Sensing the supreme sword intent contained in the picture scroll, Qing Yangzi's expression was disbelief at this moment, and he was beyond shocked.

Supreme Saber Intent, if he masters it, his strength can definitely be improved in the shortest time.

At this moment, there was a hint of greed in Qingyangzi's eyes.

But the next moment, the greedy Qingyangzi woke up suddenly, as if he had been struck by a thunder, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Damn it, I actually developed a greedy heart. The little phoenix in front of me is indeed not strong, but her status is too noble, but a disciple of a master, if I dare to spy on the treasure in the hands of a disciple of a master, I will definitely die !"

"Is this also a test?"

"Perhaps this is a test for me by an expert. He wants Xiao Fenghuang to lure me with the Supreme Saber Intent, to see if my Dao heart is firm, and if I am also that kind of greedy person."

"After all, Little Phoenix's strength is too weak. If I want to make a move, Little Phoenix has no ability to resist."

"Furthermore, with the existence of such an expert, how could he give this scroll containing the supreme sword intent to the little phoenix who is good at the way of fire? The little phoenix should practice the way of fire, not the way of sword."

"This is where the flaw lies. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the expert doing this?"

"Furthermore, as a disciple of an expert, how could Little Phoenix not know that the scroll in his hand is a treasure?"

"Little Fenghuang knows that the picture scroll in her hand is extremely precious, so how could she ask me, a strong practitioner of the Dao of the Sword, to enlighten her a little bit. This is definitely a temptation."

"In this courtyard, it's so scary. Tests are everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be in bad luck."

"Sure enough, if you want to get a chance, you must have a corresponding heart."

After thinking clearly about the whole story, Qing Yangzi's face was terrified at this moment, and a turbulent wave was set off in his heart. Thinking of his previous self, a trace of greed appeared in his heart, and he felt chills all over his body.

It was as if it had been thrown into a thousand-year ice cave.

Qingyangzi, who had come to his senses, met Little Phoenix's gaze at this moment.

Little Phoenix stared at Qingyangzi with fiery eyes and said, "Senior, what did you discover?"

"Can you tell me about your discovery? These days, I have studied for a long time, but I haven't found anything, but this thing is really a treasure. I once took it around the city. The character in the movie actually came back to life, and killed an extremely terrifying existence with a wave of his hand."

"At that moment, I felt the extremely powerful profound meaning, but after that, I couldn't feel it anymore. I don't know why!"

Qingyangzi felt Xiaofenghuang's gaze, and confirmed even more that Xiaofenghuang came to test himself.

After all, in Qingyangzi's view, Li Yixi is a peerless master, how could his disciple not know what his way of cultivation is, and if Little Phoenix really has doubts, just ask Li Yixi, why did he come here? Ask yourself this underdog.

Qingyangzi didn't dare to underestimate the little phoenix in front of him, and explained with a dignified expression: "Fairy Fengwu, I feel an extremely powerful saber intent in this picture scroll, I think you may not have realized it all the time, that's because of you The avenue of cultivation is different from the powerful true meaning contained in the scroll, so you cannot perceive the true meaning contained in the scroll."

"Is it the way of the knife?"

When Xiao Fenghuang heard Qingyangzi's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"Thank you senior for the pointer!"

Little Phoenix bowed to Qingyangzi and left with the scroll in front of him.

It wasn't until Little Phoenix completely disappeared that Qingyangzi withdrew his reluctant gaze.

For Qingyangzi, the scroll in Little Phoenix's hand is really important, as long as he gets it, then there is no resistance to stepping into the realm of gods.

And once he controls the Supreme Saber Intent, Qingyangzi is also a strong man in the realm of gods.

After all, that is the Supreme Saber Intent.

Qing Yangzi, who woke up from the shock, suddenly moved his nose, and Qing Yangzi felt an extremely attractive smell, which entered his nose.

When she turned her head to look at Doudou, at this moment Qingyangzi found that Doudou had already started cooking honey steak.

At this moment, Qingyangzi's eyes showed excitement, because Qingyangzi felt the incomparably rich chaotic divine power.

"smell good!"

As the breeze blew, everyone in the pavilion also smelled the smell of honey steak.

A pair of eyes instantly became extremely bright, and they locked on Doudou who was cooking from a distance.

At this moment, Li Yixi was secretly happy when he saw the shocked faces of the crowd.

"Ha ha!"

"Sure enough, these practitioners are easy to grab their stomachs."

"What's more, Doudou is a master chef."

"After today, I'm afraid these guys won't forget the delicacy here. They should come to visit again and again, and I will have the opportunity to make friends with them."

"Survival in this world is nothing more than human sophistication."

"Hold people softly, cannibalize people with short mouths."

"It's much more convenient to go to them for help when you encounter trouble in the future."

Li Yixi in the pavilion smiled for a moment, and Li Yixi was very satisfied with the result.

At this moment, Li Yixi smiled and said: "This is honey steak, everyone has a good meal today, I believe everyone will never forget this delicious food."

"I have countless delicacies here, but it's a pity that some ingredients are missing."

Li Yixi introduced honey steak to everyone with a confident face.

Doudou is not only a master chef, his cooking skills are superb, but Li Yixi has seasonings that are not available in this world. The taste here is naturally something that these people can't find outside.

However, after Li Yixi's voice fell, the faces of the people in the pavilion changed. The fear of Li Yixi disappeared instantly, replaced by excitement. At this moment, after hearing Li Yixi's words, they were extremely excited.

At this moment, Xiao Ya had seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and immediately asked, "Young master, I don't know what delicacies you have here, and what ingredients are you missing?"

"Although I don't have superb cooking skills, my family has countless ingredients. Even if I don't have them, I can still find them for you."

"After all, I am here with you, but I can taste delicious food, no matter how hard I work!"

After hearing Xiao Ya's words, the people around cursed secretly.

I felt that I was too stupid to be seized by Xiao Ya, but everyone around me couldn't help saying: "My lord, there are so many of us looking for some ingredients, no matter how precious they are, there is a way. , I don’t know what ingredients the young master lacks, and I am willing to help.”

At this moment, everyone looked at Li Yixi with fiery faces, and couldn't wait to get the mission from Li Yixi.

In the eyes of everyone, being able to get a mission from Li Yixi means that a heaven-defying opportunity is within reach.

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