others, all of them were horrified at this moment and found that they could not move except their own thoughts.

It was as if an invisible force fell on everyone in an instant, completely imprisoning them in the void.

The supernatural powers displayed are like the fixed special effects.

Still in the void.

An inconceivable look appeared in Tang Xue's beautiful eyes. At this moment, Tang Xue felt an invisible force falling on her body, enveloping herself like sea water. Tang Xue was so frightened that she was afraid. Feel close to every inch of your skin.

Even at this moment, Tang Xue was horrified to find that she couldn't even breathe, and couldn't utter a word, as if that power had frozen everything.

The aloof empress was stunned by fright at this moment. Tang Xue had never experienced such a feeling before, and it was even more frightening than drowning in childhood. At least her body could still twist when she was drowning, but at this moment, she couldn't express herself. Any movement, everything is suppressed by that piece of paper.

"What kind of power is this?"

"How far has this power reached? It's just a piece of paper. Why is it like this?"

"My cultivation has been improved several times these days, but why does it feel like a drowning child? I seem to have lost all my strength and been deprived of everything!"

At this moment, Tang Xue's heart was full of turmoil. At this moment, Tang Xue realized for the first time what it means to be called "every day should not be done" and what it is to be called "the land is not working". At this moment, she seemed to be ruthlessly abandoned by the world. , This invisible force is terrifying beyond imagination.

The only thing he could do was to widen his eyes and silently look at everything in front of him.

Qingyangzi on the side, his heart was hanging in his throat at this moment, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "How is this possible, what kind of power is this, to imprison everything, it really suppressed the world, and the world turned pale."

"Is this the ultimate power of Confucianism and Taoism?"

As the main Daoist, Qingyangzi used to follow the Lord of the Nine Heavens, and his knowledge far surpassed Tang Xue and the others. Seeing all this, he was really stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and his soul was frightened violently. Trembling, if there was no power to imprison everything, Qingyangzi at this moment would be so frightened that he would collapse on the ground, unable to move an inch.

Qingyangzi's heart was so frightened that it almost burst.

Immediately, he said to himself in horror, "This power is beyond my cognition and imagination, this should be the law."

"This is the only way to do this, to suppress all spirits in this world."

At this moment, Qingyangzi was really frightened and lost all strength.

The rest of the people were completely frightened and lost their composure at this moment.

Compared to the panic of everyone, in the void at this moment, the huge monster with a length of more than ten miles, what emerged from the dragon's eyes was the real fear.

The strength of the magic dragon is extremely powerful. Even now, his strength loss is extremely serious, but he has almost reached the level of a half-step ancestor god. In his heyday, it is even more unimaginable.As the Lord of the Nine Heavens, he could not be killed, but could only be sealed, but at this moment, the huge dragon body was imprisoned by a piece of paper, and the magic dragon completely lost its composure.

As a terrifying dragon that traverses the chaotic world and devours all souls, the dragon soul can't stop trembling at this moment.

"This is the holy book of Confucianism and Taoism, this is the holy book of Confucianism and Taoism, but how is it possible, how can there be such a terrifying existence in the mere Jiuchongtian, the world of violent women, this deity is an existence that even violent women can't kill, In his world, how could there be an existence beyond violent women?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it's real, this scene must be an illusion."

"Yes, it must be an illusion!"

The magic dragon couldn't accept the scene in front of him, so he could only choose to comfort himself. The scene in front of him was really an illusion, not reality.

Because the magic dragon knew that if the scene in front of him was really true, then he would surely die today.

Because at this moment, the only thing that can move in this world is that piece of paper, each one is terrified to the extreme, as if being pinched by an invisible big hand, as if holding his own throat, in the void, from Li Shan's body The speed of the falling paper seemed to be slowed down by more than ten times under the gazes of eyes. The speed of the falling was frighteningly slow.

However, until now.The slipping paper has not been completely unfolded, and no one can see the words on the paper.It was just this ordinary piece of paper, but it erupted with terrifying and indescribable power.

Here, there is no wind, no movement, and the silence is terrifying.

In silence, the paper in front of him continued to fall.The next moment, the paper slowly unfolded, revealing a clear character.

The moment Mingzi appeared, I wanted to paralyze myself. The scene in front of me was a hallucinatory dragon, and there was a touch of panic in the dragon's eyes, because Mingzi, at this moment, burst out with a terrifying divine light. The light instantly dispelled all the darkness in this void, and the body of the magic dragon, at the moment it was illuminated by this divine light, made a squeak, and the pure, extremely powerful magic energy on the magic dragon, Amidst the whistling sound, it was continuously evaporated, and amidst the light, the dragon was terrified to the extreme.

"No, this is not a hallucination, it is not a hallucination, how is it possible?"

Feeling the scene in front of him, Molong was completely frightened.Frightened, he wanted to roar, but the magic dragon found that he couldn't even open his mouth, and that force imprisoned everything.

"no no no"

"It's hard for me to tear the seal and escape to heaven. I must not die here. I'm not reconciled!"

"I am the Dragon God of the Devil Realm. My strength is comparable to that of gods and demons. I will not die. No one can kill me!"

At this moment, under the threat of death, the dragon's eyes instantly turned into blood. Tang Xue and the others, who looked terrified, felt that they had fallen into a boundless sea of ​​blood.

After the bright characters appeared, the paper continued to fall silently, and the next moment, the moon characters appeared.

On the paper, two complete characters appeared. The moment the word Mingyue appeared, a trace of panic appeared in the red dragon's eyes of the demon dragon.

"no no no"

The magic dragon who just wanted to struggle was completely frightened.Because the power of light in front of him disappeared, but the danger not only did not disappear, but became extremely terrifying. At this moment, the two divine symbols of Mingyue erupted with endless divine power and powerful awe-inspiring power. It turned into a bright moon in an instant.

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