"I don't know, but the person who comes here must be extremely honorable, otherwise the empress wouldn't come to greet her in person."

"And as far as I know, the academy in front of me was established under the supervision of the empress herself, and if the empress can supervise it personally, I think it is very likely that someone above Haoran will come, and maybe he will preach in the second heaven and promote Confucianism and Taoism. .”

"It is rumored that Confucianism and Taoism can restrain the power of heavenly demons. I don't know if we have the opportunity to enter it to practice."

The man's face was hot at the moment, and he wanted to see who the person who came to this place today was.

In this place today, in a short period of time, many people have gathered, most of them are practitioners of literature and Taoism. They are all very curious, wanting to know who is the priest of this academy, and who is preaching here.

The next moment, a phoenix cry sounded in the void, and the eyes of one after another were attracted by the sound of the phoenix cry in the void.



Those who have never practiced before saw the white phoenix in the void when they looked up, and their eyes were full of excitement. In their eyes, the phoenix represented auspiciousness, and countless people knelt directly On the ground, bow down to the void and pray for blessings.


However, compared with ordinary people, those cultivators could not help but sweat beads on their foreheads after hearing Fengming at this moment, because they knew very well that Baifeng was a fierce beast, extremely violent, a If you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

"The master is here!"


"If anyone makes a mistake, the consequences will be serious.

The empress and others in front of the thatched cottage heard the sound of the phoenix, and their eyes showed excitement. They knew very well that Li Yixi was the only one who could make the Feng clan willing to be a mount. , the empress at this moment turned around and gave a warning.

The strong men in the fairy court behind the empress felt that the white phoenix was getting closer, and they all turned pale. They were very afraid of the phoenix family.

In front of the grass hut, Bai Feng fell slowly, and Wang Lin, Xiao Zhan and others also fell one after another.

"Tang Xue greets the young master!"

"The thatched hut has been built. I don't know if you think something is wrong?" The empress, who is usually aloof, showed a smile on her face at this moment, as if she was afraid that things were not done well enough. Jump wildly, they know how domineering the empress is usually.

"Is this person the one the Empress is waiting for?"

"With the white phoenix as the mount, who is it?"

"Furthermore, the Empress is so polite, and her status is probably beyond imagination. However, why can't I feel a trace of cultivation in him? It's weird. Could it be that I can't see through it?"

The eyes of the people around fell on Li Yixi in an instant, all of them were incomparably curious.

After jumping down, Li Yixi saw that the empress was about to salute, so she hurriedly supported the empress Tang Xue, and said with a smile: "Originally, I meant to build a thatched hut, but your thatched hut is simply too exquisite, worthy of being an immortal." s method."

"Where can I find anything wrong!"

When he was in the void, Li Yixi just glanced at it, and he had already captured the whole view of the thatched cottage. Li Yixi could only describe it as exquisite.

"My lord, I have to trouble you to write an inscription for the thatched cottage."

Empress Tang Xue said hurriedly at this moment.

Li Yixi's gaze also fell on the table outside the thatched hut, which had already been prepared.

"Write couplets?"

Li Yixi muttered in his heart, seeing everyone's eyes on him, Li Yixi was not polite, he slowly picked up the pen, pondered for a moment, and felt that it must be forceful, Li Yixi thought, " Establish a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations."

As Li Yixi wrote each word, everyone outside the thatched cottage felt their scalps go numb at the next moment. The ink was obviously black, but as Li Yixi wrote, they all found out in horror, The words written by Li Yixi turned out to be golden, with dazzling golden light shining on each stroke.

At the same time, as the number of words continued to increase, a multicolored glow rose into the sky above the rice paper in front of my eyes.

"this this"

Those powerhouses in the Central Immortal Courtyard stared at each other with disbelief on their faces at the moment. They never thought that such a terrifying scene would appear in front of them.

"What the hell is this expert writing? It's so bright. How is this possible?"

The prime minister of Xianting, his legs trembling at the moment, muttered to himself in disbelief.

This scene had a great impact on him.

Xiao Ya, Qingyangzi and the others were more shocked than these people at this moment, because they knew more, Qingyangzi's legs trembled, and he said in disbelief: "The sun is soaring into the sky, senior, are you making a wish for all living beings?"

"The sky is shining brightly. This is the legendary Great Wish Art. How is it possible that an expert has mastered the Great Wish Art. The fate will not come out, and the wish will be honored."

"No, once the great wish technique comes out, it will inevitably cause changes in the world. It is rumored that Haoran has sealed Confucianism and Taoism, and gathered all the luck of Confucianism and Taoism on Haoran. , it will inevitably let the Confucian and Taoist luck of Haoran go away, and it will inevitably attract the attention of Haoran, this is a provocation."

"In case the existence above Haoran is furious, how can we bear it!"

Thinking of this encounter, Qing Yangzi felt his scalp tingling at this moment.

"Brother Qingyang, what's wrong?"

Xiao Ya with an excited face, her eyes fell on Qing Yangzi, she couldn't help asking, with a suspicious look on her face, at this moment, Li Yixi's writing is shining brightly, this is a great thing, this is a blessing from heaven, I don't know why Qing Yangzi Yoko will be so expressive.

Xiao Ya didn't pay too much attention to these things on weekdays, she didn't know that Confucianism and Daoism were gathered above Haoran.

Li Yixi's behavior is to snatch luck, the method is too rough and domineering.

Hearing Xiao Ya's words, Qingyangzi's legs felt weak, and he said in a trembling voice: "It's too bad, the master is praying for blessings with the Great Wish Technique. It's a good thing, it can gather Confucianism and Taoism luck, but Confucianism and Taoism Qi Luck was gathered in Hao Ran Tian by Hao Ran, an expert is robbing the power of Qi Luck, Hao Ran Tian will inevitably punish him.

Although our strength is strong, how can we stop the punishment from Haorantian. "

Hearing these words, Xiao Ya's face changed greatly at this moment.

Because at this moment, in the void, a black cloud enveloped in an instant, and the black cloud surged, making everyone look uneasy.

Because in the black cloud, there is a terrifying aura.

Qingyangzi and Xiao Ya's colors changed instantly.

"not good!"

"Hao Rantian's backlash reward!"

At this moment, Qingyangzi's voice trembled in shock.

At this moment, Li Yixi was just writing, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to Li Shan: "There are suns and moons in the future, and the merits are in Heyuan."

Li Yixi smiled the most. The moment his voice fell, the colorless and mighty divine power on the rice paper erupted, turning into a day and a month in the void. The originally dark sky was instantly scattered by the light of the sun and the moon, and the sun shone again. As if nothing had ever happened.

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