Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 811 You have to brainwash them

Qingyangzi and Xiao Ya, who were almost frightened because of Li Yixi's domineering snatching of Haoran's heavenly, Confucian, and Taoist luck, suddenly saw Li Yixi's face, and the colorless Haoran's divine power burst out, turning into a day-by-day ghost in the void. Yue, completely shattered Haoran's backlash from Tiantian Dao, leaving the two of them stunned for a moment.



Qingyangzi and Xiao Ya's lips parted slightly at this moment, but they couldn't utter a single word. Their faces were filled with disbelief. There seemed to be a thunder in their minds. The scene in front of them shocked the hearts of both of them.

The two already knew that Li Yixi was extremely terrifying, but they didn't expect that Li Yixi would dare to unscrupulously break Haorantian's seal and rob Confucianism and Taoism luck.

Haorantian, that is a behemoth that completely surpasses the Nine Heavens. Even if the people of Haorantian walk in the chaotic world, they are unscrupulous, because the Lord of Haoran is too terrifying.

But he didn't expect that Li Yixi tyrannically robbed Haoran of Confucianism, Confucianism, Taoism, and luck. When the punishment came, Li Yixi's understatement actually resolved an irresolvable catastrophe.

Even that scene, very few people discovered it, only a few people discovered it, and the rest were all attracted by the golden light shining when Li Yixi was writing, and the vision of the radiance.

"How far has the expert practiced?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi's eyes widened, fixedly staring at the January [-]st slowly dissipating in the void, Qingyangzi's expression was completely replaced by panic at this moment.

At this moment, Xiao Ya felt that her heart almost jumped out of fright.

I wanted to talk, but found that my mouth was dry and my face was a little stiff.

After taking a deep breath, he said with difficulty.

"do not know."

"We are really ignorant. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, there are simple things about the plants and trees around the expert, and the words and deeds of the expert."

"Before the expert wanted to build a thatched cottage, I thought the expert was going to compete with Hao Rantian, but now I think that maybe we are all wrong."

"Perhaps from the perspective of an expert, Hao Rantian is just a child. Because of disappointment, he chooses to train someone."

"As for Erchongtian's thatched hut, it is very likely that the masters were dissatisfied with Haorantian and built it."

After Xiao Ya's voice fell, it was as if a dull thunder sounded in Qingyangzi's mind at this moment.

"Is this possible?"

Qingyangzi looked at Xiao Ya in shock, feeling that Xiao Ya had too much brain.

"How is it impossible?"

Xiao Ya said lightly.

When Qingyangzi heard this, a storm arose in his heart.

There was an instant silence.

"Is it impossible?"

"What is impossible?"

Qingyangzi heard the scenes around Li Yixi, and chose to shut up.

Because Li Yixi erased Hao Rantian's punishment in an understatement, which is already the best explanation.

"Go, go and read the words written by the young master." Xiao Ya ran over excitedly without saying a word. In this simple sentence, there was still the breath of the great wish technique. This sentence brings together strong luck.

"One word is worth a thousand dollars."

"Today, I finally understand this metaphor. This is not an exaggeration. This is the most appropriate adjective."

"This turned out to be a divine text, a divine text."

After seeing clearly, Qingyangzi was trembling with excitement.

Every divine script contains endless power and great principles. If you can comprehend one or two of them yourself, it will be a great fortune.

At the same time, in Haorantian at this moment, a figure showed a cold light in his eyes and a sinister look on his face.

At this moment, his eyes turned into shattered gold, and an imprisoned golden dragon appeared in front of his eyes.

However, at this moment, one of the golden dragon's claws has disappeared without a trace.

As if being torn apart by life, the golden dragon roared in pain.

The golden dragon was transformed by Haorantian's luck.

The man said with a malicious expression on his face: "Who is it that dares to break the seal unscrupulously and snatch Confucianism and Taoism luck?"

"Is this going against my grandeur?"

"I want you to bear the backlash from the power of Haoran heaven and earth."

As soon as the man's voice fell, Hao Rantian trembled suddenly, the way of heaven emerged, and his breath was extremely sluggish, which made the man's face extremely ugly, and his eyes could not help but narrow into a gap.

"What happened?"

Immediately shot to stabilize the breath of heaven, asked in a cold voice.

"God, there is an extremely terrible existence that has seriously injured me."

After Tiandao left a sound transmission, he fell into silence.

Choose to sleep and heal.

"The Dao of Heaven has been severely damaged. Who the hell is it? I will make you pay a painful price." The man's cold voice fell, and he began to calculate.

The man is the God of Haorantian, an immortal king of the era who has resisted the five declines of heaven and man.

Witnessed the destruction and rebirth of heaven and earth once.

Second day, in front of thatched cottage.

Li Yixi, everyone welcomes them into the cottage.

A banquet had already been prepared in the thatched cottage, and everyone sat down.

Li Shan said excitedly: "My lord, now that the thatched cottage is established, we will do our best to cultivate disciples, even if we put in all our efforts, we will make Confucianism and Taoism flourish and eliminate demons."

At this moment, Li Yixi, hearing this, had a smile on his eyes, and also saw a trace of sadness in Li Shan's brow. Li Yixi felt that he had to brainwash everyone, let these people have a fearless heart, and carry forward the thatched cottage. Facing Li Shandao: "Scholar, the most important thing is to be fearless."

At this moment, a force of cause and effect spread in the void, continuously heading towards Li Yixi.

At the end of the power of cause and effect is a big hand that covers the sky.

The faces of Qingyangzi and the others changed drastically at this moment, and they also felt the destructive aura.

When their soul power found the big hand that covered the sky, they all looked desperate. It was not something they could resist, like the wrath of the sky.

They are like ants.

At this moment, when the crisis of death was about to come, all eyes fell on Li Yixi in an instant. They knew that if Li Yixi couldn't resist, then he would definitely die today.

At this moment, Li Yixi, as if he didn't notice it, was chatting and laughing with Li Shan, and laughed loudly: "Some people say that the heavens can be reversed, and they have the ambition to break the sky."

"We also need to have a foolish woman in Kuaiji who despises his ministers. Yu Yi resigned from his family and went to Qin. He looked up to the sky and laughed and went out. How can we be invincible and everything is possible in Penghao people?"

"With a firm heart, everything can be broken."

When Li Yixi spoke, there was passion on his face, Li Yixi's broken words contained indescribable domineering.

A broken word exploded in everyone's minds.

At this moment, invisibly, a domineering force is criss-crossing.

The power of cause and effect spreading from the void instantly collapsed.

The big hand that covered the sky and the sun originally came with endless killing intent, but at this moment, under a broken word, the big hand shattered, turned into a strong mighty force, and fell into the hut.


At this moment, all the people present were dumbfounded, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief and fanaticism.

And the joy of narrow escape.

Seeing this scene, Li Yixi smiled confidently, feeling that everyone in front of him had been successfully brainwashed by him.

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