Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 801 Is Confucianism and Taoism prevalent here?

These people never imagined that Li Yixi had already made arrangements for the world.

It seems that even if you arrive in this world one step earlier, you will be invaded by foreign demons.

"When did senior know the future?" Xiao Ya gasped for a moment, thinking of Li Yixi's figure, she felt so terrifying.

After everyone heard Xiao Ya's words, they also agreed. At this moment, Li Yixi is mysterious and powerful, completely beyond their cognition. They never imagined that one person can be so powerful.

"Young master's strength is unpredictable. Knowing the past, present and future, it is our honor to follow you. We can do our own thing well."

"You don't need to think so much, if you think too much, the loss outweighs the gain!"

At this moment, Tian Zhen, seeing the terrifying expressions on their faces, couldn't help but speak out.Tian Zhen, as the master of the Dao in Li Yi's past world, seems to be persuading with good words, but in fact he is also warning these existences.

Li Shan on the side also smiled and said: "It is a great honor to be a chess piece for an expert to preach the world. Everyone, please leave. When I return, I hope that the thatched cottage has been completed."

"The matter of the thatched cottage depends entirely on you!"

At this moment, Li Shan bowed to everyone.

"Li Daoyou, you can go anyway. We will give you full authority over the thatched cottage. When you come back, we will give you a satisfactory thatched cottage." At this moment, the empress Tang Xue stepped forward and said with a serious expression, which is considered a promise. this matter.

"Okay, fellow daoists, see you in the future!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Li Shan smiled, and went directly with Tian Zhen and Du Zhengyan. The Xuanhuang Great World was under the Xiaoyao Immortal Realm, so it was naturally the lower realm of the Xiaoyao Xianyu.

In the courtyard, Li Yixi was smiling at the corner of his mouth.

I am very satisfied with today's results. I didn't expect that I would get an honorary wine offering in the fairy world. This is an academy with a fairy garden background.

"I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone!"

"Sure enough, if people are more open-minded, the road ahead will be clear."

"Now, with the addition of senior brother Kunlun Zong, I am also a person of status."

At this moment, Li Yixi couldn't help but smile on the corner of his mouth, feeling very happy in his heart.

Dahei in the corner had a speechless expression at the moment, he could only pretend he didn't see it, and thought to himself, "Master is playing the role of a mortal, and he really got into the drama."

"It's hopeless!"

With a mutter, continue to sleep, not paying attention.

Xuanhuang Great World, Zhongtianyu.

A vortex suddenly appeared in the void, and a figure walked out of the vortex, it was Li Shan who descended from the fairy world.

"Here, if I remember well, it's Jiang Zhongcheng."

In Jiangzhong City, the streets are very lively, with people coming and going.

A bustling scene.

Li Shan knows that it seems that he has not been away for a long time, but in fact, the Xuanhuang Great World has undergone great changes. Li Shan is not in a hurry to go directly to Shengxian Village, nor to the Southern Tianyu to meet Xiao Zhan and Tang. Silver et al.


Walking, walking, Li Shan couldn't help being stunned, because Li Shan found a statue, which turned out to be the statue of Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan held a pen in his hand, as if he was writing about the common people, and at this moment, Li Shan, standing next to the statue, Next, I also saw two words, pen saint.

"Pen saint!"

"This Xiao Zhan, it's really interesting, he's even called a saint."

"Although I haven't ascended to the Nine Heavens, I'm afraid my strength is not bad. Otherwise, how could I be worshiped by so many people and be hailed as a saint?"

"Holy, not everyone is qualified!"

When Li Shan was sighing, suddenly, the void split open, and an incomparably hideous figure appeared, exuding an extremely strange aura. As soon as he appeared, his eyes became blood red, and Li Shan's eyes turned red from his eyes. It can be seen that this strange creature has fallen into madness.

The aura was also extremely powerful, Li Shan couldn't help his eyelids twitching, and wanted to make a move, but at this moment, Li Shan found strangely that the crowd at this moment seemed to be scattered, but they were orderly and there was no panic The look on his face seemed to be familiar to this scene.

This scene was completely beyond Li Shan's surprise.

Li Shan, who was about to make a move, couldn't help hesitating for a moment.

However, at the moment when Li Shan was hesitating, in the void, he saw a holy power spreading, dressed in white, with a gentleman's sword hanging on his waist, and on the spike of the sword, there was a piece of jade pendant that moved with the wind, While walking, the jade pendant struck the scabbard from time to time, making pleasant sounds.

As soon as this person appeared, those slightly disturbed people calmed down instantly. Li Shan found that the moment that person appeared, it seemed that today's crisis had been resolved.

Li Shan looked surprised, this has not been shot yet, why are these ordinary people so determined.

When Li Shan was puzzled, the strange creature with blood-red and ferocious eyes showed a look of horror at this moment.

Li Shan found that the person who came from the sky did not draw a sword. The sword at his waist seemed to be an ornament. Li Shan found with his eyes that the long sword at this person's waist was indeed an ornament A blunt sword that has never been sharpened.

At this moment, a pen appeared in the young man's hand, using the void as paper, he started to write, and at the same time he muttered: "Zhao Keman Huying, Wu hook is frosty and snowy. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, and it rustles like shooting stars. Killing a person in ten steps will not stop you for a thousand miles. When the matter is over, brush off your clothes and hide yourself and your name."

The words fell one by one, and the next moment, the terrifying talent was condensed into a long sword. The long sword carried holy power, and instantly murdered that strange creature.

The ferocity in the eyes of that ferocious strange creature disappeared without a trace at this moment, and all that was left was panic. It rose into the air and was about to flee, but the long sword pierced through the air, and its body was pierced by the talented long sword.That holy talent instantly destroyed his body, as if nothing had happened.

The white-clothed figure in the void walked away at this moment without saying a word, as if he really didn't care about merit and fame.


"This is a method of Confucianism and Taoism. I remember this poem was written by an expert."

"In the hands of this person, there is such a terrifying power. I have never seen what is that strange creature."

"Talent, Confucianism!"

"When did this mysterious and yellow world become so terrifying? I didn't find any fluctuations of spiritual power in this person's body, but he was able to fly in the air. He didn't become a fairy, and he didn't control it. How does the power of law work?"

"And, even wearing a mask."

"Judging from the age of his bones, this person is not very old. Such a young man should be dedicated to killing demons and eliminating demons, so as to become famous all over the world. How strange!"

At this moment, Li Shan suddenly felt that he, who had walked out of the mysterious and yellow world, had become a stranger to the mysterious and yellow world.

"Could it be that Confucianism and Taoism are already prevalent in this mysterious and yellow world?"

Thinking of Li Yixi, at this moment Li Shan's heart was in a turbulent state.

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