Li Shan, who was shocked, just recovered from the shock.

He heard the surrounding discussions.

A young man said excitedly at this moment: "Wow, so handsome, is this the disciple of Bisheng Pavilion?"


"I must gather my talents and practice Confucianism and Taoism."

"Standing up to the sky, writing to slay demons!"

It was as if the stunning sword just now remained forever in his heart.

At this moment, Li Shan found that not only the young people around him were full of yearning, but also the girls not far away were also full of nympho, and some practitioners were also full of yearning.

At this moment, Li Shan couldn't help but said: "As expected of Confucianism and Taoism, not only is it powerful, but its strength is also strong. The use of talents at this moment is almost the same as mine."

At this moment, Li Shan, thinking of his previous attack in front of Li Yixi's manor, felt a little ashamed, and his pretense was far inferior to that of the previous youth.

Li Shan saw that the danger had been lifted, and with a look of curiosity on his face, his figure disappeared instantly, and he chased after the white-clothed figure in the direction where he left.

The scholar didn't go far before he sensed Li Shan's whereabouts. After all, Li Shan was not malicious at this moment, and he didn't hide his whereabouts. I don’t know what senior has to order!”

Li Shan was stunned again at this moment, he didn't expect that Lu Tian in front of him would even salute with such a standard, which made Li Shan involuntarily want to learn.

But Li Shan knew his purpose, looked at Lu Tian with fiery eyes and said, "Are you Xiao Zhan's disciple?"

"My Li Shan comes from Shengxian Village, but he has been ascending to the Upper Realm for a long time."

When Lu Tian heard Li Shan call Xiao Zhan by his name, he frowned slightly, but when he heard that Li Shan came from the upper realm, he immediately relaxed his brows, thinking that he might really know Xiao Zhan.

Lu Tian was also very shocked at the moment, and hurriedly said: "It turns out that the senior is from the upper realm, and the junior is being rude, but the junior is not a disciple of the old man of the pen sage, but has only heard the master pen sage discuss the Tao."

"It can be regarded as the registered disciple of Master Pen Saint!"

"However, if senior wants to see Master Pen Saint, I'm afraid he will have to wait for a while. Master Pen Saint has entered a foreign land to fight alone, and he doesn't know if he will return!"

At this moment, Li Shan heard that Xiao Zhan was not there, so he was not in a hurry. After all, Li Shan knew that since Lu Tian was not Xiao Zhan's disciple, he should not be accurate enough about Xiao Zhan's whereabouts.

Li Shan said curiously: "Lu Tian, ​​I didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power in your body, but I'm curious, how did you manage to fly in the sky?"

At this moment, Li Shan immediately asked the doubts in his heart, and Li Shan was really puzzled.

Hearing Li Shan's words, Lu Tian was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and said respectfully: "Senior, you have been ascending to the fairy world for a long time, otherwise, it is impossible not to know that Lu Tian is a practitioner of Confucianism and Taoism. Naturally, one does not cultivate spiritual power, but the power of grandeur, which is commonly referred to as talent."

"Under the guidance of the Confucian ancestor (Li Yixi), Bi Sheng and others established the Haoran Holy Land, where Confucianism and Taoism prospered, and spread the word to the world. Now the Xuanhuang world is flourishing, and Confucianism and Taoism are flourishing. The reason why I can fly is because my talent has grown." I have broken through to the realm of rising steadily, so I can walk in the air."

"I can also use my talents to use the poetry of killing enemies to kill demons and eliminate demons."

Hearing this, Li Shan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Confucianism and Taoism had reached such a level. It seemed that he had reached a realm that he didn't know. Suddenly, Li Shan felt extremely ashamed. As Li Yixi, he appointed It is preached to the world that the sacrifice wine in the thatched hut of the first heaven does not even know the most basic realm of Confucianism and Taoism.

"Senior, do you have anything else to ask?" Seeing that Li Shan was stunned, Lu Tian couldn't help asking.

Li Shan was a little ashamed, and hurriedly said: "No more, you should be busy, I'll meet my old friend!"

"Yes, senior!"

After Lu Tian respectfully saluted, he left in the sky.Seeing the disappearing Lu Tian, ​​Li Shan was shocked at this moment. As a powerful being, Li Shan couldn't help but gasped, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have failed.

Li Shan didn't stop there, and went directly to Shengxian Village.

However, when Li Shan came to Shengxian City, he found that Shengxian Village had completely changed and expanded several times.

Moreover, the name of the current Shengxian Village has been changed to the three-character Shengxian Pavilion.

"What the hell?"

Seeing the name in front of him, Li Shanzhen was shocked.

At this moment, a figure flitted out, and its sharp eyes fixed on Li Shan, but then his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "Li Shan, have you descended to the realm?"

Hearing this person's words, Li Shan hastily saluted respectfully.

"Li Shan, I have met the master!"

This person is the former head of the Sage Zhuang family.

The head of the family found out that it was really Li Shan, and smiled, "Li Shan, I didn't expect it was really you, and I thought I was delusional?"

"Go, go in and talk!"

The head of Shengxian Village hurriedly spoke out at this moment, and walked into the Three-character Shengxian Pavilion side by side with Li Shan.

Li Shan couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Master, why did our Shengxian Village change to the three-character Shengxian Pavilion?"

Hearing Li Shan's words, the head of the family became excited, and explained: "Because our Shengxian Village has received the three-character scripture taught by the young master, the three-character scripture is extremely terrifying, and the three-character scripture can easily give birth to talents. The reason why the Xuanhuang World The prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism is inseparable from the Three Character Classic."

"The Three-Character Classic was handed down by an expert. The reputation of the Three-Character Classic has already surpassed our Shengxianzhuang, and our Shengxianzhuang is the preacher of the Three-Character Classic. Therefore, in order to remember the great kindness of the expert, we changed our name to the Three-Character Shengxian Court."

Hearing this, Li Shan suddenly realized. As he chatted, Li Shan became more and more shocked by the current Xuanhuang world, and also had a preliminary understanding of Confucianism and Taoism.

Unexpectedly, Confucianism and Taoism now have a complete realm.

At this moment, the master couldn't help asking: "Li Shan, what's the matter with you suddenly descending into the realm?"

Hearing this, Li Shan's face became serious, and he explained to the head of the Shengxian Pavilion: "I came with the will of a master, and the master said that scholars should set up their hearts for the world and their lives for the people." , to inherit the unique learning for the past saints, and to bring peace to all generations. The master wants Confucianism and Taoism to rise in the fairy world, so I went down to the world to seek help."

Li Shan's voice fell, and at this moment, when the head of the Shengxian Pavilion heard that he "established his heart for the world, established his life for the people, inherited his knowledge for the past, and opened peace for all generations", his eyes showed disbelief.

As if hearing the words of a sage, he couldn't help but tremble.

There was disbelief in those eyes.

He muttered to himself: "Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations."

At this moment, he was directly stunned.

After a long time, the head of the Shengxian Pavilion said in shock: "It turns out that this is the purpose of Confucianism and Taoism."

"As expected of an expert, I have been confused these days, but now, I know my way and how to get there!"

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