While all of them looked hot, their hearts were also full of fear.

They knew it was a treasure, but when they thought of the scene just now, they were all shocked.

After more than a dozen breaths, Li Shan took a deep breath and said: "The master left this poem, it should have a deep meaning, and it won't hurt us. Let's put it away first, maybe it will be of great use."

At this moment, countless eyes fell on Li Shan. They looked at each other and nodded hurriedly. As for the idea of ​​keeping it for themselves, no one dared to have it.

Even Li Shan didn't dare.

But Li Shan knows that when the courage reaches the third stage, he can read the enemy's death. If he has a greedy heart, no matter how far he is from Li Yixi, he will surely die. Li Yixi dares to snatch Haoran's fortune people.

After reaching a consensus on this matter, Li Shan's eyes immediately became sharper, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "The Tianmo clan is looking for death. The thatched cottage may be built by an expert, and it will be the source of the rise of Confucianism and Taoism, but These evil spirits actually want to be destroyed, they are looking for death, tonight, clean up the entire [-] li around Jinling Immortal City."

As soon as Li Shan's voice fell, everyone nodded immediately.

"it is good!"

"I agree, if a master wants to promote Confucianism and Taoism, how can evil spirits stop him? We are pawns of a master, and it is our duty to remove obstacles."

Everyone nodded and shot together.

His eyes were extremely bright, and he felt that the opportunity to perform had come.

In the second heaven, countless strongholds of the Heavenly Demon clan were wiped out, and countless strong Heavenly Demons were killed.

Erchongtian, a no-man's land, at a glance, it is completely barren.

Not even a sign of life can be seen, no grass and trees, no rivers.

The mountains, rivers and land have long since dried up, and there are countless cracks on the ground. At the same time, there is a disgusting atmosphere here.

It was as if all breath of life had disappeared.

Even in the fringes, even Asuka would stop here.

There are countless corpses in the outer area. These bones are left by the beasts or strong men who broke into this place. This place is known as the death zone.

No one has ever come out of it alive.

In everyone's cognition, there is no life here, because in everyone's cognition, this place represents death, and there cannot be any life.

However, when Li Shan and others were hunting the demon, at the end of a bottomless crack in the core area of ​​the forbidden area of ​​death, a ferocious head appeared at this moment.

On that ferocious head, those eyes were as red as blood, containing the power to destroy the world.

"Damn it, who is it, who is destroying the power of the Undead Demon God?"

"Without these existences, it would be extremely difficult for the deity to get out of trouble completely."

"Finally woke up, absolutely can not continue to sleep."

"Otherwise, without the supply of Heavenly Demon Qi, the seal placed by the God of Nine Heavens will be strengthened again, and I will have absolutely no chance to get out of trouble."

"It's been 10 years, and the deity is going out."

"It seems that if you want to get out of trouble, you have to pay some price."

A thunderous sound resounded in the abyss, and the next moment, a forbidden force erupted, and at the end of the abyss, countless black chains were broken.

After a dozen or so breaths, the dry ground was instantly torn apart, and a huge and ferocious sharp claw stretched out, as if a demon had climbed out of hell.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and the next moment, another ferocious sharp claw stretched out, and the two sharp claws tore at both sides, a terrifying force completely tore the earth apart, and a huge canyon appeared, the next moment , A gigantic figure crawled out of the canyon there.

It was only at this moment that I could see its whole picture clearly. This is an extremely terrifying dragon with a body length of more than ten miles. At this moment, even if nine out of ten of the power is sacrificed, the strength has reached the realm of the ancestor god at this moment.

At the same time, the magic dragon escaped, and endless magic energy swarmed out. In an instant, all the stars in the void were covered by black magic energy.

A hundred miles away, Li Shan and the others who were fighting suddenly changed their colors, and everyone immediately thought of the forbidden place of death.

"It's so terrifying, what happened in the forbidden area of ​​death?"

At this moment, Li Shan also felt his scalp tingling.

"No, the rumor may be true!"

At the moment when everyone was solemn, Qing Yangzi said with disbelief, and the next moment, everyone's eyes fell on Qing Yangzi.

Qingyangzi felt that everyone's eyes were on him, and immediately explained: "I used to practice with the God, and I heard that the God said that the second heaven imprisoned a dragon, and the God said that the dragon was very powerful. , even God has no ability to kill it, only to seal it."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid the magic dragon broke the seal!"

At this moment, Qingyangzi said with a frightened expression on his face. His body was trembling at this moment. Qingyangzi knew the horror of the magic dragon. Even the Lord of the Second Heaven could not kill it. Seal it.

They are unmatched.

Everyone changed color after hearing Qingyangzi's words.

However, when everyone wanted to leave, suddenly, the void not far from them was torn apart by a brute force, and the next moment, endless demonic energy swarmed out.

In the place where the void was torn apart, an incomparably ferocious dragon head appeared, and a thunderous sound instantly exploded in everyone's ears.

"Damn it, you are the ones who are destroying the Heavenly Demons. These Heavenly Demons are the key to breaking the seal, but you drove them all to extinction. I had to sacrifice my own strength to break the seal."

"You all have to die. After killing you, maybe I can recover some of my cultivation."

As soon as the magic dragon appeared, it seemed like a terrifying demon god. The powerful and terrifying power instantly imprisoned the entire void. Even if Qingyangzi and the others were extremely powerful, at this moment, they found out in horror one by one that their At this moment, the body completely lost the ability to move.

It felt like this piece of void was imprisoned by the dragon in front of him.


Seeing the behemoth in front of them, at this moment, everyone's face was full of despair, and they all felt parched. The magic dragon in front of them gave them too much impact, not only the strength was beyond their imagination, but also the power The ferocity also made them feel hopeless.

The magic dragon imprisoned everyone in front of him. At this moment, disdain appeared in those blood-red eyes.

"Humble human beings, you dare to imprison me for countless years. Today, I swallowed you."

"But you will not be alone on the road to Huangquan. I will not let anyone go in this Nine Heavens Dojo."

"There is no need for this dojo world to exist anymore."

"go to hell!"

The extremely cold voice fell, and the next moment, the magic dragon, which was so powerful that no one could resist, stretched out an extremely ferocious dragon claw, and this dragon claw instantly grabbed everyone.

The huge dragon claws cover the sky and block out the sun, containing endless divine power, as if they can destroy the sun, moon and stars.

At this moment, everyone looked desperate, and at this moment, they felt like ants.

At the moment when the dragon claws grabbed it, gusts of wind came, and those winds were so terrifying that they tore apart the void in front of them.

It's like the end of the world.

Even if they forged a divine body, they still found that there were bloodstains on their bodies at this moment, and their bodies were about to collapse. However, this was still the divine power that the dragon claws had not yet approached.

"Are you going to die?"

"I can not be reconciled!"

At this moment, everyone looked desperate and their hearts were filled with unwillingness.

The next moment, the terrible wind directly tore the clothes on their bodies.

At this moment, a piece of paper fell from Li Shan's arms.

It was the poem Li Yixi wrote when he left.

At the moment when this piece of paper fell, one after another burst of awe-inspiring divine power, everyone who was about to be torn apart was shocked, because at this moment, everyone felt that the power to destroy the world disappeared, and the people in front of them That piece of paper seemed to be the center of the world.

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